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Everything posted by Rustibrooks

  1. I have been enjoying the chemistry between Watkins and Diaby
  2. Don’t get how that’s a free kick tbh I don’t get what a player is supposed to do
  3. Well the news today is that Hamas are willing to release more but Israel don’t want to take them. Could be bs though. I do wonder what America/Qatar said to Hamas and vice versa. Hopefully the rest of the hostages are released as well
  4. I saw that US are saying they are crediting Qatar for the release of the hostages. There’s been reports that Qatar have actively tried to get the hostages released since the incident happened in Israel.
  5. Reports of Israel evacuating their embassies in the Middle East
  6. I’m finding that with this conflict it’s really hard to gather what is the truth and what’s not. For most people I’d say this has become a problem, whether you are leaning towards support for Israel/IDF or Palenstine/Hamas. We know that IDF and Hamas are capable of and they have lied previously so when reports come out it’s actually hard to say if it’s factual or not imo. We do know there’s a humanitarian crisis right now and war crimes have been committed. As with most things it’s the people in the middle that suffer, in this case majority of the victims are kids. Also that there are idiots over here and the rest of the western world that have decided to target Jewish people that are just minding their own business. Between this conflict and the Ukraine/Russia war I think fake news is at an all time high and doesn’t seem to stop. It feels like we are in a new age information war.
  7. I’ve also seen some say that the JDAM is capable of being detonated before it hits the surface so it doesn’t necessarily need to make impact. (I don’t actually have a clue just relaying what I’ve been told/seen)
  8. Israel has their own government officials cheering on the death of people. One of them tweeted it moments before the hospital incident and from the PM of Israel twitter account they also tweeted and deleted 'This is a struggle between the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle'. They are just as bad.
  9. These were tweeted just before the bombing happened.
  10. They said not too long before that they had no idea about the bomb. and then they said this as well
  11. Apparently it was the last Christian hospital in the region as well. 800 casualties and counting. Horrible situation right now.
  12. It would be interesting if he would try that with Mohammed Hijab, he beat Piers at his own game last night when they had their debate.
  13. I cant really understand why Hamas would still be in Gaza if everyone knows IDF troops have been shelling Gaza and are about to start a ground operation. Surely they themselves would not be there either because that’s really stupid otherwise. Yes I know they already launched the dumb attack on them, but it’s still a really dumb tactic. Wouldn’t they be in other locations?
  14. Seems like the language used/attitudes towards the conflict is slightly changing from the media and politicians over here
  15. Here’s where I get a bit confused with the ISIS and Hamas thing, didn’t hamas have a whole conflict with them not long ago? Wouldn’t there still be a bit of bad blood between the two? Or is this link just based on people saying hamas are performing acts that are the same/similar to ISIS
  16. I guess the good thing about X is that there’s the fact checking capability with the community notes, it doesn’t always limit fake news but it’s given people another perspective on a lot of events
  17. I wonder if Jeremy has been in touch with his own legal team for this to happen?
  18. I’m not claiming it to be true I’ve reposted something from a some what reputable news aggregator on Twitter. You are assuming I’m saying it didn’t happen, I never said that. I’m agreeing with the fact that people are going to run with the idea whether true or not about the headings. What I was saying to you is in the same way you said the Turkish news reported may not be reliable, I asked could you not say the same for i24 considering it will naturally report from the IDF side of things. I am also not disputing whether they found children’s bodies or not, this conflict unfortunately is going to have children casualties and lots of innocent people. Which I really hate above all else
  19. I’m not necessarily taking it as total truth but I know there’s a lot of propaganda going on right now and misinformation from all sides, so naturally I’m approaching the news with an open mind and trying to not let things sway me. Even with the clip you’ve linked, while it sounds shocking there’s also every right that the same channel could be peddling a bit of propaganda themselves.
  20. It’s sad because people won’t bother checking the facts now despite the IDF saying it’s not true. I saw a clip of them speaking about it on Sky and they said it’s the reason they haven’t reported it. I think someone then went on to say there’s 'no evidence but doesn’t mean it didn’t happen'. Which I guess you can pretty much claim for anything going on right minus the attack in Israel and the shelling in Gaza.
  21. Thank goodness the story about hamas beheading children was fake
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