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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. I looked at the lineup this morning and its Coachella all over again.
  2. Does this give us hope that if Boris Johnson commits a crime he is deported back to the US?
  3. Hair Love, it won best animated short Oscar, its pretty special.
  4. I had the pleasure of RATM at Glastonbury in the early 90s, then Prophets of Rage at Download a couple of years ago. Both times I questioned what the **** I was doing there.
  5. This is marvellous. You may want to edit for swears though.
  6. Seat68

    General Chat

    Painted my kitchen this morning. Second coat and will take another 2 at least. Took the time to remind my wife that she needs to stop painting our **** kitchens green.
  7. Most. Watched all of Friends, Buffy, Breaking Bad (which was a chore), GOT, Seinfeld, Parks and Rec, The Office US. Them aside haven't seen Wire, Lost etc. No plans to either. I can't invest in things like that which have finished and display a mountain in front of me. Watching from the start it's an episode at a time but watching now it's here have 120 episodes. Enjoy!!
  8. Before the one above I struggle to think of one bought in the last 10 years. I was contemplating one on eBay this week as it's the only gap in my records for the band The Family Cat, but then resolved not to buy it as I am unlikely to play it. That aside really can't think of a physical single I have bought in the last 10 years.
  9. Ha. What a fool. Bought a split single by a Canadian punk band last year. I am so scene. I bought it as I buy Butch Hallers shit. I love that guy.
  10. I struggle to think of my last physical single. Will investigate.
  11. Depends really, my CV has a fair bit of experience that relevant to my role, but as I have alluded to I was once a redcoat and thats on there purely to highlight my soft skills, that I am not a full IT nerdlinger that will clam up in company. I have jobs after that which aren't relevant and they are removed, but for the butlins job I have a couple of lines just to show that I can talk confidently to people. So it may be a case of not being relevant, so either list it with a one liner or discard it.
  12. Seat68

    General Chat

    I commend him, he started out in the 80s as a kids presenter, lets not forget this was during the time of Section 28, and panicked finger pointing over aids and hiv. It would not have been good for him to have come out, the press were even more vicious then than they are now. Its no surprise that he is gay, its been known for many many years. I applaud the guy for feeling safe enough, personally and professionally to come out now.
  13. We were a cynical bunch, there were enough zany people and as the resident Mr Partridge being asked my advice was always going to illicit an utter word removed.
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