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Everything posted by ME

  1. Kill it BOF. We believe in you. You can do this.
  2. All of the Weezer posts are making me happy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUpKFngqMZg
  3. Holy shit, that's **** brilliant Thanks for introducing me to another great band (I know they get a lot of views, but still) I have enjoyed every song of theirs I have listened to. And you're welcome
  4. The Walkmen - Angela Surf City http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn6kgnshjvo (side note: if you haven't see Seven Psychopaths, you should, now.)
  5. Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yCIDkFI7ew
  6. *laughing* Not really. First thing I did was pull over and glare at my engine for half an hour hoping I could figure out what was wrong with it and it would be an easy fix. Then I had a friend help with that. Then that same friend took me home. Then I looked online at cars for half an hour or so.THEN I posted on VT
  7. I suppose I was fortunate enough that a friend was close by. Finding rides to work and to my grandfathers house to check up on him over the next few days is going to be interesting. And buying a new car..... that will be tons of fun.
  8. My car just broke down. The last month and a half can "blow me where the pampers is"
  9. Nina Simone - Nobody Knows You When You're Down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m5lj-dquOE
  10. The Raconteurs - Many Shades of Black http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbMqqtnvLTY
  11. Well I don't speak German but the naked gentleman with terrible forward neck posture *he needs my help* looks like he's about to get Mr. Over sized hat mans over sized milk bottle up the bum. So basically, just how I've always pictured a German Christmas.
  12. Yes, bc as we all know, Andy luuuuuuuuuvs hugs.
  13. ME

    General Chat

    I was 4 when they played hannah barbera cartoons on USA cartoooooon saturday. Cut me some slack. I just remember jinx. My dad still calls me miecie.
  14. I really hope you feel better. Chloraseptic spray! Get it. Use it. Feel better.
  15. ME

    General Chat

    You would miss your nieces, to pieces. AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! my main nickname from my dad is miecie (bc I loved it when Jinx said I'm gonna smash you miecies to pieces.)
  16. ME

    General Chat

    I wish you hadn't helped her although I can understand why you did. You aren't wrong for being offended. Doesn't matter how many times a person does it,being unappreciated sucks. You should probably start distancing yourself from her. And if she asks why, tell her. She starts causing a scene ignore it. Explain you've said what needs saying and that's all. I do realise its easier said than done. But you have every right to be upset. Think that is good advice, only problem is I know my nieces would miss me. At the end of the day your sister would get over it. I'm not saying cut her out of your life. I'm just saying she needs to know how she is. She'll be harsh for a bit I'm sure,but bc your nieces would miss you it wouldn't last long. Again, I know its much easier said than done.
  17. ME

    General Chat

    I wish you hadn't helped her although I can understand why you did. You aren't wrong for being offended. Doesn't matter how many times a person does it,being unappreciated sucks. You should probably start distancing yourself from her. And if she asks why, tell her. She starts causing a scene ignore it. Explain you've said what needs saying and that's all. I do realise its easier said than done. But you have every right to be upset.
  18. Ridiculous statement!!! There is nothing worse than when someone sitting near you opens a bag and you get a waft of that nasty smell that goes with any flavour. K I'd rather have people smoking near me. I feel nauseous when I see someone eating a bag of crisps by shoving their whole hand into the packet, covering it in grease and crisps and urggghh Well yeah, that's nasty. But crisps (chips) are disgusting. Fixed. Not cool
  19. Ridiculous statement!!! There is nothing worse than when someone sitting near you opens a bag and you get a waft of that nasty smell that goes with any flavour. K I'd rather have people smoking near me. I feel nauseous when I see someone eating a bag of crisps by shoving their whole hand into the packet, covering it in grease and crisps and urggghh Well yeah, that's nasty. But crisps (chips) are delicious.
  20. *sigh* I will just be happy to have the Jags suck less this season, which is looking possible
  21. Ridiculous statement!!! There is nothing worse than when someone sitting near you opens a bag and you get a waft of that nasty smell that goes with any flavour. I'd rather have people smoking near me. You're damaged goods mister! People smoking near me could easily trigger a migraine and I'm American so obviously I'm going to defend the junk food....obviously.
  22. The show Fringe is currently ruining my desire to be social/Fringe is the drug, Netflix is the supplier.
  23. M Ward- Never Had Nobody Like You Can't seem to get it to post. But if you aren't too lazy give it a listen. I'm growing increasingly fond of the fellows tunes.
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