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Everything posted by birdman

  1. That's Tyrones style so get used to it. If it was a huge problem Dean would have told him to cut it out and/or dropped him. He's really important to us on and off the pitch and teams need big characters like him to speak up. Every player has their annoyances but you have to see the big picture he does far more good than bad!
  2. Seems to have sorted out his positioning and awareness. No longer getting caught out ball watching or at least not as often. Well played Matt!
  3. Pissed off seeing the Twitterati slate him the whole game. Obviously needs more fitness and sharpness but he's trying out there and getting involved... alot more than someone else I can think of!
  4. Worth alot more than 20m that's for sure. No weaknesses. Captain material!
  5. Welcome to The Wall. Ye Shall Not Pass.
  6. Traore to start. Did more than Conor when he came on and had some nice touches. Wish we would use Nakamba more too!
  7. birdman

    Louie Barry

    Players can develop alot just look at Jack vs a few years ago. Stronger, faster.
  8. Well statistically he's bound to, throw enough darts...
  9. Man like Grealish I cant help but smile at that photo... his face, he's like a kid in a sweet shop!
  10. We are absolutely capable of getting a result against Wolves without Ross it's just that we need to cut out the stupid defensive errors and also somehow ensure Watkins is in the box to score. I reckon Trez might get on the scoresheet too!
  11. It's a little naughty if true and as always players should be setting a shining example. Personally I couldnt give a toss as I'm sick of people trying to micro manage what others do. Just look after yourself is what I say! The most annoying aspect is getting stick from rival fans as you just know its the highlight of the sad little coqwombles lives
  12. No surprise with a hamstring. I reckoned it would be a month when a couple of weeks was first quoted! Dissapointing all the same. Absolutely no excuse not to get something out of the game though. No stupid basic errors please.
  13. Perhaps he's ashamed and doesn't know how to deal with it. Who knows but I'm sure he wants to bury his head in the sand and forget it ever happened. He will have to face up to it sooner rather than later I should think. I would be surprised if he's not spoken to the team about it actually. Clearly he was a bit of a bad egg although I would like to give the benefit of the doubt and say the leopard has changed his spots!
  14. Players don't care how bad it looks on camera. If it wins a free kick then job done. Yes the game has gone soft but so has the officiating. Jack took a late whack to his leg and it would have been ignored had he not dropped to the deck. He gets kicked every game, mainly becaue he's one step ahead of the opposition. I bet Watkins will go to ground next time as well!
  15. Indeed and need to do more damage when dominating but most of all cut out conceding soft goals that put us on the back foot early doors. Dean needs to address the zonal marking issues as it's killing us!
  16. Regardless of the VAR nonsense he must be extremely frustrated with some of his team mates tonight. Just not good enough.
  17. We can't afford to have a one trick pony playing! Yes hes been fantastic for us and yes he can play well when the going is good but it's too risky imo. I think we need to invest minutes in Traore and use Connor as backup. If Dean picks Conor then fair play I will always back him and hope he scores but I just don't think he's the best option for us.
  18. Jack behaved very very poorly if indeed he was drunk at the wheel. As I understand it there is no evidence so he's extremely lucky. Hopefully get banned for 12 months and in the meantime learn the hard lesson and never repeat the mistake! I'm sure he realises this could harm his ambitions. Not a good week for the club what with the racism report too. As fans we're gonna get a load of stick but nothing changes there I suppose!
  19. Fair comments. Well he's going to have to cut out the mistakes and improve if he wants to retain his England place long term. That should be motivation enough.
  20. Half the problem was when there was a ball in the box Watkins was nowhere to be seen!
  21. When this happened I thought yes we're in here... but he got nowhere near it
  22. Defense were playing a very high line and got caught napping
  23. I dont remember Conor having any positive impact on the game unfortunately.
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