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Everything posted by Midfielder

  1. I didn't mention these as "villa men" , just a looser link to coaching dream team from my own affinity toward them that's all. All hypothetical
  2. I rate him as a greater gk than spink from back in the day. All hypothetical anyway.
  3. I'm not sure they'd have the best credentials but imagine a coaching back room of Schmeichel - gk coach laursen - defensive coach platt - midfield coach saunders - striker coach. That sentimentality would probably get us nowhere. But hey. I didn't put mellberg in as I am positive he will manage us one day. Maybe in about 7/8 years.
  4. Given the reaction to Bruce's appointment, imagine the inferno eruption if we signed the finished-at-Rangers Joey Barton. We will be making loan arrangements for midfielder in January I'm sure but I hope there's no Barton thread in a few months.
  5. Possibly because some like Dyche, a division above, and Wagner, on top of the division, might perceive staying in their current jobs as more stable and less risky. If RDM was axed after eleven games then they might think it's a risk for them too if they didn't advance to where Tony wanted in a similar time and regret leaving a more stable circumstance. Possibly. In terms of money, they'll get their contract paid up, but then it'll show a big mistake on their CV. As for Bruce, maybe deep down he genuinely believes he can turn this around. If he wanted just any job to get back in employment at this level, he would have seen that Pearson was suspended a while back facing the sack and played it cool between us and Derby, just an example. But he went out on a limb for this job, sure, we are way bigger than Derby. But even so, Bruce could have hedged his bets and didn't. Even when other names were coming into the frame. Again, I'm not a fanboy, just answering my opinion to your q.
  6. A cereal restaurant? And this business model works? And doesn't expire as a novelty? It gets regular repeated custom? These hipsters will pay £3 for a bowl of cereal? Stump up your half of the cash mate, we are setting up our own hipster fleecing business, I mean cereal shop. Weekly trip to Costco and a weekly trip to the bank. Get a couple of hipsters to work the shop floor, bobs your uncle. You can line manage them though, cheaper legally in the long run. Sorry mate but you're gonna need a top knot to go with the beard, hope you're ok with that. Otherwise they'll figure us out. We can get you some skinny jeans put through as expenses though. I want in on this cereal scam.
  7. I'll repeat what I said last night. In addition, I'm no Bruce fanboy but he's here, in charge and tasked to take us forward. RDM was a mistake. Is Bruce better than RDM? Definitely, in my opinion. Have we improved with this appointment? I think so. He wanted this job while others didn't, let's see what you can do Bruce, you have my support. good luck to him and us.
  8. I thought that too, admittedly I didn't read the full article as they like to add their own soon to anything but if it's a current player the maths don't add up. Unless you know, Rooney has a love child undeclared .
  9. Welcome Steve. Regroup this club, get us winning, climbing up the table, get our expensive-for-the-championship players firing on all cylinders, let's see some tactical nous, tactical consistency, while we're in this division, let's see 6 points off Birmingham, 6 off wolves, let's make up for lost time, show RDM what could have been done with this squad, and show us in January that you will use the technical director, scouting system to bolster our midfield and plug some gaps. Leave Hull be, leave Alex be. All round then, hit the ground running and propel us. You wanted this job, you showed the balls to make that public (and risk pissing off the noses who hold you in high regard still) so let's see you win over any VT doubters with something we all want to see... A better Villa going home to the Prem, is this year too much to ask? Next year as worst case scenario only please. no pressure then Steve. Good luck to you. Edit, and not just 6 points off blues, when the times come, I want them utterly beaten and humiliated in the process.
  10. I was unsure what to have for tea. Now I know. Cheers Xela.
  11. That's sickening to read. These scumbags think they're hard in their packs yet encounter one alone and they're just another kid. I'm not sure Brexit accelerated it or not as these things are always close to the boil in some areas with some people just outright racist and have no regard for politics or political fallout. Maybe it has , I wouldn't know. I hope your friends are ok and encounter no afters. To do the right thing and get caught up as a target afterward takes the piss. To throw logs at a woman takes the piss and of course what they did to Mr Sikh, this poor guys probably living in fear due to those feral shits. I hope they get a karma vengeance on themselves real soon.
