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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. I have an inkling I know who it is... pobably off the mark though. :winkold:
  2. It's the Istanbul Film festival next week. I've gone and preordered 20 tickets for it (20 films in two weeks). If there are any pearlers I'll post them on here.
  3. Like pissing yourself half way through Countdown...
  4. Do you want the Zidane world cup shirt. I'd rather send it back in time...
  5. I'm afraid that if I express what I would do to Rihanna you would maybe call the po.
  6. Most of that is people showing off how obsure their music taste is.
  7. sometimes the crying is unbearable.
  8. Proabably more often than not.
  9. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  10. Now you can see who I am in all my drunken glory.
  11. **** it, I'm adding you.
  12. Postman clearing in the woods.
  13. I know what you mean Andwar. I had a 40 minute lie in this morning. It felt like a mermaid from paradise was tickling my balls.
  14. He wont/can't find me, surely?
  15. I've also just spotted this on FB. "Hi **** if u can't sleep try camomile tea its kinda rank but has emzines in it that helps relax the body x"
  16. I went to the Turkish ministry this morning to sort my work permit out. Having been here before I know it's not easy to get things done without people shouting with you, charging for things that they've never told you about and generally being the most arrogant collection of jobworths in the world. I was told my work permit would cost around 700ytl (£270) so I grab the money, all my documents and brace myself for a few hours of hell. I was out within 10minutes with no charge. I subsequently went to a book shop, shoe shop and a steak house....retail therapy never felt so good.
  17. Ink pisses me off no end, It can always be relied on to find itself on my fingers, hands or in my shirt pocket.
  18. ...oh dear. Reminds me of the time my mate took Euros to the German market in town. Some people are dense.
  19. Can someone tell me what is actually in the census for q17. Being in Turkey I aint got access to a hard copy!
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