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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. So, the Istanbul film festival started and I saw this film last night. A great film. Basically a truck load of Afghani prisoners en route to Cuba stop over in Poland. One of the convoy cars crashes leaving a man scrabbling about in the snow. He trudges about in the snow, trying not to get caught, getting hungrier and killing people (although you have to see the film about the moral value of his killing, hence the title 'Essential Killing') All in all a great film. Although seeing the front cover makes it look like an all action, guns and ting film. It really isn't. Photography is beautiful aswell.
  2. VT main section...again. The absurd comments on Darren Bent's performance.
  3. Hertha have got to go back up. I hate them personally but with the season they've had and the relatively decent players they kept they were always going to go straight back up. aber 'Eiserne!!'
  4. I played in that league. Standard wasn't up to much.
  5. When you hear something you like on the radio, just note the time, check the playlist later on the interweb. Well the great thing about Classical music is that there are so many different recordings of one peice. You have the name already so type it into google or go into a shop and ask for a version. They'll be very happy to help you. Xann's advice is good also. I am extremely lucky as my Grandfather is a classical music fan extraordinaire. He has thousands upon thousands of vinyl and cd collections. He has an Encyclopaedic knowledge.
  6. Has to be! Even the age thing won't throw me. For all we know Salifou is timeless (aswell as a great bar food and English food chef)
  7. All the male members of my family (Dad's side) are called Thomas. So we all go by our second names.
  8. Yeah I hate that aswell. There was a cubicle at my old work place with a bloody girder coming out of the wall. You had to side saddle the shitter. I felt like a naughty maid in a period drama.
  9. Living in the shadow of your brother?
  10. Get out! They were gash! They had some truely great songs that just never got the air time. 'Out of Time' 'Let Robeson Sing' and 'We're all Bourgeois Now' stand out for me. 'If you tolerate this...' was a great tune aswell.
  11. 'program' 'loosing' 'looser' 'loose' That is all.
  12. Suffered something similar when I were a nipper; I used to build those model rockets and bought a NASA one with a detachable Space Shuttle; opted to name it "Challenger" and when the day came to take it to the runway and blast it into the sky, it got 5 metres off the ground before turning completely horizontal, shooting straight down the tarmac for another 6-7 metres before nosediving spectacularly into the ground and blowing up in a plume of smoke. Didn't the Challenger disaster get triggered by one dodgy O-ring? And Stevo, the Hindenburg wasn't a hot air balloon. The Hindenburg explosion was triggered by Hydrogen reacting violently. [/pedant] This is true. The hyrdogen in the fuel envelopes trickled down the window frames reacting violently with oxygen. A few dead Prussians in that disaster.
  13. **** me, was that the 60's?
  14. I have one at 6.30pm everyday. I'm touching cloth at 6.31pm.
  15. He was only offering you some Kaiserslautern themed toast!
  16. So you can afford an escort but not a Reading ticket?
  17. Or Johnny Tumour is paying her a visit. On a serious note, if the 'sinus' headaches persist for more than a week, i'd go and get it checked out.
  18. ...and what happened in 2008? Burns victim?
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