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Keener window-cleaner

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Everything posted by Keener window-cleaner

  1. His goals are priceless and some of them have been real crackers as well, but without his goals he wouldn't be much more than a Yacoba Sylla on the pitch.
  2. I agree, I made the same reflection, it was hard coming up with a RB. I totally forgott about Walker, he was really good the half a season he was here!
  3. And in the upsidedown it would be: Postma Bacuna Richards Tiler Bennett Dawkins Djemba-Djemba Sylla Tonev Helenius Bowery
  4. I'd go for: Bosnich Barrett McGrath Southgate Barry Milner Townsend Merson Staunton Benteke Yorke Subs: Friedel, Laursen, Delph, A Young, Saunders Now that's a really good team! I have big hopes of Grealish managing to get into that team in a couple of years.
  5. The only bright spark of the game for me. Must have some balls to take the penalty like that in such an important part of the game and season.
  6. I have defended him before, but I start to see the criticism he's getting. He was supposed to replace Jack as the creative force in the middle, but just doesn't do enough. He has good technique and has potential, but he doesn't seem to apply himself enough and doesn't run as much as he should. Must be a burden to play in a team where only Snodgrass is capable of creating anything though.
  7. Hopefully, but I fear that in the next game we will see more or less the same line up as we started with today...
  8. It's worrying that we are so reliable on individual players, last season it was Kodjia, now it has been Grealish. It's so clear that we don't have any real attacking tactics and no pattern in the play. We are solid and hard to break down, in attack we just hope for someone to make something happen.
  9. He made me worried a couple of times, especially in the first half when he played a couple of Bacuna trade mark passes straight in the middle. We had a settled back 4, dont agree with altering that and playing a raw youngster there. Rather have him in the middle if he needs to play.
  10. I hope we learnt the lesson that we need to have players on the pitch that can make us score goals. If we dont have our creative players (Grealish and Adomah) available, at least put in some forwards we can hoof it to and try to score. Grafters in the middle and Hogan alone is deemed to fail.
  11. Nice to see that he makes us more dynamic, in the last game he got himself into shooting positions at a couple of times, and drived forward with the ball on some occations. Gives us better movement than having a more static defensive midfielder. Though I'm not sure who to play against Blues, propbably we will need Jedi's strength in that game...
  12. I think this is some really good business, not having any money to spend and we manage to get one of the top scorers in the league here on loan. It's hard to see how we could have done any better business to be fair. Big thumbs up to all involved in this!
  13. I know absolutely nothing about Lyngby or Lyngby BK, perhaps our Danish villans can give us some info?
  14. Yeah perhaps I misunderstood it now when I read it again, I got it from here: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/alan-hutton-contract-villa-bruce-14239175 I read it as we wont renew his contract whether we go up or not, but perhaps the news was that we wont renew it only if we stay in the Championship. But then it's not much of news as it would be the same for many other players as well. I don't understand why they would tell him now that we wont renew if they have renewal as an option if we go up. If so the message should have been that we very much would like to renew, and will do it if we go up. But probably the ffp talk is a bit of an excuse because they don't think he is worth a new contract and don't want to renew, regardless if we are in the PL or not.
  15. 6 wins in a row, that is fantastic really!! Almost like I can't understand how big that is. Long may it last!!
  16. I think it's a good decision not to give him a new contract. For all of his good attitude, energy, running and commitment, he still can't pass the ball properly. And he is a liability, although he has been more reliable of late. What is worrying for me is the reasons given, that we can't afford to give out any new contracts. If that is true, does it mean that even if we go up, we can't give out new contracts? Never mind signing any players?
  17. Yes I agree he seems to contribute more defensively. For me it looks like the biggest changes are that he has built a bit more muscles, doesn't fall over as easily and that he is playing more direct than before. Probably players like Terry and Snodgrass has had a positive affect on him as well. I'd love to see him and Onomah play in the two advanced midfield positions, looks like they understand each other well and likes playing together, like we saw on a couple of occations today. I just can't praise Jack enough, it really is a joy to watch him! He may be the most gifted footballer I have seen us have, at least in terms of technique and ball control. Properly managed there is no limit to how good he can be. I think we should regard ourselves as very lucky that he hasn't yet been poached by one of the bigger clubs.
  18. Not sure about the part regarding his work rate. I've seen that here and there that he has changed and runs more now. As I remember when Sherwood gave him a run in the side Jack regularly ran the most or among the most (don't remember the source though, probably one of those random statistics).
  19. How many 0-footed players have played left back?
  20. Good line-up and good bench!! Hope it is a 4-1-4-1.
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