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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/aston-villa-transfers-newcastle-wilson-18885120
  2. Bid accepted, 'according to reports' ...
  3. Not really, if you're asking if it is reasonable, or not, I would say not. Kind of on a par with estate agents. Completely disproportionate outlay to the quality of work on offer. Market rate? Yep, sure. But not reasonable by any judgement.
  4. Um, I know. That's why I didn't make that point.
  5. My thoughts exactly. It seems very likely an uninjured Wesley would've hit double figures in his debut season in a tough league whilst settling in an unfamiliar culture, and would continue to improve given his age. You could argue that we are buying someone less good than what we already have. Having said that, I completely trust Smith, and if we go into the new season with Ollie, Wesley & Callum Wilson as our strikers then so be it. Top 8 finish here we come.
  6. This makes me want to cry. For someone arguably as average as we already have is a separate point.
  7. Personally, I think Nyland is a fine keeper. He started the League Cup Final on merit. Any mistakes in that position more often are punished. With a proper run in a less nervy side I think he would prosper.
  8. Perhaps it's a slightly self-defeating question, unfortunately moved to a more generic thread. I guess if you had no interest in modern art or art in general, then you would simply ignore this thread, so I'm only likely to get answers from people already invested. Thanks for the responses anyway. Pleasantly surprised.
  9. Can't help but feel if we do sign the likes of Callum Wilson then the chances of signing a really exciting striker are gone. Wincing already at the potential choice of Davis, Samatta, Wilson and a returning Wesley from long-term injury.
  10. I think the working class have been screwed out of a genuine source of lifelong pleasure by the education received (like my own - until college/Uni.). Add to this the relentless hostility toward modern art over the decades by the tabloid press, and a certain section of society are practically bullied into a skewed view of the world. One of the (many) reasons it's so hard for working class artists to get anywhere in the art world, is the lack of network to begin with, the lack of support, time and money to able to dedicate themselves, which is not the case for the middle/upper class. I would argue that the people who could benefit the most from actively pursuing an interest in culture is the working class, and yet, it seems largely viewed as dispensable.
  11. Am I wrong in thinking that the overwhelming majority of people don't rate or actively dislike modern art? Not exactly a scientific study, but judging by my interactions growing up in Birmingham, and having lived in various places including the SW now, the majority seem to view art with suspicion, or outright hostility. Is this not what others have found?
  12. The academy is one area we have fundamentally strengthened. I like our long-term thinking. Things are changing at the club, it just takes time.
  13. Shakpoke signed and already in training with the club, according to the Mail.
  14. Fellow Villa Talk-ers I’m currently working on a project about modern art, and I wonder if you might have an opinion on the current state of modern art and art in general. What ‘is’ art? What makes ‘good’ art? Do you have to have a certain amount of skill to create art? Is a dead shark art? Is an unmade bed art? Is a vase art? Is a banana duct-taped to a wall art? I would love to know your thoughts.
  15. Evening Mail now leading with the Callum Wilson being pursued over Ollie Watkins story. Surely this can't be true. Would be dreadfully underwhelming if so. Has to be horseshit.
  16. Prepare to be outraged and disgusted then. Twitter might be a more natural home for any further thoughts on this.
  17. A goal-scoring Davis would be a hell of a player.
  18. Does this not seem like Southgate has been left with little option 'but' to invite Jack along, after the injury elsewhere, and really just wants to avoid anymore controversy over this inclusion? All things considered, Southgate almost certainly seems to have a personal problem with Jack.
  19. One of those appalling, transparently poor decisions that demonstrated the shrugging amateurishness of our approach to that woeful season.
  20. Very true. Dwight Gayle would get into any Championship team and probably help take them up. Then, consistently hopeless at the next level (apart from against Villa, which is a given for any generally hopeless striker).
  21. Quite. Leeds going down the high priced massive gamble route. If he scores just enough to keep them up, then gamble pays off.
  22. Didn't Liverpool's Andy Robertson come from the Championship via Hull? Now one of the best full backs in the Prem.
  23. Why, because some mug on Skysports says so?
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