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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. No no no! The longer Solskjaer stays, the better...
  2. Conor would be more of an asset and get more minutes if he consistently upped his aggression & workrate. He has done it at times but is usually quiet and it sometimes seems like the game passes him by or he’s not involved enough. He can help his case and be better, more active and more decisive in his passing... it would help if he could get into goalscoring positions more often and take more shots (one of his strengths) but we have to keep a balance with the midfielders too, they can’t all attack together...I’d like Doug to display his long shot prowess too but the team and discipline has to come before individuals... We’ll hopefully add a superior CM before the close of the window anyway (got to take advantage of opportunities to improve the team and kick on) but Conor is a useful member of the squad and I’d be sad to see him go as he’s been a significant part of our success so far...
  3. Yep, it’s coming and we saw good signs today. If we continue to bring in better players, we will see it sooner too... I think Dean’s been restricted by the lack of ability in the squad since he came in.
  4. Yeah, he was just desperate to make an impression today, the goals and form will come & continue. He has the perfect attitude to be a huge success, needs to settle into the team and get used to his new team mates & our style of play. He’s started well and will get better & better, looking like an excellent signing and just what we needed.
  5. Very encouraging signs in each of his games so far. Determination, intelligence, workrate, pace and he’s not short on ability - I think he’s a more complete player than Tammy. It’s early days and we need to be supportive of him and patient, he needs time to settle but he’s already got goals and I can see him being fairly reliable for us. We shouldn’t be too quick to judge or be negative based upon a single game or two. Ollie alone has made our attack more dynamic and I’m hoping we will be adding another player or two to help out in that sense.
  6. He’s more of an asset defensively, purely for his workrate, than in an attacking sense.... could he be converted to a fullback? He doesn’t have the required level of technique, skill, talent or even coordination to contribute to our attacking play or build up. Loses the ball easily, struggles to control it a lot, can’t beat a man, doesn’t have much of an eye for a pass, but his attitude and determination cannot be knocked... He gives off the impression of a fan who has fortunately got the chance to play professional football! If we want to be a force in this league, he cannot be starting but he will be a help in games against the top sides to help us defensively, can pop up and grab a goal too. Will run around all day and harass the opposition, I’m sure he will improve too but not sufficiently.
  7. Agreed, he looks like such a dangerous attacker. Good dribbler, ruthless finisher and threat from distance too. Just what we need to kick on.
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