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Everything posted by Adman

  1. Still think he's trying to hard, but starts every week for me.
  2. Even more impressive that he's been here for such a short amount of time to know that about the players. Proper details man
  3. Adman

    Ezri Konsa

    Getting back to his best. His drop in form was quite bizarre considering how good he can be on his day. Well done ezri
  4. Can't remember who was on about it, but Jan transfer windows are notorious for picking up crap, and post world cup transfers the same, so post world cup Jan transfer window signings could be the worst of all time
  5. In game management, coming back from 1-0 down? Wtf?
  6. Hi, might be in Landaan that weekend and was thinking of taking the family to watch us destroy West Ham. Does anyone know where the most neutral / family oriented seating in the stadium is? Thanks in advance
  7. The most predictable result and performance in the history of Aston villa
  8. I'm available if Martinez needs a rest. I'm a window cleaner but played once in goal
  9. I fancied us to beat them on the weekend but not Thursday The following reasons we will lose: Emery is a great cup manager We've just played them off the park They have other priorities Things are looking good for us and hope is returning No Steven gerrard
  10. Agreed. Traore, Davies, Gilbert etc too?
  11. We all know deep down that we're losing this game
  12. My MOM today, at his collosal best
  13. I'm very happy he's not our manager
  14. I'm alright cheers. Still working through the lockdown stock of bog roll
  15. I mean his pressing was so effective for us - it's hard to know what's gone wrong.
  16. Adman

    Unai Emery

    I know we've said give him time, but I'm a bit disappointed so far
  17. Adman

    Unai Emery

    My Mrs told me I'm the second least most person she's slept with. I'm on top of the world.
  18. Adman

    Austin MacPhee

    When you need him but do not want him, then he must stay. When you want him but no longer need him, then he has to go.
  19. Adman

    Unai Emery

    I think fan patience is going to be a big ask. Let's face it, the general consensus is that our squad is capable of playing better than it is, however they are suffering a lack of individual confidence, team cohesion and chemistry. I 100% think Emery will improve us and set us up with a plan to attack, defend and all the stuff in the middle. Where the patience will be tested - is when the players can't make a pass, go hiding, capitulate etc due to the mental side of the game. That is going to take a long time to address, and we may not always see improvement or a game plan that we can get behind which is where the booing and moaning will start to be heard over common sense. We couldn't have got a better manager, and the next one won't be as qualified either - so we really need to do everything we can as a fanbase to help turn this around
  20. "Team shape, tactics and personnel" It's yes please from me
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