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Everything posted by DelboyVilla

  1. I just wish I was as cool as you. Really though, I thought your post was absolute drivel which seemed purely written to have a jab at PL and the bit where you tried to repaint Vlaar's world cup as a mediocre defender progressively made into a great one in the space of a month by LVG was the low point. You do realise LVG has already coached Vlaar for a season at club level? Have you ever the Eredivisie? Defending isn't one of the things they concentrate on too much? Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink summed it up on Sky last weekend he said 'you'll see some good attacking and bad defending'. But hey at least LVG has the good manners not to tap up players in his pressers! Let's see what Koeman says in his today?
  2. We all know what was promised to Pulis when he joined, a multi million pound bonus if he kept them up. He done the job, took the money and left them in the lurch a few days before the season started. A words removed trick. He also signed Martin Kelly the day he resigned, messing with a young lads career. A words removed trick. Also you are seriously saying you would take Pulis over Lambert? He plays the worst football ever seen in this league, worse than Megson, worse than Fat Sam, worse than Joe Kinnear. His record in the transfer market is worse than O'Neills, £12m on Crouch, £7m on Jones, Palcious £6m, Kitson £5m, Pennant, Jerome, Tuncay. He never pushed Stoke on, he never developed their play, cheque book manager at best. Pulis over Lambert. Laughable. In my opinion Lambert isn't worthy of cleaning Pulis boots. Lambert as a manager is about equal with Gary Megson or McLeish!
  3. Rest of the post aside, this is a load of bollocks. First game of the tournament he had one of the best strikers in the world in his pocket. I thought he looked uncomfortable in parts during the group stages as he was not used to the system perhaps dodgy was the wrong word? Why the aggression though you just naturally frustrated or a troll?
  4. I for one cannot wait to see the back of Lambert. Circumstances have been difficult in that funds have been limited that's all. Planning and tactics cost exactly the best part of **** all! I would take Pulis in a heartbeat today! Palace have actually spent less than we have so far this summer and have not renewed contracts for their best players? Sounds familar? Plus we don't know what was promised to Pulis when he joined 9 months ago. As I said a lack of money is no excuse for the dire turgid rubbish we have been served up especially last year and hopefully when we eventually get a new owner he will provide us with a manager able to give us a product on this pitch that befitting of our proud and historic club!
  5. People talk about about loyallity even Lambo but Vlaar has been here for 2 years not 12 years! People say we have made him a better defender? No one outside VP thought Vlaar would be one of the best defenders at the WC because he had being playing in one of the worst defences in the league for 2 years. His WC performances came about from working with one of the most tactically asute men in the World, if anyone deserves credit for Vlaar's performances it's LVG. If you watched he grew into the role starting off a bit dodgy but getting better game by game as LVG's coaching worked, LVG did more in a month to improve Vlaar than Lambert had done in 2 years. The big question is have we offered Vlaar a new much improved contract or not? I don't care what the strawberry blonde tw@t says or whether LVG is watching and waiting. We need to make him our best offer now and tell us that is what they have done rather than the bullshite going around at the moment.
  6. Brucey said that they inquired about Long and offered £7m and Hull said no so they came back with £9m and Hull again said no so they came back with £12m and Hull accepted after picking themselves off the floor? Southampton are proving to be this years mugs so if Vlaar won't sign an extension let's fleece them for as much as we can get! I guess at £15m!
