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Everything posted by Si.

  1. Its time to riot! **** off Lerner you clueless "soccer" liking word removed. You dont have a clue! You was brought up by Daddy with Daddys billions, you never did shit! Daddy cant save you now from the rath of the Holte! Either sack him at the end of the season or sell up and **** off! **** clueless American word removed
  2. We'll need to start drawing up plans to take over Villa and remove McLeish ourselves. SGC can be the interim manager. What about James Withe? With his FM experience, unquestionable ability and knowledge, he can make us the top 4 team we have longed to be...
  3. What going to happen if we lose at the DW tomorrow?
  4. Pearce wants the job on a full time basis
  5. In recent times Civilization 4 was a work of genius IMO. I remember being addicted to Pokemon Silver. But hands down Championship Manager 97/98 was the 1st time I ever refused to go to sleep because of a video game. The countless sleepless nights and days off school. It nearly got me expelled!
  6. Bwahahaha Racist Has-beens.
  7. Ellis would never have allowed us to become the laughing stock we are now.
  8. In what universe are we better? Its the equivalent of having DOL as manager and ellis as owner, But McLeish as manager and Lerner as owner.. We basically have done a massive circle. and ended up no better. DOL is/was a better manager than McLeish IMO. Just as Doug was a better owner, just not as rich.
  9. When trying to defend McLiesh this past week, I wasn't expecting him to revert back to the way set up the team vs Spurs again. I thought he had learnt from his mistakes. Really can't defend some our performances under McLiesh. What do people recon it would take for McLiesh to get sacked? I dont think RL has the bollocks to sack him. He's too stuborn for a start and I doubt he would want to cough up the Compo. Randy Lerner is clueless. I just wish he had listened to the fans before making this bizzare appointment.
  10. If 'arry gets the job theres no doubt in my mind who he will make captain. A certain nephew of his..
  11. With all do respect to him but he had money to spend...some 17-18 million but he should of generated more by selling a lot of our "first teamers" even if for quite a low amount to get them off the wage bill. On Football Manager I started out with the same amount of dosh from Lerner and I managed to finish 5th in my first season by selling our established deadwood or loaning them out (to save the wages) and gave our youngsters a good go while pretty much transforming the team just 20 million. Bwahahahahaha!!!
  12. Only captains can talk to referees about decisions etc.. at the next tournament. Not that referees ever change their mind anyway.. but that is a pretty important role. Which does beg the question - would some other teams have to change their captain to one who speaks English (as a majority of games will be referee'd with English as the main language) Rooney would probably punch the referee..
  13. True but that is abit different. When he joined SHA he claimed it was a dream come true to join his boyhood club. Kissing the badge when he scored etc.. The tought of him in claret and blue after that makes me sick!
  14. Do people forget that Craig is a bluenose? Why would you want him anywhere near Villa park?
  15. We are in big, big trouble. He needs to go NOW!
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