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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Unlikely I will see that long
  2. To say a fond farewell to my Queen
  3. A hero mossad agent from the books by Daniel Silva
  4. Sent the Mrs off in search of cardboard and pen, Might have to say Bicks is a ponce keep them peeled
  5. Shame you cannot get a gold pass like at Alton Towers
  6. As many times as possible before 6 am on Monday
  7. It’s getting quite chilly as well, good job we have a hip flask and some blankets. Estimate we are about halfway down about 1.5 miles. Seems a long day since we left yesterday One of those once-in-a-lifetime events (apart from when we went down to watch Diana’s funeral)
  8. 615 left so will creep to full sell out I would think
  9. 6m million then would not be far off 20 million now
  10. My Mrs says he looks like one of those fish you find in deep deep water that make their own light against a pitch black background
  11. I pity you being sober, it will be horrific
  12. A bit harsh, he took over when we were 14th and got us promoted same year
  13. Mings Konsa Chambers Cash Ramsey Kamara Luiz Digne Bailey Watkins
  14. Is there anyone who actually believes he has a chance of turning this around ?
  15. I cannot believe that anybody bothers with either anymore. With the amount of things you can get onto a fire stick for 60 quid a year it beggars belief
  16. Shouting out ‘Generals gathered in their Masses’ at the top of my voice and the Mrs steamed in to the cave thinking I was having a large coronary
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