  7. That's just Lambo weekly mumble about the game on Saturday but they could put an extra chair out for Carlos?
  8. He doesn't score goals though. Rubbish, he is by far the most natural finisher at the club. Last year on loan to a team that was relegated and had 3 managers in one season he scored as many goals as Weimann and more goals that Gabby. His overal career record is 1 goal in every 2.5 games which isn't that bad.If buying a defensive mid means we can put Delph and a another closer to the striker then I would rather have Bent up front than Gabby or Andi and maybe even Kozak. He has scored 6 goals the past two seasons, yeah, he is absolute deadly in front of goal. I don't care what his career record is, he is done at this level. Did you watch him two years ago under Lambert, did you watch him last year for Fulham, or even in pre-season. Being an instinctive finisher isn't much use when you are blowing out your arse 25 yards from goal. Well if I had been treated the way Lambert and his cronies treated Bent for the past two years and the idots at the club including the t0sser of an owner had condoned it then maybe my motivation would be a little low when asked by the aforementioned pricks to come back and score goals? But hey I hope you're happy when you watch Agbonlahor and Weimann running around like cretins for 90 minutes and not get out of breath. To be honest for the past two years I had some drying paint that needed watching so I have missed anything overseen by Lambert! Poor Bent, he is only been picking him £65k a week. So badly treated by Lerner, so badly treated by Lambert, so hard done by at Fulham last year, so many managers, anymore excuses you want to make for him? No and I still would play Bent up front rather than Agbonlahor or Weimann any day of the week as he would score more goals than them combined! At the moment that is the choice we have for a striker Bent, Gabby or Andi but maybe Lambert will do a Barca and play no strikers? Why would he? He didn't last season...or the season before that. Bloody hell it's like an episode of Only Fools and Horses?? At the mo our senior striking options are DB, Gabby or Weimann. It's not really much of a choice but hopefully it will keep us going till Tekkers is back fully fit. Personally I would play Bent and you wouldn't. I not sure whether you are angry or a troll so let's just leave it at that eh, Rodney!
  9. He doesn't score goals though. Rubbish, he is by far the most natural finisher at the club. Last year on loan to a team that was relegated and had 3 managers in one season he scored as many goals as Weimann and more goals that Gabby. His overal career record is 1 goal in every 2.5 games which isn't that bad.If buying a defensive mid means we can put Delph and a another closer to the striker then I would rather have Bent up front than Gabby or Andi and maybe even Kozak. He has scored 6 goals the past two seasons, yeah, he is absolute deadly in front of goal. I don't care what his career record is, he is done at this level. Did you watch him two years ago under Lambert, did you watch him last year for Fulham, or even in pre-season. Being an instinctive finisher isn't much use when you are blowing out your arse 25 yards from goal. Well if I had been treated the way Lambert and his cronies treated Bent for the past two years and the idots at the club including the t0sser of an owner had condoned it then maybe my motivation would be a little low when asked by the aforementioned pricks to come back and score goals? But hey I hope you're happy when you watch Agbonlahor and Weimann running around like cretins for 90 minutes and not get out of breath. To be honest for the past two years I had some drying paint that needed watching so I have missed anything overseen by Lambert! Poor Bent, he is only been picking him £65k a week. So badly treated by Lerner, so badly treated by Lambert, so hard done by at Fulham last year, so many managers, anymore excuses you want to make for him? No and I still would play Bent up front rather than Agbonlahor or Weimann any day of the week as he would score more goals than them combined! At the moment that is the choice we have for a striker Bent, Gabby or Andi but maybe Lambert will do a Barca and play no strikers?
  10. He doesn't score goals though. Rubbish, he is by far the most natural finisher at the club. Last year on loan to a team that was relegated and had 3 managers in one season he scored as many goals as Weimann and more goals that Gabby. His overal career record is 1 goal in every 2.5 games which isn't that bad.If buying a defensive mid means we can put Delph and a another closer to the striker then I would rather have Bent up front than Gabby or Andi and maybe even Kozak. He has scored 6 goals the past two seasons, yeah, he is absolute deadly in front of goal. I don't care what his career record is, he is done at this level. Did you watch him two years ago under Lambert, did you watch him last year for Fulham, or even in pre-season. Being an instinctive finisher isn't much use when you are blowing out your arse 25 yards from goal. Well if I had been treated the way Lambert and his cronies treated Bent for the past two years and the idots at the club including the t0sser of an owner had condoned it then maybe my motivation would be a little low when asked by the aforementioned pricks to come back and score goals? But hey I hope you're happy when you watch Agbonlahor and Weimann running around like cretins for 90 minutes and not get out of breath. To be honest for the past two years I had some drying paint that needed watching so I have missed anything overseen by Lambert!
  11. He doesn't score goals though. Rubbish, he is by far the most natural finisher at the club. Last year on loan to a team that was relegated and had 3 managers in one season he scored as many goals as Weimann and more goals that Gabby. His overal career record is 1 goal in every 2.5 games which isn't that bad.If buying a defensive mid means we can put Delph and a another closer to the striker then I would rather have Bent up front than Gabby or Andi and maybe even Kozak.
