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Everything posted by DaveAV1

  1. Levy will want £5m + Jack for him.
  2. That’s why Barcelona are now having to sell their future stars off to us #feederclubarca
  3. DaveAV1

    Louie Barry

    Does this make Barcelona our feeder club?
  4. Nah a twinged arse can be tricky, 7 day recovery period, best not to risk him!
  5. I recall in the early 70s when Utd went down, I think that by Christmas Alex Stepney, their goal keeper, was their top goal scorer on 2 because he took their penalties. So the current lot have still got plenty of room for improvement.
  6. The BBC had them on 28, they’ve corrected it now. 30 looks better for them.
  7. Burnley are only 3 points above us, there’s a long way to go for all of us.
  8. They’ll probably change manager a few days before knowing our luck.
  9. 2 down 1 to go. Unfortunately I’ve got little confidence that Man U can come back from 1-0 at home to Burnley.
  10. Yes but he knew he was going to assist Mings in scoring a brilliantly placed 95th minute winner.
  11. DaveAV1

    Louie Barry

    What about the sunshine?
  12. DaveAV1

    Louie Barry

    It’s that or global warming.
  13. DaveAV1

    Louie Barry

    Plus he’s one of our own, his Mom will drop him at the gates and pick him up later. It’s not as though we’re child traffickers like Chelsea.
  14. Definitely, he does it all the time in training
  15. Yes it’s a pity Old Peculiar had to go back to West Ham.
  16. I think one of the reasons that he has been thrown at the deep end is he is a fresh face. The midfield, except for Jack, had really stagnated, he has offered something different from what I hear.
  17. Yeah but he hasn’t scored yet.
  18. Whilst tonight’s win is obviously a massive confidence boost, I think it also helps with recruitment. Psychologically to not be in the relegation zone and coming on the back of such a huge and dramatic win may just convince a potential signing to come and join us.
  19. I see lots of posters complaining that we haven’t acted in the market quick enough. I know we all want players in as quickly as possible, but given the choice of a quick failed signing and a last day of the window successful signing I know what I’d choose. We’re looking for players, except for loans, that are going to sign 3 or 4 year contracts and so be long term investments. Even in the short term, have one more league game before the end of the month, surely the other 14 are considerably more important on the whole. Marry in haste, repent at leisure as they used to say.
  20. That’s very true, he can only be judged against who he has played against. The scouts and coaches have the difficult job of making an educated decision as to whether he has the ability and character to play in the PL. We’re constantly asking why we rarely find an unknown gem and yet when we’re linked with players that haven’t played in a top league they’re instantly dismissed as rubbish before they’ve even had a medical.
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