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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. "Not top 4 material, but acceptable for Villa." —Dwight Yorke
  2. Absolutely bossing it yet again. Still a terrible decision.
  3. Yes. I'm not a fan of the curving ASTON VILLA above the lion. I know, I know.. opinions!
  4. Don't forget INSANELY BORING. I wish people wouldn't even respond to such posts.
  5. One small step for Emery, one giant leap for Aston Villa.
  6. Similar to the Prepared rubbish we put up with for so long. I always loathed this. Not least because we've been oscillating between rubbish to embarrassing for the majority of my Villa supporting career. So prepared became a stick to beat us with and an obvious form of endless hilarity for any wit who could be bothered to taunt us with a ..to fail .. to lose from a winning position .. to disappoint yet again. It's a struggle to turn it into any form of positive, and probably one of the most limp and stupid phrases ever to be associated with in sport. But what could I do except wince whenever I saw it? Designs and concepts do matter.
  7. Spotted David Bradley at the Arsenal vs Villa ladies match on Sunday.
  8. Don't forget Spurs, City... whoever else turned his head at the first opportunity.
  9. Was at the game yesterday. The goals did seem inevitable when 12 minutes extra time went up, but felt overall we defended impressively and with no little skill. Laura Blindkilde Brown was outstanding. Pity about the keeper error as otherwise van Domselaar was solid. Really good atmosphere; spotted David Bradley with us!
  10. In my opinion the European win / star probably did mean more even just a few years back, especially when Randy was in charge, so wanting to officially recognise the honour in some way made sense when so few British clubs had won the thing. Now though, as Chelsea and City have won the new shittier version of the competition, it does seem less relevant. I don't mind the star personally, but as is likely with more English clubs dominating the competition with all the filthy money around, it does seem less relevant.
  11. Never understood the implicit 'hungrier' idea.
  12. Won't none of you listen to Stuart Pearce!? I quote: "Doesn't look like he's got a trick in him to beat his man". Time to cut our losses.
  13. Multi-million pound kit manufacturer / sponsor, and STILL no solution! Baffling.
  14. It does to everyone else, just not to us..... Have you ever met a Coventry City fan!?
  15. You lot are making me really nervous with all this positivity
  16. When has overconfidence served us well in the past!?
  17. *deep-seated My frustration is placed perfectly, thank you.. anyways, go Ollie! Delighted.
  18. The trouble for me is that it seems like a slight erasure or underplaying of history. As adults, we'll work out the differentials. I want to see history how it is, not history that suits a marketing idea.
  19. Completely agree. What happens when the Prem is rebranded? We start from zero again?
  20. Of course you don't 'hate' him. Nobody does. Why can't people ask questions like an adult? I'll try: Why do Villa fans show so much antipathy toward Gabby? Or, if that's too fancy: Why do people seem to dislike Gabby so much? Agree fully with your post by the way.
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