  12. Regarding Jack, he's a bit like Gazza in some ways. He has some bad influences off the pitch and probably could have had more of a career with us to this point but for injuries and other issues. At one point last season Spurs were apparently sniffing around him so he's probably on other clubs radars but I hope he has a long career here. His type of player when in the mood and on his day, is for us spectators, one of the ones to get you stood up or on the edge of your seat, the flair, the trickery, the will to beat the man. That spark of creativity and skill, I want to see more of that from him and his best years here.
  13. Do not mess with Demitri's boys http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3832731/Killer-Clown-armed-baseball-bat-gets-HEADBUTTED-picking-wrong-victim-scare-multi-storey-car-park.html
  14. Another jack grealish scandal, now that pisses me off.
  15. It's more serious than I thought lads: Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. What are the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide? Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death. taken from this site here, which is pretty biased but even so... http://www.dhmo.org/truth/Dihydrogen-Monoxide.html
  16. come on jack sort yourself out. This DHMO stuff is serious. Did you know it's that strong it can rust metals? That's real hardcore stuff. I know it's legal but come on Jack. I still can't see this on any news sites though... But I have it in good authority.
  17. Oh great, so you know he got busted that time back for inhaling nitrous oxide? Well guess what, he has really gone and done it this time. I heard he has been using dihydrogen monoxide, DAILY. Edit, can't see this on the news sites yet. Wait til this hits the papers...
  18. Bonus points to Demitri's friend.
  19. Flavour of the month this clown stuff... all over the news today. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3831944/England-star-s-teenage-son-faces-expulsion-private-school-making-killer-clown-threats-pupils-forcing-eight-schools-evacuate.html England star's teenage son faces expulsion from his private school after making 'killer clown threats to pupils and forcing eight schools to evacuate' The teenager was behind a 'killer clown' social media page, it is reported Account posted threatening messages and pictures about other schools Police were alerted and schools were reportedly evacuated as a result The boy, whose father is an England football star, now faces expulsion Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3831944/England-star-s-teenage-son-faces-expulsion-private-school-making-killer-clown-threats-pupils-forcing-eight-schools-evacuate.html#ixzz4MmAUnDJ2 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  20. Cheers for watching though BOF. I owe you a film hire to make up for it
  21. clip two there: The Diary of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Monday 10th October. Dear diary. Wife not speaking to me again. No training today. Cool. I heard there was a snowman up in town already. I mean I get pissed off when I see the battles in housing estates for people being the first to stick up their external Christmas decorations but October 10th? This I had to see for myself. So there I was, I tapped him, reminded him it was October and Mr Snowman turned and eyeballed me. You know me, I wasn't having that. ZlatanStyle is not just to swing a right hook, but to decapitate. Mission accomplished. I was proud of the feat until the missus got in my ear about it. Still, I awarded myself bonus points for also flooring the paranormal no-face girl with my two-in one shot. Looks like beans on toast and the sofa for me again. Yours, Zlatan.
  22. If I had to bet I might be reading that as Dyche too as has been said a few up. @Amed In reply to you, maybe we were decisive but there were reports of candidates throwing their hat in at the last minute. By that I guess their agent contacted the club to say they'd be interested if approached. And could be the club beforehand didn't think they had a chance. Like pat Murphy says, making a move on whoever that is does show Bruce he was backup choice. Still tho he would most likely still take it even if he knew he was second choice. All that at the last minute eh. Here they are wondering if they'd end up with egg on their face if they made a move on someone that would drag out through the press etc. Who knows
  23. Or possibly hughton or McCarthy , but yeah not so sensitive. Didn't rowett rule himself out though. Damn these snippets, toying with my imagination shows they're not lazily just hanging their hat on Bruce and Clarke though.
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