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Everything posted by MotoMkali

  1. If we go on a cup run could really see Ollie playing only 30 ish games. If that is the case Wesley could probably hit 6 or 7 goals when factoring sub appearances as well.
  2. You can barely tell one leg is shorter than the other 2
  3. He was a big miss due to Elmo being a catastrophe. But guilbert was a top 5 rb last season when playing. And only behind Hakimi, Cancelo, Trippier and Kimmich (does he even count plays as a CDM). And Guilbert had a sending off in that period. Which is pretty rare for his career one every 50 games. And whilst that may have been a hot run of form for him. The fact is he was one of the best players in Europe last season which you couldn't really say about cash at any point.
  4. If we had a spanking new stadium we would crush spurs in revenue. The thing is we'd get way more money for things like concerts and the like. They have to compete with the 02 and 5 other football grounds we have to compete with SHA, Wolves and the Baggies They'd obviously have to figure out a way to host them without destroying the grounds but we could be hosting fight nights, concerts and other events as we'd be the largest venue available in Birmingham. That would be another thing which compounds value with food kiosks and a nearby hotel.
  5. No he's much better deeper where he can turn and run with the ball. And his long passing is an asset on the break. I don't like it when we are high up in possession and putting pressure on the defence and he plays a floaty long ball that allows defenders to close down and get back in shape. Honestly though his pressing is overrated. He does a lot of highlight presses but very rarely any in the defensive third which is where you typically expect to win the ball back. He doesn't track his runner playing him further forward would exacerbate that problem.
  6. That might just be the vest shirts. Wes doesn't have a number either. Maybe because the vest shirts probably aren't going to be used most of the season they didn't bother with the numbers.
  7. Badge still curves that annoys me Also the central pinstripe doesn't line up with the point of the collar. And the shoulders would look way better if they were in the lighter colour so it actually lined up with stripes. Awful production by Kappa
  8. Waste excellent positions by being inpatient and trying to play a 50yrd pass or take a 40 yrd shot?
  9. Probably should have had him heading to the early showers but then Phillips definitely should have been sent off in like 3 games at the Euros due to accumulation of fouls.
  10. Did we get duped? If arsenal didn't match his demands (which hasn't even be confirmed) we would be in pole position for an exciting young English talent who was by enlarge the main reason arsenal weren't in a relegation battle last season.
  11. Yes Messi is. He is the single greatest player ever, he brings a huge amount of Merchandising and advertisement revenue to the club. He is also the greatest player ever.
  12. I mean Messi is. Their other players not so much. Messi is still in a class of his own. But Griezeman **** hell he's on more than twice the highest paid player in the Premier league.
  13. Pretty sure it is white and claret, an homage to the European Cup winning kit.
  14. If you look at Pogbas role for France that is probably his ideal role. Receive the ball on the turn and ping a world class pass or beat a man or 2 and create an advantage.
  15. Getting over 13 is a fairly excellent result. 11 and 12 are both very good. And you could probably be proud of anything over 10 if you do the full beep test. I'd bump each of those eup slightly for yo-yo test.
  16. I believe it is called a yo-yo test where you walk 10m during your recovery. I think it is considered easier and results in higher scores like 19 rather than 17.
  17. No it is about half 2/3 of a Premier league players average sprint speed at its peak. But to complete it you run 5k in 22 minutes at much higher average intensity. The recovery time you get just isn't enough to make up for the effort you exert. To add further information it is doubted that anyone has actually competed the beep test and it is reckoned the highest ever score is 17/1. Lee Gong Dook completed 16 levels (so a score of 17) which is tied for the 2nd highest score in official results.
  18. Yeah, conor seems to be able to run really far just not sprint quickly
  19. There's a difference to being is Europe and Brazil right now. Brazil is way worse off atm, same with Argentina.
  20. This isn't a case where neutrality is acceptable. If you aren't for equality then you are part of the problem. It doesn't matter if you only think speaking to authorities who perpetuate violence is wrong or whether you think black people are inferior. At that point everything is equal. You either get on board and learn or you are part of the problem. It isn't on the black players to teach a man basic human decency. It is on the man to learn it. This isn't a new thing either where he could be excused due to a transitional period. No this is a fight that has been going on for hundreds of years. 1974 is when the first equality act was, 1833 is when they abolished slavery. If he hasn't learnt in that time that all people are equal then he can get ****. There is no Room for Racism, support of Racism or implicit acceptance of Racism on this planet and certainly not in football.
  21. He seems to have dropped his Hood (think that might be notre Dame cathedral but I'm suggesting he wouldn't be out of place in mississippi in 1964)
  22. https://tntsports.com.ar/ligaprofesional/Se-va-del-Millonario-El-equipo-de-Europa-que-se-quiere-llevar-a-Julian-Alvarez-despues-de-la-Copa-America-El-delantero-de-River-podria-irse-al-Aston-Villa-20210710-0002.html Not is it on their website. However they do link us so maybe they haven't written/posted a full article yet and one of their journalists tweeted it
  23. If it is real, he would almost certainly do his medical over there. He has to definitely isolate for a while because he is coming from Brazil. Plus as you say if he fails the medical he has a 14 hour flight back as well. Which is a tad harsh on a dude who just missed his big break.
  24. That too. None of our reporters have a clue what is going on until percy confirms or occasionally says we are interested but haven't bid yet.
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