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Everything posted by Si.

  1. This. He plays in the best team in Spain so it's easy for him to dominate the weaker Spanish opposition. He also has players like Xavi and Iniesta to help him. If Messi is the best player ever then he should be able to perfom without all his Barca team-mates. Pele won the World Cup. Maradona won the World Cup. Messi needs to win the World Cup before he can claim to be the best player ever. Not sure if I agree with this. What if a player with ability nobody has ever seen before was born in Malta? Would he not be allowed to be classed as the greatest footballer ever just because he was Maltese and the national team he played for was shit and never won the World Cup? I know its very unlikely but some food for thought. The one that springs to mind for me is Jari Litmanen. An awesome talent. Never got the recognition he deserved because he came from Finland and played in a poor Finland team.
  2. Si.


    A few Paracetmol before I go 2 sleep after a drinkin session takes the edge off the next day. Mcdonalds is a big yes if you can stomach it. Also full English is a gd idea with fresh orange juice. Bananas also help and Iron Bru!
  3. I agree Bri. Pele was overrated IMO. Its because of his clean cut image that Fifa say he was the best ever and spunk all over him rather then have the "crackhead" Maradona classed as the best ever. Messi will go down as the greatest ever once he hangs up his boots IMO. There is no doubt he is the greatest in the modern game.
  4. i think this may be apt score, score, once we get one we may draw we used to be scoring but now we are boring draw villa draw Is that to the tune of the lords song "dance there wherever you may be" Draw, Draw, we're as boring as can be We are the draw specialists you see We'll lead you all, whoever you may be But the end of the game, it'll be 3 - 3 Us score 3 times in 1 game! :shock:
  5. Id rather have him than Theo.
  6. We are being run by a dictator arnt we? Its not much of a democracy when every "citizen" of AVFC wants ECK out yet the top man keeps him as he has absoloute power.
  7. WTF ? Urrrrm this is real life ? Not football manager !! Good god After checking this thread after posting a while back, I'm amazed I managed a bite on this. I am honored to be in your sig though Cule!
  8. Even though he called us a" half arsed club that used to be famous"? If we were picking from the Championship it would be Mckay or McDermott for me. I like McDermott but he would be a bigger risk. Holloway has Prem experience and he will have learnt from that. He has managed to regroup from relegation , despite the subsequent loss of their best players and serious budget constraints, and mount a promotion challenge. Most importantly he has achieved this by continuing to play attractive attacking football. I don’t care what he called us. I don’t like the way he goes on but I like the football his teams play and would gladly listen to all his interviews in exchange for Villa playing his brand of football. And what’s more I would love to see what he could do with our current players. Brendan Rodgers would be my choice. Good style of football and has got alot of potential IMO. Would he leave Swansea for us though? Its a question you have got to ask. How low we have fallen :oops:
  9. I agree. Not going to happen though.
  10. Wasnt there rumours that Randy was "against" relegation? I know they were denied by the club but it explains alot IMO..
  11. maybe has custody of kids on the weekend and child services would probably think its cruelty if forced to watch Heskey play for 90 minutes
  12. Well what do they call screwing up if this isn't the biggest fecking screw going? The way the General has treated us is really disturbing To be on here, daily banging away with PR drivel when all was good, then to go into total hiding like some shrinking coward now all is not well is piss poor Not what you'd expect of some military general Good post. Totally agree.
  13. 99% of the Generals posts where bullshit tbh. Propaganda at its finest.
  14. Sack him now Randy! You are running out of lives!
  15. Si.

    Protesting News

    There is no point. Randy will not listen!
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