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Everything posted by NIVillan

  1. Carew was in a similar position at Lyon before we swapped him for Baros. He loved the support from the Villa crowd and he bloody frustrated as much as he delighted us but we loved him all the same
  2. How long did it take Benteke to score after being sent off against Spurs last season? Liverpool paid only 16 million for him and with his stock being low we could get him for a good price. We have played the safe option for far too long, I would say we are in the position where we take a gamble if the price is right.
  3. If Benteke had gone to Liverpool rather than Villa he would not be the player he is today. Their fans would not given him the 2 thirds of the season to find his shooting boots. Last season we were patient as he did nothing until Feb. Bring Mario to Villa, put an arm around him, make him feel loved and he will produce. He is a big kid and just wants to feel wanted. Probably perform better being the main man at a less high profile club like Le Tiss at Southampton, De Canio at West Ham. We have not had anyone unpredictable since Merson and Carbone
  4. No he didn't, Rogers did with bad management. He looked the most dangerous forward when he came on against us in the semi
  5. If being serious rather gamble on Mario than the others
  6. I would consider a cheeky bud to get Mario B from Liverpool. Timmy might just be able to get him to play. A front line of Mario, Ade and Berba is sure to scare a defense, three nutters coming at them
  7. We must do. I remember being stuffed 4-0 and one of the most worst displays I have seen in a final. I am quite happy to have a clearout and get a new team in, and I am also happy to get a player that may play in Grealish's position who is currently a better player. I want Grealish to become Villa's Bale but he has done nothing to earn an automatic slot.
  8. One of the first passes that went to him went under his foot, Primary school boy mistake. One of the only ones who wanted to have a go? His name was largely absent from the commentary for a reason.
  9. I will be going against the tide on this BUT Grealish is a Talent but has he really done anything to justify these expectations? I do not see him this season as being one of the main players and if he starts 10-15 games he has done well. So far he has played a few games and had one exceptional game (Semi vs Liverplop) but apart from that just showed promise. He was one of the worst players in the Final though he had quite a bit of competition for that. Going back we had players such as Shaw, Walters, Daley who made a bigger impact at that age. Even Stefan Moore played a blinder in his first start. I am happy if we buy players that will compete for Grealish's spot on the team as it hopefully make him fight harder and become a better player.
  10. I do not think we are as desperate as the boggies to prove we have actually made a signing.
  11. Zlatan has said his next move will be a big suprise and we do seem to be buying the best of each team in Ligue 1
  12. Guess Leicester will have to also give James Chester abuse as he also ignored the pull of the biggest club in Leciestershire.
  13. Stop your messing around.. Better think of your future..
  14. The last Spurs reject we had (Timmy) appears to be proving me wrong and doing okay so lets see where this takes us. Remember being excited we had bought Adrian Heath but he only lasted something like three games but he wasn't missed in the end
  15. I think he is because we need goals from more sources. Lets say our target is 45 goals, Leicester scored 46 last year and finished 14th. Where are those goals going to come from? Lets assume defenders chip in with 6 or so. That means we still need 40. If Ayew and Ade sign and have a good season we should be able to realistically expect 25-30 goals from the forward line (Inc. Gabby, Libor). But even then we still need somewhere in the region of 10-15 goals from our midfield. I can’t see our DMs (Sánchez, Westward and Gueye) scoring too many so its Gill, Grealish, Sinclair. So for me someone like Praet would be a priority. Imagine what it was like in the 70's. (Bit off topic, I am too young to remember ish) "I heard we have a new midfield player, he's a bit young though" "What's his name?" "Dunno, Cowans or something, he's really skinny and I just can't see it working" "Typical Villa, what are they doing down there FFS." No youtube clips or anything, then we go and see him play, it must have been like *******ing Christmas. Not really as Cowans came through our Youth System so we knew about him. If you said Bremner then I can understand especially as he was around 28 when we signed him. Usually the good midfielders in Scotland moved before that age. Selling Andy Gray and John Gidman back then seemed like the end of the world but two years later we were champions
  16. Pedro is only 22 mil release clause : We have the money
  17. Yeeeahh a new signing for my Birthday!
  18. He plays well when fighting for a contract so bringing him in just to the end of the season and telling him we will discuss renewal then could be a masterstroke. I dint like him that much but he does know how to stick the ball in the net more than our current bunch of strikers
  19. i think Tekkers has been respectful, including watching all the preseason games in portugal and not appearing all over the press saying he wants a move etc. He also gave us three seasons which is more than oldler heros like Big Alan Macanally and wasn't Hitchens only here for a couple of seasons? Hope he goes onto success just not at Liverpool!
  20. Reminds me when Platt left and Atkinson went and used the money to buy virtually a whole new team. I think 8 players came in that season and we went from just missing relegation on last day of the season to 6th.
  21. Well Barcelona are paying their respects and homage to the Villa Boys of 72-73(I think) with a Yellow Away Top and Blue Shorts.
  22. Always remember him getting sent off against Morroco in 86 World Cup. I had to sneaky stay up and have TV turned down low so I didn't wake the rest of the house. He threw the ball away in disgust from what I can remember.
  23. Yes because the circumstances were entirely different. Yes. In those days 6th place was the norm. The Norm I would expect over a period of ten years not 2-3. Our average is 7/8th over history so I never saw what Houllier said a crime.
  24. But when he asked where Villa should be he said Top 10 (admit he said quite comfortable). I seem to remember Houllier getting lots of stick for saying that. Good Appointment. From what I have heard about Wilkins he takes an interest in the whole playing staff so it is also a good appointment for our youth development as well.
  25. Yes can only think of one mistake Saunders made in the transfer market and that was Tommy Craig What about Alun Evans?
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