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Everything posted by Si.

  1. Si.

    Stan Petrov

    Gutted! Get well soon Stan! X
  2. Good post. Maybe Lerner appointed Eck to be his scapegoat, hoping he would take most of the blame? Either way its clear this appointment has not worked out, just like everybody apart from Fergie and that idiot Paul Faulkner thought. Also think Faulkner has alot of influence behind the scenes. Problems have arose as soon as Stride went and he was appointed. Maybe he is the reason we have turned into what we have? A laughing stock!
  3. Soon to be 2 McCleish "Cmon lads I want a 0-0 draw today, but if it ends up 0-1 or 0-2 thats still a good result, 0-3 would be satisfactory and if we let 4 or more in that would be considered poor"
  4. No he is not Si. Do you know him?
  5. Ive always thought MM is a player/coach or somebody like that.
  6. Si.


    We are the Mods, We are the Mods..
  7. Si.

    tyson vs ali

    Mike Tyson was only 16 when Rocky 3 came out iirc, Stallone based Balboa on a Chuck Wepner fight he saw. Oh okay maybe not
  8. Si.

    tyson vs ali

    From Here and FWIW I tend to agree Ali Replace Muhammad Ali with Rocky Balboa and Mike Tyson with Clubber Lang and you've got Rocky 3 Either way I agree Ali would win it. Balboa was based on Rocky Marciano, Apollo Creed on Ali and Clubber Lang on Mike Tyson. Also think Mason "The Line" Dixon was based on a heavyweight version of Mayweather.
  9. i had never driven before, and the holidays were coming up and i decided i wanted to drive during the holidays. so i did a 2 week intensive course from start to finish, and passed my test 14 days after i sat behind the wheel of a car for the first time. It was great doing it this way, its like cramming for an exam, you just remember everything, rather than having to keep re-learning as you forget stuff from one week or the next. Thats a great idea. How much did it cost?
  10. Surely though - the best sort of revenge is the sort where you refuse to BE the person they want you to be - to rise above it - not to fight back necessarily but just sort things out in a calm and pleasant manner as you see fit and just be a decent loving human being. I find that tends to infuriate nasty people even more. No. Thats ghey revenge. Hunt them down and hurt them. Look what they did to you? How could they not care how you feel? Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it As somebody who has taken revenge and seen it backfire with bad consequences id think before you act. It did feel good at the time though, I must admit.
  11. Took the advice and binned my instructor. Now on the lookout for a new one in the Stourbridge area.
  12. Si.

    Eric Abidal

    Looks like his health concerns are not over yet.. Link Fantastic player in a fantastic team. Get well soon Eric.
  13. Fantastic idea. Good work lads!
  14. My situation was nearly the same, rather then 20 lessons it was more like 10. I have to say it was the best thing I could have done. I didnt find my new instructor went over things i'd already learnt unless he knew I weren't good enough at them. How close do you feel you are to taking a test? If you feel you're only 50% there then it could be worth getting a new instructor. If it's more like, 85%, then may be worth just sticking with it. There's nothing worse then not liking the person trying to teach you something, it will result in you not wanting to learn from them, or more importantly, not wanting to learn at all. I hated my instructor so much I gave it a year before I could face another .... I wish I had of just changed instantly with hindsight. To be honest id say about 50%. So it is probably worth getting a new one. I actually dread having lessons with him and as you said, its going to result in me not wanting to learn and im obviously going to learn more if I enjoy it. Thanks for your input mate
  15. Im currently learning...had about 20 lessons or so but now starting to get sick of my driving instructor. He has no patience whatsoever. I had a lesson earlier I made 1 mistake n he was on my back which lowerd my confidence, which resulted in numerous mistakes after. On the plus side he does really want me to suceed. I think he wants me to so much he loses his patience when I make silly mistakes and for the first 15 or so lessons he was brilliant. I really dont know if to stick with him because ive had 20 lessons or start again with a new instructor. If i get a new one it feels like ive thrown £400 down the drain, as the new instructor might start me from the begining or teach me in a different way. Anybody been in this situation before? Pieface is this similar to the situation you was in?
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