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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. How's his footwork? I guess Gauci is expected to be the highest potential, but having a competent third choice would be a massive luxury given we've not even had a second choice goalkeeper for longer than I can recall.
  2. But the original point made (that we haven't looked like world beaters despite this) is moot anyway. We've looked exactly as good as we've needed to to get to the stage we're at. Emery isn't trying to wipe the floor with every opponent. He's balancing the need to progress with the need to prioritise the Premier League. At this stage, we should expect to so start using our stronger lineups, but the opposition will be better (most likely Europa league drop outs), and we've got injuries piling up so I don't expect us to be looking like world beaters still. Weird complaint to have that we've qualified for the knock out stages but not looked good doing it.
  3. Buendia was playing a good chunk of last season under Gerrard when we were shit. He also brings a lot more besides expected assists and goals, whilst Diaby does nothing else. He'd have made the same step to everyone else in the squad did. And he'd have continued to be our second most creative player, along with a player that harrases the opposition giving them less time to set up their long cross field passes over our defence. Anyone that thinks he wouldn't have helped us this season is the person that needs to give their head a wobble.
  4. If we finish 5th you would rather we didn't get the consolation prize and the other English clubs don't succeed in Europe?
  5. Manually drawn serves zero purpose if they then use a computer. They could build in whatever rules they want. I'd love to inspect the code, no doubt see a rule that says "if Aston Villa draw away against the top seed in every pot" Funny looking at all the rage in here when the format was announced... but now we might actually benefit from it. Very amusing.
  6. Sancho proving it's United that's toxic rather than him? Or do we think he'd still be rubbish for us?
  7. I'm not cutting my nose off to spite my face. Them getting through is good for our champions league insurance policy. Whilst them getting knocked out in this round or the next makes little difference to them.
  8. Great goal by Arsenal. As much as I dont like Arteta, I'm all about what helps us the most and Arsenal getting through is a big boost for our hopes of Champions League (accepting that we might finish 5th and that would still be an amazing season, and finishing 4th is still a distinct possibility).
  9. Get rid of PSR/FFP and I'm sure we'd have voted for it. As it is, our owners are in win at all costs mode because the only way to compete with the scum 6 is to be able to spend more. The only way to spend more is to earn more, and filtering money down the football league doesn't do that. Game definitely gone.
  10. I dont think it would cost us any points. Donk is less capable on the ball than Tim, so while he may block more attacks, he'll concede possession more. Probably break even for me, but not quantifiable as you said. Certainly not worth recalling Donk (if we even could) to find out given how much we should be saving from his wage.
  11. Depends on your definition of crippling. I meant in the sense we wouldn't have to sell anyone. But we would be pretty stuck with one in one out. I'm not sure what you mean about answering my points? The fact we won't sell 12 players isn't answered by anything at present. We might do, but I very much doubt we will
  12. The point about those players likely having negative "equity" if we sell them is valid. We 100% will not sell 12 players. I'll be pleased (and kind of surprised) if we manage to move on more than 6 with the tight belts shown by the rest of the league. It's valid to question the amount of money we'll save by selling Carlos and Digne, when there's a good chance we won't be able to move on either. We can definitely improve from our 90% ratio though. We'll have a lot more income this season with european football and price rises. We'll have had two high earners (Coutinho and Donk) out on loan this season, and sold Traore, that will be positively impacting our position for next years reporting period (assuming these new rules come in that quick). It's not going to be crippling for us, the worst part will be how much more room it gives the scum 6.
  13. Because their owners are sick of losing money and they're happy to be ever presents in the PL, make money, and not win anything? I guess the point is for a lot of teams it's barely any different from the current rules. It's us and Everton that are currently closest to a hypothetical limit, so not sure how the rest will see it.
  14. I dont like this new rule. Locks in the scum 6. Just look how much room they have spare to spend on salaries compared with nearly all the rest of the league. Forces a club to make very gradual improvement and prevents a club even doing what we did to try and compete. Unless there's some leeway for owners to top up the revenue with backed grants, its a killer for the immediate future. Having the same rules as uefa would be sensible, but they're only coming onboard over a rolling several year period. Again, if they'd been at the level they'll be in two years time when we qualified for the UECL, we'd have never got there. At least not in the timeframe we've done so. Allowing some clubs to spend more than others is not fair play. It's a financially forced unfair competition. Edit: I know "FFP" doesn't really exist, and it's more about sustainability, which I accept these rules do ensure better... but it's miles from creating a fair competition.
  15. As highlighted by others... the alternative is a non-dm (Youri), a formation that doesn't work (see spurs game), or a player that Emery has tried to sell twice already (Chambers). Now is definitely the time.
  16. Limited them to one shot on target and didn't have a single one on target ourselves. We then didnt turn up for the second half, ceding possession and looking like it was the first time the team had played together. Last season when we beat them they were playing a totally different style of football, under a different manager. Before you even mention that it was away from home. The approach should have been front foot, it wasn't. Tim being the straight swap option for Kamara, with most of the core of the team having had an easy run out at Ajax, would have been fairly logical. Maybe he was protecting him, but having 5 defenders on the pitch when playing at home does suggest he wasn't confident in Tim over a far less logical choice. Either way, he should start against Ajax and I'm hoping we go back to the formation that has worked far more often than not this season
  17. Not sure what Emery didn't see in him in training that meant he didn't start him. The fact Emery would rather try a completely untested new formation, against a team that leaves themselves open at the back regularly and perfectly suited to our normal style of play, thn give him a run out... we'll it's concerning. Get the feeling Emery doesn't think he's ready. But he doesn't have a choice now. Let's hope he steps up.
  18. I don't get how he can show so much effort to track a man the length of the pitch, but then give up so effortlessly when he just needs to track someone 10 yards. Despite this, he still put in more effort than all 8 of the other outfield players on the pitch at the same time as him He's a real enigma, but I've no confidence the brief moments of positive intent or creativity he shows will ever be more than just that. I just don't think he'll cut it in England. Another game where he's done nothing to suggest he's worth buying, and I've long since given up hope that view will ever change. I just hope we aren't at risk of triggering the compulsory purchase.
  19. Not sure if tiredness from midweek set in, but there was no effort in the second half. McGinn over compensated for that and then was stupid Bad performance, bad result. But the red card is the worst thing. It is really going to hurt us and anything from our next three games will be a bonus when we only have one fit and available senior midfielder.
  20. It's embarrassing against this team. They've conceded in every game they've played.
  21. McGinn showing extra aggression to make up for the fact none else seems to give a shit, and now he's destroyed our hopes for the next 3 games. Poor decision from him, and absolutely no need to do that. But at the same time I can see why he's so angry. The rest of the side have not turned up this half.
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