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Everything posted by Rustibrooks

  1. Small observation but Konsa has been talking a lot more and seems like he’s getting more comfortable being our defensive leader whilst Mings is out.
  2. Nigeria are having an influx of decent strikers/forwards - obviously Osimhen wouldn’t seem likely for obvious reasons but there’s Boniface, Orban, Awoniyi and Moffi.
  3. Recently in Gabon, they also staged a coup. The previous president’s family have had power in that country for 56 years and when the coup happened it seemed similar to Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali where the people seemed jubilant and seemed to be happy with the coup. However the coup was staged by that ruling family, they pretty much staged one for the world to see but kept the power within the family. So potentially nothing changed for them and it’s a bit sad that the same corrupt family will stay in power for longer
  4. No worries, I’m not an expert but I can tell you the pov from some African countries. Definitely! And that’s the thing, there’s stories of Chinese investors in Nigeria not allowing locals to be in their place of business. Or they still abuse workers in the mines. At the end of the day I don’t think it’s possible for any country to completely exclude one side of the world. I say this because a lot of people (not you) think that if Africa become anti west they won’t trade with them which isn’t true. They just want fair prices on their exports, they’ll continue to trade with the west for as long as humans are still on this planet
  5. Sorry I should’ve replied to this sooner I think I got caught up in the transfer hype lol. Might be a fairly long reply but I’ll try and break it down as much as I can. But you’re right to some degree, Russia being in western and central Africa is highly suspicious. The thing is the people in most parts of Africa are willing to see if trading with Russia will be better for the countries in question due to the exploitation of western countries. Most of the people on the continent now are becoming more privy to what’s happening around the world and what the world needs. A lot of those materials are on the African continent especially materials that are for greener energy sources. Fairly recent, western countries like France and America have been visiting African countries to renegotiate deals and build better relationships. However, most African countries naturally have a lack of trust of western countries for many reasons. Personally I can see the same scenario play out with Russia in the long term once the war is over and Russia can rebuild itself. The thing is, most of the world look at the situation in Africa and think these coups are not what the people want. When in fact most of these people in those countries are supporting them as well. I don’t think it’s so much as 'Russia are our saviours yay' but more about getting out of a dodgy bond some of the west. China have also been in Africa for a fair few years now cutting deals etc. There’s been issues and concerns between China and African countries trade deals, some people think it’s just neo-colonial economics again. Whereas others believe they are the best of the bad bunch and can cut fairer deals. I’ve seen the impact of China in Africa when I visit family in Tanzania. There’s a lot more infrastructure that has been set up by Chinese companies that have offered out more jobs etc for local people and it seems like it’s not stopping anytime soon. Niger recently have put the prices of exporting uranium to the same prices Canada has. When France still had a say on Niger I think they were getting Uranium at a stupid price in comparison to other countries. Things like this can help Niger for example to maybe get out of their deep poverty.
  6. Coco Gauff has become the one of the youngest to win the US Open
  7. He’ll get his game time in due course, I’m not totally alarmed just yet by his comments. I want all of our first team players to believe they can start for us and then train well enough to push for a start.
  8. Looks like he’s got a target on his back from the media after his fall out with ten Haag. This post doesn’t even make sense lol, isn’t this most people on this planet. You can be bother extroverted and reserved at times
  9. The crazy thing is, the London Bridge attack I was there literally seconds before it went down. I went on my lunch when I worked in London Bridge, I was deciding whether to go towards the station (near where the incident occurred) to get food or to go towards Liverpool St/the city. I decided to go into the City and I just heard loads of sirens. I didn’t think anything at the time because it’s London after all, but then my girlfriend, mum, mates and HR at work all called me asking me where I was and to get out of the area. It was pretty surreal
  10. He shouldn’t in theory considering London has the most CCTV cameras in the Europe and are 3rd in the world behind 2 Chinese cities
  11. And now Wandsworth are saying the prison is overcrowded and under-resourced and putting the onus on the government. Not surprised considering prisons have been under-resourced for a while now However Wandsworth are still responsible. Do they not have staff checking vans thoroughly?
  12. You’d think they would have put him in Belmarsh or even Thamesmead not bloody Wandsworth. It just also exposes how sentencing for certain things are a joke most of the time. Added in to the fact he’s a trained ex soldier that’s on the loose, he could be anywhere in Europe right now
  13. This could go anywhere to be fair Apparently last night and this morning, people have been missing their flights as airport security in and around London has tightened up. The rough back story is that he is a 6’2 guy who managed to escape Wandsworth, by using the kitchen staff uniform and he escaped by clinging underneath a lorry. It sounds like something you would do playing Hitman or Assassins Creed. He’s still on the run somewhere… Oh and some believe he was apart of the British army too which makes the story even more interesting https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/daniel-abed-khalife-escape-wandsworth-prison-b2406494.html
  14. I’d say (like a few of you guys have said) start with the manageable things first, the key is motivation in these scenarios. I’ve found that if you can have access to a treadmill then walking but on an incline does as much (sometimes can be better) than just jogging/sprinting on the treadmill. Incline walking can be a killer but the rewards are quite good. If not then even walking your dog for an extended period (depending on your circumstances and your dogs circumstances). You don’t have to be doing anything too crazy for now, but as you become accustomed to things you’ll naturally increase your intensity levels. The hardest thing for most people is getting their diet 'right'. You can still enjoy the things you like but just in moderation (easier said than done). The biggest battle for most of us is with sugar.
  15. When did he say he was pleased that Ings was sold? (Genuine question)
  16. Thought he was one of the few standouts, hopefully he can be our leader at the back until Mings comes back
  17. Poor display all around. Second time against someone decent and we looked poor. Not only did we look poor, but we gave up as well which I hate as a fan. We’ve conceded 8 goals already against teams we want to mix with. We need to buck up our ideas fast
  18. Bailey actually tried to create and there’s been worse players on the pitch than him
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