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Everything posted by oishiiniku_uk

  1. He got 6 goals and 7 assists last season and that was with a third of a season playing Gerrard-ball. He was one of our most important players for the run-in (scored against Liverpool and Brighton) and is one of the best players we have in terms of carrying the ball and shot accuracy. Had he not gotten injured in the Euro u21s he would have been racking up the goals and assists for us again this season, I've no doubt. It feels like if we sell him for short-term gain this summer then we may well regret it in the coming years... At the same time, if we HAVE to sell either Ramsey or Dougie ('Unai's Choice') then I would probably, very begrudgingly let JJ go.
  2. Yeah I'm being a bit flippant. I still don't know why we need to hear about it every match until season's end, tho (which we will).
  3. Is 4 trophies in 8 years enough to justify a 4 month period of collective morning? Kinda wish Klopp had kept it to himself until May for the sanity of everyone besides Liverpool fans and the sycophantic media...
  4. Did they look strong? I only watched until their second goal tonight but i thought they barely had a shot outside of the two they scored from. And Fulham should have done better with a number of opportunities. Newcastle have lost 6 of the last 7 league games, conceding 17 goals in the process. They're still lightweight and open in midfield. And they still have a long injury list. Wins against Sunderland and Fulham in the FA Cup won't convince me they've turned the corner just yet.
  5. The whole issue for them with the FFP charge relates to the fact that they sold Johnson at the end of the window for more money but that meant it goes on the next set of accounts. Had they sold him by June 30th then they'd have been under the limit (but have generated 15 million less in player sales).
  6. He's' probably still more of a draw overseas than he is here in the UK. I agree - a very dull person off the pitch with 0 charisma, but I guess having been Liverpool's captain and talisman for many years still has a certain cache for football followers internationally.
  7. He's probably been offered a new deal solely cos of his profile and social media presence. Keep towing the party line and shilling for them on your Insta, Stevie!
  8. The signings of Dendoncker and Bednarek both seemed like panic buys and I've never really been dissuaded from that opinion. Leander had a couple of decent games (the mauling of Newcastle may be the most memorable one), but he's a limited player who goes missing and isn't particularly physical despite his size. Any money we can get for him now or in the Summer would be a bonus.
  9. Newcastle had maybe the 9th best squad overall (many of whom overperformed last season) and Eddie Howe flogged 'em to death playing 100mph football so no wonder they can't sustain things with the extra games. Conversely, I'd say we have the 6-7th best squad, a manager who is well-versed in juggling Europe with the league and a play style that is more sustainable over long periods. I'd back us to handle things better than Newcastle did.
  10. It was voted against, and Newcastle said they wouldn't be loaning players from the SPL, but they didn't say anything about selling TO that league (possibly for an inflated price)...
  11. Just the other week Nice Guy Eddie said they had no friends in the market to help them out. He must have simply forgotten that their owners also ran the Saudi Pro League and could do them a favour to get Newcastle out of a tight spot... A cynic might suggest that the PR campaign of 'these pesky financial rules are stopping us spending money' coming out of Newcastle the last few weeks was laying the groundwork to make this kind of move appear to be their only viable option... Also, I'm sure Almiron is really keen to go to the SPL when a lot of players who signed in the summer are already trying to get the hell out of there!
  12. Agreed! If Gibbs White had scored that free kick then the Forest fans would have been congratulating him for being smart. Also, how often does the defensive wall try and inch forward to close the distance? Pretty much every time a free kick is given close to the box...
  13. We've one of the best managers in the world, one of the most highly regarded sporting directors in Europe, an analytics department, a network of scouts etc... But yeah, it's more likely that Unai saw him the other week and thought: 'Hey, that lad's a bit quick! I'll call Monchi and get him to put a cheeky bid in!'
  14. He's not the only one who does that, tbh. And it used to happen more often under previous managers (when we would lose possession a lot more often and cheaply).
  15. I'm not disputing that it's harder to win the league - although I'd argue it has more to do with 'elite' levels of investment than a winning mentality these days - but the original post stated Danny Murphy said we wouldn't win the title OR finish top four based on the fact we'd not been in this position before. And Newcastle did just that, which Mr Murphy says is not possible, only last season.
  16. How many of Newcastle's players had been in contention for the CL before last season?
  17. They are in such a financial hole - currently having to borrow money, in order to keep the lights on, from the super dodgy group (777) that are trying and struggling to buy them due to a growing number of lawsuits against them and an inability to show they have the money required to buy Everton. If the sale doesn't go through and they go down then maybe they luck out and find a better buyer. Could just as easily go the other way and they tumble down the leagues/go into administration instead, though. There's still a good chunk of the new stadium to be paid for, too.
  18. The only reason they didn't get the book thrown at them sooner is because the PL didn't bother to question why their covid losses were more than double that of any other team. Were it not for that creative accountancy they would have been about 100 million over the limit rather than 20 million they were punished for. Then there's the fact that most of their 'mitigating factors' for breaking the rules were not documented (funny that...) and not so not provable.
  19. Agreed, just wish we saw more cutbacks yesterday. I feel like the chance to score from a player arriving late at the edge of the box is generally greater, especially against a team like Everton who defend in numbers close to their goal line, than firing the ball across the six yard box.
  20. Imagine paying to watch that every week... I know their fans feel a sense of gratitude towards Dyche for keeping them up and being a calm presence amongst all the turmoil the club has been through lately, but the football they play is some levels below even what Luton, Burnley etc are capable of. He's moulded them in his image: ugly, dull and regressive.
  21. He's not a DM though. Bennacer did way more of the defensive work than Tonali at AC Milan. He's closest in profile to Guimaraes so I'm not sure how well they work together if both want to do the playmaker role.
  22. Even with everyone fit there's often a big gap in their midfield whenever they lose the ball high up and teams are immediately on their back four. The lack of a proper DM in their squad is looking like a glaring error.
  23. Different SELA. Newcastle's sponsor makes about a billion a year. (There's also a real estate company that makes 580k, apparently). It doesn't stop the deal for NUFC from looking very 'fortuitous' though.
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