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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. tomav84

    Ezri Konsa

    yes and as long as southgate is in charge our players know this. he needs to get gone ASAP or players (if they're keen on international football) will look for a move. aside from city, konsa plays plenty of minutes for any of the other scum 6 sides
  2. tomav84

    The USA

    we're looking to do the same (well similar) at some point but probably 2025 now so interested in how you get on! we want to do NY, boston, vermont, niagra falls, toronto i guess whilst on the subject, anyone know which would be the best NFL stadium to do from those as i'm desperate to get to a game? so out of giants/jets, patriots, bills. i'm leaning towards bills as seems not too far out of buffalo, giants/jets apparently tough to get tickets and not the easiest to get to the stadium, patriots is apprently silly money for tickets but please let me know if the info i've been given is accurate
  3. tomav84

    Ezri Konsa

    shame. another tournament will pass him by then. at least southgate won't be there in a year though
  4. tomav84

    Ezri Konsa

    so considering he didn't actually win a cap, does this mean he's still eligible for portugal? genuine question...and probably one that he's also pondering
  5. tough one. there was one earlier that had 5 runners declared, 2 non runners so only 3 ran. kinda seems harsh to then penalise the yards of the remaining 3 who had traveled to the course if they just didn't run the race due to too few runners i think they could absolutely do it though if less than a certain number declare, then yes they shouldn't run the race
  6. just watching the 12.10 at Exeter. 2 runners. one of them had the saddle come loose and couldn't continue. watching the remaining one complete the course solo.
  7. tomav84


    they've not released the resale seats yet. there will be plenty available
  8. tomav84


    planning a trip there next year. seems like the city centre has been covered on here, but any surrounding towns/cities that can be done as a day trip via public transport that anyone can recommend please? thanks in advance
  9. in my defence i was in a lovely mood until my biscuit broke into my tea. wound me right up that...it's a double blow innit...waste of a biscuit and a ruined tea at the same time
  10. she got the job because she has 140 england caps and knows what she's talking about when it comes to football. you don't feel she's any good, that's entirely up to you. the female pundits don't tend to be the most glamourous actually (i.e. karen carney, eni aluko and jill scott) so don't believe this comment is in any way accurate
  11. this makes zero sense. why would wearing a revealing dress be in any way related to her abilities in her job? she has a job. a good one. she doesn't need to perform some perceived elaborate stunt in order to stay relevant or something
  12. am i the only one that feel that this will just fizzle out? everton will appeal, the 10 point deduction will become suspended assuming they don't have any further issues and the chelsea and city charges will just disappear as they always do at the end of the day, the likes of city is what allows the PL to charge a gazillion pounds for overseas tv rights. they need city and their squad full of superstars. the media were licking their backsides last season full in the knowledge of these charges hanging over them and none of them said a word about it. if they don't rescind the everton point deduction then that sets a precident and means they'll have to do something about city...which they don't have any appetite to do IMO
  13. home alone 1&2 muppets christmas carol scrooged i don't give a shit if die hard is a christmas film or not...it's the weakest of the die hards and that always seems to get forgotten in all the "it's a christmas film"/"it's not a christmas film" argument
  14. in fairness, there's numerous anecdotal examples. people dying from a heart attack that had covid put on the death certificates. i don't think this is the full story though. a very quick google search indicates that actually a death certificate forms multiple parts. 1) the disease etc that started the chain of events that lead to one's death. 2) other contributing factors. i suspect that COVID was automatically mentioned in section 2 if a person happened to be COVID positive at the time. more than happy to be corrected, i probably spent less than a minute getting the above info
  15. mistakes like that really affect many a horse. to recover and kick back on was special. i'd already accepted place money
  16. OMG stage star...had a big bet on that today and **** me that was heart in the mouth at the end
  17. wow. great performance. chucked a tenner on just before post time
  18. if you can pick overpriced horses you can make a load on it does defeat the 'fun' aspect, when you've already made your money before the race even starts
  19. i have few weird superstitions in life. one that always, and it really does feel like always, seems to come true is that whenever i bet on a horse that ends up being very well backed like this, it loses i need to start laying them on the exchanges.
  20. well if she was hypothetically doing it to prove some sort of point that mysocyny was alive and well then if this thread is anything to go by then she's 100% suceeded. seriously some of you guys...honestly how would you feel if anyone was talking like this about your daughters/mums/sisters. if you're out with your mrs and someone took offence to something she's wearing saying that she doesn't look very "classy" then what would your reaction be?
  21. glad i did my single for my selection earlier. backed into fave now. just done a win trixie on the 3 already posted
  22. well my selection runs in 3 hours so can't leave it too long! 11.15...jesus...imagine going to a day at the races that starts at 11.15
  23. well if that violates the company's dress code then imagine not too well but she's not turned up to present match of the day in that dress, nor was it an awards do that has any affiliation with the BBC (to my knowledge)
  24. so you stand by that BBC should repremand her for it? i'm not saying there wouldn't be more focus on an event vs a holiday she's on, because obviously there would be, but i don't see any reason to be repremanded for it
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