  12. Not really had a problem with his transfers, he's made mistakes all managers do but overall I think this is his strongest attribute. Disagreed over the 'whole' bomb squad thing, it's been poorly handled all round but I am not sure it was completely his idea? Where I do think he has massively failed is the performances on the pitch which have been at times diabolical. Can he change my opinion? Of course yes by huge improvements on the pitch, players working hard, not picking a favorite's team week in, week out. And Champions League would be good?? LOL
  13. Andros Townsend and Aaron Lennon maybe available? There must be someone in the Tottenham 11 worth a punt or loan?
  14. Well we seem to be in most pundits predictions for relegation this season? Hopefully thats a bit of good luck? However I am struggling to think of 3 worse teams than our current squad?
  15. Sack Lambo if he can't make this happen!!!
  16. Because it can be quicker than a taxi with traffic etc Crystal Palace is in Croydon no where near the centre of London? Plus that doesn't look like the same build as Bent?
  17. Well there's the difference between a well run club like Everton and and a poorly run club like us. Everton will be top six again this year and there is no reason why they cannot challenge for the 4th spot again as Liverpool are significantly weaker this year even after all those new players and Manure will be in transistion. We have had very similar revenues to Everton throughout Lerner's nightmare ownership but it just goes to show the difference between having a knowledgible Chairman whose interest and love for the club are there for all to see and having a guttless idiot for a Chairman whose interest was completely lost after the first bit of difficultly arose. Well one thing is Lerner will still be able to afford his fancy houses, private jets and shumite life long after he is nothing but a bad memory. You never know maybe some will remember his tenure through rose tinted spec's a bit like Herbert? FFP is a pitiful excuse for us not to be a top 10 team in 12 months under a half decent Chairman with a good CEO and a proper football manager.
  18. Disagree completely whenever we get rid of Lerner and his cronies will be a good day for the Villa!
  19. It'll be the same paultry £10m and £10k a week for wages.
  20. If you bothered to read my post above, you'd see that I accepted that but if that is so, let's not pretend that his set-pieces are therefore good. And we seemed to persist with the very same set pieces even after Benteke's injury? Why?
  21. I don't think that Weimann has ever displayed the touch or composure that we have seen from Jack so it's not a good comparrison. What Jack has shown to date is a maturity and no small amount of skill. Weimann has always been a headless chicken. I agree if he's good enough then use him and he is good enough to be an important squad player. This season will be easier for him as no one will know who he is or what to expect. His difficult season will be his second season.
  22. If he's such a poor set-piece taker, why is he finding his target and creating chances? Are you being serious? He finds his target because Benteke is usually in the box. He rarely scores because the best he can manage is a tame header at goal because of Westwood's tendency to float them in. If you consider those "chances" then we obviously differ on definition. I'll definitely give you that, especially the floating outswinger....eughh, horrible unless that player is pinpoint and you have two massive guys running in and creating havoc in the box. Our corners have been painful for a while....yet they're still better than our throw-ins. I can never understand why Westwood takes all our set pieces? We should at least let Delph take the ones suited to a left footer? Saying that Bacuna would be better for the right footers too?
  23. Looks like a good strong aggressive physical left back. i.e. nothing like Bennett. What's some people's problem with this one?
  24. You don't get anyway. In a market where Borini is worth £14m and Rodwell is going for £10m, nobody is going to be giving players away for **** all. I saw earlier that Derby have got a Real Madrid player on loan. Now, I don't have a clue whether he's the next big flop to come from Spain, or whether he is a promising player that could have maybe made an impression at a Lower Prem team, but Derby wouldn't have got that loan if they didn't ask. A Madrid youth player, not established internationals on £60k-£80k a week like mentioned before. Just because he plays for RM doesn't mean he is anything special either, so I see no big deal in Derby signing him. The players mentioned here were Milner, Moses etc... ,they will not be coming here, we will not pay those wages and City and Chelsea are not going to loan them to us for nothing, no matter how cheeky the bid is. People need to get into the real **** world. Well in fact it's Lerner who needs to get in the real world IMO! He needs to look at all our young, hungry and cheap players who weren't good enough as they exit the club on loan and decide if he wants more of this kind of tripe to brought into the club? If you pay peanuts etc? We are in desparate need of quality in our midfield we cannot allow Lambert to purchase a bunch of no hopers and hope one is decent. Lerner needs to realise that Prem quality players need Prem level wages.
  25. No to Moses, No to Sinclair. Offer Levy £4m for Holtby and a cheeky loan for Milner or Javi Garcia or Abou Diaby or Capoue or another fringe player?
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