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Everything posted by ME

  1. ME

    General Chat

    Well mayyyyyybe it's just getting all of the cold out so at the end of May (when I'm there) it will get awesome. Yeah, that's it.
  2. ME

    General Chat

    Hot here. Hot as ****. Not warm, swelteringly, oppressively hot. The other man's grass is always greener. I think we all tend to assume that people who grow up in a particular climate naturally feel comfortable in it. Clearly not so, in either case. I am kinda odd about this. You are right Mike, but I actually do feel comfortable in the heat. I hate it when our weather doesn't get as hot as it should. We are going through some kind of weird cool spell....it's May!! I WANT my hot summer days already. Still the average person around here hates it hot. Everyone else is enjoying only getting into the 60's and 70's. Which is around 15-21 for you guys....I think? I will be in Brum soon so I suppose I will just be thankful for what I've got.
  3. ME

    Ice rink

    This is the theme tune - I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees. Memories of the trees, watching you, watching me. I stand alone in the cold of an old, cold train station. It was cold in the snow, wind did blow, all alone. It's about dreams, oh this feeling. forgotten memories, oh this feeling. I want to be, in a tree, watching you, watching trees. It's a fool who doesn't see, what I see watching trees. It's about dreams, oh this feeling. Forgotten memories, oh this feeling. If you listen to this whilst looking at the picture, the picture dances, honestly. Ha!!! Nice touch. That tree has been around a long time. Saturday night I ended up parking next to it and remembered I never did post a pic of it in Ice Rink. VT is starting to be on my mind more, this could be a problem. But still, I both love, and am creeped out by, tree face.
  4. ME

    Ice rink

    Wasn't sure if this should be in Rogues or here....But I chose here. This tree is always watchin' meeeeeee
  5. Ailf, surely? No she isn't, and don't call me Shirley.
  6. I'm not gonna lie, Charles is crackin' me up. "nuthin' interesting bout' the dude....until today" "you need an ambulance, hey man....she needs everything!"
  7. This And the other women found with them, she could have been held much much longer. Still I'm thankful they escaped.
  8. I always try to make things better. Sometimes I'm good at it, sometimes it backfires. But I always try. And right now it's a struggle. There's nothing wrong with a challenge but I hate feeling pointless. I hate feeling helpless. It genuinely pissed me off. It's in my nature to cheer up. And I hate that right now my silver lining is that I don't shag a family member and I've never been "tempted" by an animal. ..............I had a point but VT might be forever tainted for me.....
  9. Silly talk. Robs hair is nice and all, but not enough to intimidate .
  10. So then you too have met the spawn of Rob that wears only shorts no matter the weather. :-) Have I met you?
  11. ME

    General Chat

    Eh? Do explain. See: Morpheus Pretty much.^^^^ But, I rescued an abandoned baby dove. I named him H.P. Dovecraft. Hopefully B.E.A.K.S. actually takes care of him.
  12. Penguins won in OT. Hawks lost in OT. Not my favorite hockey day.
  13. ME

    General Chat

    I'm currently at my family reunion,there's a garden, and I can't enjoy it. I'm thinking about how this scenario would affect certain people.....I don't like this
  14. Can you get out of it? Or is this pretty much set?
  15. I am diggin' this!!! I could be at this alllllllllllllllll day posting music that makes me happy but here's a sample few..... I want to keep posting but you get the idea....
  16. Mighty Mouse when I was little. Freakishly strong and hyper, also, always trying to save someone or something. And spacemonkey. Because my parents thought I looked like one when I was born (a lot of love in that room ) Then in highschool it was smoooooth sailing until 16....Juggs.
  17. Nuh uh!!! I'm saying he needs a massage. Don't start BOF
  18. At least from the looks in this pic, your traps need work. You better be stretching!!! (I'm an LMT so I don't mean you need to work them out more, I mean bc of working out you need to have them massaged or stretched)
  19. ME

    Gym Routine

    That's natural. Little tip, for any exercises that you split by side (i.e. Dumbell bicep curls, as in you might do your left arm and then your right arm) Always start with your weaker side, and once that side fails, stop. So if you only do 8 reps at a certain weight with your left, only do 8 reps at that weight with your right. If you do that, your weak side should eventually catch up. Good tip. The most unbalanced side of my body happens to be my middle back, to the point where you can quite clearly see the difference when you look in the mirror. I find it quite odd, because all but one of the back exercises that I do rely on using both arms at the same time. It could actually be that your hips are off balance or the one side shorter than the other is being leaned on more. This can throw your mid back all out of whack. Still, stretches to the mid back is a good start. http://www.athletestreatingathletes.com/stretching-series/stretching-pt-11-mid-back/ Mid back stretch with rotation would be a good start and then focus more on how your hips feel.
  20. I not only agree but wanted to make note that for some reason Mike using "Hellfire" made me happy. I don't hear the expression enough. (I'm not kidding, these are the kind of things that make me happy.)
  21. ME

    Gym Routine

    I won't deny that it was another sweaty difficult workout at the gym this morning but I breezed through it to where my trainer was actually impressed. We soon realised that since Wednesdays routine is always the toughest I'm just getting better at dealing with Friday. I need the rain to stop so I can go run though. Somehow I'm missing it. Which is silly since I hate running, but I actually miss it. I've also noticed my hip flexor on my right side is much weaker. Single leg step ups on the box were very douchey because of this.
  22. Been there. Got on top of my cousin playing in my grandmother's back garden and she started to move against me. Not really knowing at that time what was going on with my body as I had such a boner on me that when my grandmother called for us to go back into the house i had to run past the kitchen and up into my bedroom until things returned to normal. Standard deviant... What is it with Morpheus and gardens?....And family? Maybe it's the combo of the two that causes the arousal. There we go, just don't mention, look at, or think about gardens when talking about family. Or, and I know I'm probably suggesting the ridiculous, QUIT IT!!
  23. I agree fully with Band of Brothers and Forrest Gump (several scenes had me teary). The Color Purple wasn't easy the first time I watched it. The Episode of Scrubs where Ben (Brendan Fraser) dies gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME. The Christmas Special speech Ricky Gervais gives at the end of Extras. And from a girl perspective that damn movie P.S. I Love You. I swear it had me laugh then cry about 10 times. Because of this I try to just watch anything but dramas. Band of Brothers gets me the most though. Those tough old men telling what they went through and welling up, my girl brains can't handle it!
  24. Of course that made you think of another confession. I don't know if I'm more concerned at you all or myself for looking forward to the next confession. And now my girlie response: that poor little rat!!!! it didn't do anything to you!!! And yeah. watch more Mystery Science Theater and look up Riff Tracks.
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