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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. I would say *badum tish* but you wouldn't hear it.
  2. If you stick it into Google Translate it comes out as? ' I'll wear the marigolds whilst you stick on a mask of Simon Cowell and call me sweet Shayne all night'
  3. Just like the Spanish basketball team a few years ago...
  4. It's hereditary. I can't...can I?
  5. I am going bald. I am 23 and It's already started to happen. When I start to look like Jeremy from Teachers i'll shave it off and compensate with a fine array of facial hair.
  6. 30 Hours. The International measurement of drunktime. As brought to you by Absintherist.
  7. Try it yourself! He made a mint off of Art Attack. Set up the prod. company then sold it during the boom for something ridonkulous. I have a 6 month old son and have to endure "Mister Maker". He isn't fit to sharpen Neil Buchanen's pencil. We were spoilt back in the day as we also had Tony Hart (RIP) and Rolf Harris. Am I such a heathen to suggest Smart? In the Mark Speight days of course...
  8. Try it yourself! He made a mint off of Art Attack. Set up the prod. company then sold it during the boom for something ridonkulous.
  9. We were bastards alright. People also forget we invented concentration camps.
  10. I know, although luckily I have 3 hours of teaching on a Monday but a hell of a lot of preparation work for exams. This week ain't gonna be cool.
  11. It is still very funny however it may have something to do with the club being banned from making a civic parade, through Birmingham. Fans were angry at being told they couldnt celebrate the victory as it could lead to other groups (EDL etc...) using it as a platform. Birmingham Mail. Says it all really about this club. I'm sure it would a different stance if it were the Villa.
  12. Mladen Petric has just scored a goal that wasn't. Tonked it off the underside of the bar and it didnt even touch the line, about an inch infront I reckon. Ref has given in. Hamburg 1-0 Mainz.
  13. In a thick Geordie accent shout 'I'm bliiiiiind' then nut him.
  14. The pub I go to over here love me to bits because I'll make my way through 11-12 beers whilst watching the football. They then top thıs up with free drink because I've spent the money of a table of 5 Turks. Things got a bit silly one night when we broke the electricity transformer in the tram stop by falling on it. The Police were not happy until the owner of the pub slipped him 100tl.
  15. Probably scared of the Blue Vein.
  16. Following on from Yillans post in GC. When old people use/try to figure something out and they manage to do something with it that defies logic. Also my nan and grandad making full use of the digital switchover and getting a new tv/aerial in a special bundle, then proceeding to still only watch ch.1-5.
  17. There was a few from my school that died too young. 2 x Motorbike accidents. Plus one incident where one very fit healthy guy woke up paralysed from the neck down. Out of the blue.
  18. The resurgence of Tommy Hitzlsperger. Bias? Me? no.
  19. Assert your authority before she steals the bacon from your plate. I've been through this bollocks aswell, a long time ago. My mum was insisting I let them settle in and give them space. I gave them an inch and they took everthing. They even took my SEGA Master system out of my room one night. I went radio rental and I got the blame for being a problem child.
  20. You don't lift the toilet seat???? I can understand the complaint of putting it down but you sit on that thing, im not having dried droplets of urine clinging to my ample arsehairs.
  21. I've just done what I said I'd never do. Restart a game of Fifa. It's the community shield. I'm one up with Villa gegen Man U and Rooney scores two impossible goals to win. Gabi raped the full backs in the league games now in this he's getting hustled off the ball.
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