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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. I really hope he stays but if he does go then it doesn't really matter to which team does it? If its a premier league side then he'll play against us whether it's Liverpool or Bournemouth.
  2. Signed a 4 year deal Edit: Link http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~4729463,00.html
  3. Can I just say what a lovely thread this is, thanks.
  4. Not sure he's better than Guzan to be honest.
  5. Yeah they could be lying or telling truth...
  6. Hutton needs to play right back only, if Richardson is out we need to play Lowton or Aly. Okore still needs time but the way he rushes into midfield blindly reminds me of David Luiz. Vlaar isn't the rock he used to be.
  7. Hutton isn't a lb, okore is shit, Vlaar can't pass back properly and given is awful
  8. No release clause that is known. I remember PF stating that Villa don't believe in release clauses not long before CB signed a new contract. Ok theres a definite release clause then.
  9. These are simply Gil-arious!
  10. Jinnnnnnnnnnnnnnxed!
  11. I've just realised this probably means Tony Adams want's to sack Sherwood and put himself in the role!.. I'm gonna take a cold shower I think I'm being dramatic!... please tell me I am
  12. Not sure what to make of this, it's probably an Arsenal distraction tactic for the cup
  13. Boy was I wrong about Lambert! I was happy with Tim's appointment but I thought Lambert was treated unfairly... Happy to say I've got egg all over my face.
  14. Can we please please please get the old vote system back, I wanna berate the shite officials once again! Every game now, it'll relegate us!
  15. Don't agree. Yes, the division survives obviously but as nobody beat Jones, the future champs will be tainted until/if he comes back. Best thing would have been a colossal beat-down handed out by Rumble What do you think of Johnny Hendrix and his wars with Robbie Lawler?
  16. Not at all, the best thing to happen to the LH division, what a fight this is going to be plus Gustaffson can maybe get back into things. The division will be healthy.
  17. Can we have the old polls backs so we can give refereeing ratings? Unless I'm missing the option, but sadly I don't speak French.
  18. It's unbelievable that these decisions are still being made. Imagine if we went down by a point... Even though that penalty decision would have put us 3-2. I'm furious!
  19. I think I aged about ten years watching that! Thank fooook!
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