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Everything posted by blandy

  1. They've really run down the policing of environmental damage and it's clearly intentional.
  2. Tory MP Sir Geoffrey Norman has cleared a few things up, at least.
  3. There's been a lot of this type of thing in this thread- various Labour MPs who voted with the Tories being accused of this or that, being called thickies and so on. It's quite, quite unfair. Because, you know wasps, right? yeah. Well you get these ones, parasitic ones, and what they do is they lay their eggs on the host's body, and then these eggs hatch and the larvae take over first the body, then the brain of the host, making it perform to their advantage, offering them protection from predators and so on, before finally hatching and killing the host altogether - though for much of the process the host is not much more than a declining shell, being eaten away from the inside*. So knowing that, don't you all think you've been a bit harsh on Kate Hoey and the rest? *Admittedly it's normally caterpillars that the wasps take over, but you know with genetic modification and all that - I mean how many tories are human and how many are alien space droids, parasitic demon-wasps, underworld escapees, or spectres from another dimension - loads, innit, so a few innocent ruminant Labour back-benchers could easily...yeah. Obvious now, isn't it?
  4. I read that earlier today, and also the Peston reply. I think he's (Oborne) broadly right, though Peston is kind of right too in his personal response. Obviously the Tory rags are tory rags, but the lack of thinking Johnson's used in his favour is quite deliberate and the media generally are failing us in their,er, failure to highlight this - the rags won't, but the Beeb, ITN etc. should do it much more than they do. With them it's not conscious bias, it's just lowered professionalism, really. It's poor.
  5. Can't see them making that sort of mistake aga... Oh.
  6. Why? I've always thought she was basically OK. Even if you don't like her politics I can't think of anything Vile and Disgusting she's said or done. She's had various racist nuckfuggets and Islamical extremist nutters issue death threats against her and anyone who manages to piss off both those two fringe barmpots can't be all that bad, can they?
  7. I've been going on about her for about 3 or 4 years. She's brilliant. Miraculous
  8. I reckon Crystal Palace and their Eagle would be top 6, definitely beating all the other avian badge critters and the fox, too.
  9. It goes out. You know, like ”where are you going?” ”just going out for a bit”
  10. blandy


    You are, Tom. https://www.villatalk.com/guidelines/
  11. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    I like Tulsi Gabbard and what she’s had to do to get where she’s got to shows how ingrained and rotten their system is. Maybe a year ago I read an in depth thing on it all. Truly staggering.
  12. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    It’s not, it’s a still from the video.
  13. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    Absolutely. WATCH THE VIDEO. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/world/middleeast/russia-bombing-syrian-hospitals.html.
  14. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    Co-ordinates provided, as per normal - "Don't bomb the hospital"
  15. Exactly. Like I said, my thinking is more aligned with yours, I was trying to get across that there is a logical way that MPs could justify to themselves, or excuse themselves for doing the "keep my job" thing, despite it being against the interests of the UK.
  16. Basically, yes. And that there is a way they can kind of excuse themselves for doing that, to salve their consciences.
  17. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    Ha ha. Yeah, right. This is how they "help"
  18. blandy

    U.S. Politics

    Russia's been repeatedly, intentionally bombing multiple hospitals for Assad, in Syria in recent weeks. I'm sure the Kurds have nothing to fear from those two. And Erdogan, he's a renowned respecter of human life and freedom. That lot make America look like angels, which they most certainly aren't.
  19. probably didn't even know. They don't appear to do much research, these interviewers, apart from the kind of set piece ones likes Newsnight and a few others.
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