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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. nor is ashley young - there's only so many spaces on the bench
  2. doug hasn't been offered a contract so there's nothing to commit to. the situations are different
  3. got £100 bet with someone on here that it'll still be mings and i stand by that but interesting that he's named captain today with mcginn on the pitch...so guessing he's at least vice captain
  4. tomav84

    Global Warming

    but you do have control over it. we all do. climate change is real but your posts sound like "well it's too late now" or "our kids are smart and they'll sort it out" there are small changes you can make on a daily basis that contribute. walk to the corner shop or use some dairy free products where the alternative tastes identical so if you aren't a climate change denier, then you simply don't care...which is arguably worse
  5. agent knows he's **** up here. can tell a mile off he's just offering him around to see if anyone bites
  6. hannah hampton tested positive for covid. probably wouldn't have played anyway but shame not to be involved
  7. the tesco tower fan i got a few years back is a godsend. really does cool things down and not too noisy. slept fine
  8. we absolutely detest bamford with a passion from the whole incident where he got el ghazi sent off and think that's a lot of where it comes from.
  9. historically i never care about the results of friendlies but the leeds tears do make this one sweet. they have gone into absolute meltdown over this game
  10. To add to this, utd signing martinez makes rashford less appealing
  11. Kid got unlucky with the injury that's it. Mcginn went in hard but the kids tackle on emi was worse
  12. Don't forget Aaron Ramsey...don't care he's only 18 he did nowt. Get rid.
  13. I can't believe no one said man on all the times he got caught in possession so not sure why he never released it
  14. As much as we like a tackle, being sensible, you play friendlies for fitness and it's probably not been the best use of the game time
  15. Olsen kamara and Bailey good. Coutinho missed pen, ings scored. Some a level student left one on buendia so mcginn crippled the little clearing in the woods And Bamford is still a word removed
  16. **** him he left one on buendia and got one back
  17. It's possibly the most enjoyable friendly I've seen. Both sides getting stuck in As long as we stay injury free of course
  18. It would be a very villa thing to do to **** it up against brisbane so I wouldn't get too excited..
  19. Might have missed it, do we know where emi is? Injured?
  20. Guilbert in a villa shirt again. Didn't think I'd see the day to be honest
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