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Everything posted by MotoMkali

  1. Nah, if they are using the level rules then he was onside.
  2. Just from the positioning, maybe it is used to increase ankle strength by forcing you to keep your feet of the floor but I have no clue. As in increasing force upwards on the feet so you have to exert more force downwards to not tip over.
  3. But like with Tammy instead of Captain.
  4. Because it is a famously good idea to give out identifying information on the Internet. Which is why I completely randomly picked my name.
  5. I was just making a joke about the lion King. What on earth are you on about
  6. Tuchel is whispering long live the King and throwing Tammy off a cliff into a herd of stampeding wildebeest.
  7. This is a myth. In WW1 they fought with the allies because Austro-Hungary had claimed their territory and was threatening them for it. Yes they were originally in a pact with Germany and the Habsburgs but that doesn't make them turncoats they were defending themselves. And in the 2nd world war. They just lost. Their capital had fallen. And a "democratic" government had been out in place so of course for the remainder of the war they were on the side of the allies. Mussolini didn't go oh no! We are losing and then declare on Hitler to join the allies. He got brutally executed.
  8. I just think changing the lions colour is all we need to do tbh. We should still basically look the same. It just won't blend in with the blue background anymore.
  9. I agree with potentially getting rid of the shield entirely but on the training kit as pure white it looked **** fantastic. So I'd be very happy with that on the main kit or maybe just a gold badge as well. I think the badge probably puts some neutrals off our kits just because the colours don't go super well together. They really need to redo the badge to make the yellow darker imo.
  10. I'd prefer monochrome badge on all our kits. It looks way better to me. And I think it is really ahrd to get the lion right on the colour badges for the before mentioned reason. I think the monochrome badges look way better. As I said earlier those Liverpool badges look really nice and frankly I think that is what makes their kits among the best in the league. Because they aren't kinited by their shield design.
  11. Disagree. It looks way cleaner and better on kits. As much as I hate Liverpool their kits look way better for stripping the badge down to just the red whatever it is (Phoenix? Dragon?) we keep the current badge for non kits. But then we can put on a badge that actually fits the kits colour scheme rather than let's face it clach awfully half the time.
  12. Doesn't matter because we are entertaining. As long as it doesn't come at the cost of relegation and therefore potentially destroying the club I'd prefer us to play entertaining football than get European football. But again it doesn't matter because we do play entertaining attacking football. But I'm much more pliable with it in regards to villa. I don't feel any particular affinity towards the English national team. Especially since every game we play is boring as hell. It's either against terrible teams with no tension or it is against a competent opponent it's a snoozefest. The one time we actually attacked consistently this tournament it was a 4-0 battering. Maybe if we played like that more consistently. Although 2 goals from set pieces and another the keeper should have saved came down to luck.
  13. I think a lot of us have made it clear we aren't fans though. We are villa fans first and foremost and would rather watch entertaining football than win.
  14. First why does it matter. 2nd I'm not telling anyone on here my age 3rd I'm not a 12 year old if that is what you are asking.
  15. Yes I'm English. I don't care about the Euros or World Cup except for Villa players. I'll support the Olympic team but thats because the competitions are actually entertaining normallybas opposed to the English National side. I'll watch but I don't care unless we actually have skin in the game.
  16. No, but I don't support England, I support villa players. So I agree with his initial statement.
  17. Old enough to understand the basic concept that performance is more indicative of future results than current and past results. And we perform awfully.
  18. Good results =/= Good Performances. Ukraine was a good performance although helped by awful keeping and the team giving up after the 2nd goal. The others were pretty poor imo.
  19. No because football is luck. If we dominated the game then maybe I'd consider myself wrong. But we are sturdy enough that a good team will struggle to break us down even if they dominate the ball. Football is entertainment that is where all the money comes from, I'm very disappointed with how we play because it isn't entertaining. I'm even more disappointed at how Southgate treats Jack, and the double standard he requires of jack compared to everyone else.
  20. Just because one team beats another doesn't mean you'd beat the side that was beaten. 2nd they completely changed up their DM pairing after that game which made them way better. I also said to a lesser extent. I mostly meant Spain, Italy and Belgium as the teams we'd get schooled by.
  21. I'd be unhappy. Boring football is boring football. It's entertainment and that is what should come first
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