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Everything posted by DaoDeMings

  1. I think he showed enough for a permanent signing at 17 mil. 4 year contract was foolish though, and we should never have expected him to be the answer to all our problems in attack. Should have been a cheapish backup option, a bit like how we're looking at Barkley now.
  2. I agree. Offside trap is an interesting tactic and gives variety to the game. I don't know why they insist on making changes for the sake of it.
  3. They're probably thinking England have a better chance than they do, which tells you all you need to know.
  4. While a no confidence vote in Sunak would be entertaining, what would it achieve? All they're doing is making themselves look worse and delaying the inevitable. Just get the thing over with already
  5. Andrew Marr just tweeted, 'This seems to be happening'.
  6. Well, something is clearly happening. I'm sceptical that it will be an election as I can't see the party getting behind that. Surely they will want to give themselves as much time as possible. An election would be good for the country, which is not in their interest. I don't see it being a Sunak resignation either as that would mean another PM, which reflects poorly on them and doesn't improve their election chances. Maybe a reshuffle? Or a confirmation of an election in October?
  7. Snap election now would make this a glorious summer. Tories out by early July and festival season, hot weather begins
  8. Don't think City would be in for Emi as he's not good enough with his feet
  9. I didn't realise football had made it to Ludlow
  10. Fond memories of getting kit in that shop in town as a kid. Getting it back is probably not something the club is looking to do but I feel it’s good for visibility and just the feel of the city to have local clubs’ shops
  11. Three defenders, GK and ST to be cut I'd imagine. Or a midfielder, but the midfield is already very light. Decent chance for both Konsa and Ollie to go I think. Edit: Oh, need to cut two more. Makes it harder for Konsa but I think Ollie will go.
  12. So strange that they didn't go with this. I'd like to think there's some sort of marketing/branding thing that we're not aware of that makes the name at the bottom preferable, but on face value it looks so much better at the top
  13. Nice. Just had a look into him and he looks like he would be an excellent signing. Could be a shrewd move too if Carlos goes the other way. With Barca's financial troubles could we be getting him at a discount price?
  14. Fair points. Hard to predict really. Emery seems to value mentality very highly so I think if he doesn't have an issue there then neither should we.
  15. He has mentality issues for sure, but to call him not good is harsh. He has 5 goals in 475 PL minutes, equal to nearly one goal every 90. Imo, he's a serious talent. We should keep him if we can.
  16. Are two exclamation marks necessary??
  17. Why? We need back up players
  18. Don't see how Dendoncker and Tim are relevant when they are completely different players and have never displayed the quality Barkley has at some points in his career. Point is if Emery sees something in a player we should trust that.
  19. Bring back Samatta while we're at it
  20. Absolutely a fair initial reaction haha. Only reason I think differently is after doing a bit of digging into his role at Luton and seeing some clear improvement in his game.
  21. You're right, but he's developed as a player since then. Willing to give him the benefit of the doubt given he's been good in a deep role for Luton this season. Also, I have faith in Unai to get the best out of anyone.
  22. I don't remember exactly, but wasn't the team as a whole on somewhat of a downward trajectory in the second half of the season too?
  23. Goes to show that the use of grammar on casual internet forums is less important than some seem to think. That or the quality of our education system needs sorting. Both are surely true...
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