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Everything posted by Midfielder

  1. Your choice of picture there, "cheers me up". This isn't just a picture of a man scoring a goal. It's way deeper. This is what I see: a man in the grips of pure adrenaline release, head back, eyes closed but facing the sky, gritted teeth, grabbing the badge. Translating further, this is an entirely natural (no faked reaction) photo of a man in a pure primal state realising in that very moment this is what he dreamt of since a child. And it's happening. And it feels amazing. Grealish, as a villa fan could take a leaf out of Taylor's book. That could be you jack, on a weekly basis. Tayls though, deserved legend and a pleasure to hear on radio or on tv to this day.
  2. Thanks I'll be looking into it in a couple of months then. But what about the Jazz kittens, I really don't want to get hurt again.
  3. Good on you mate. That's some true dedication, nice to be seeing this. "You guys rock!" edit I'll reply later when more time, I've just seen your thread in the supporters club forum too, find this very interesting indeed.
  4. Wasn't that the one where you could bribe the opposition too? I remember the stadium building, right down to hot dog stands etc and merchandise stands. Amiga f t w
  5. You have a meet up to celebrate the Villa across the pond? Sorry, I completely missed this post distracted by Ms Chan. But absolute respect to you and your pals. Sorry that there hasn't been much to celebrate lately or in the last few years but the fact you meet up still and keep the faith, just I dunno, " fair play" (as we say sometimes). Hello, welcome and "good on you" mr American villan.
  6. Edit. According to this link http://www.express.co.uk/pictures/sport/6603/Premier-League-manager-pay-contract-value-sportgalleries/Sean-Dyche-143663 it states that Sean Dyche is paid £420,000 a year. Wow. That works out at 8k a week. They probably have players on 40,000 a week there, not many but some. You'd think the villa job would be more than 8k per week. I mean Jesus we have gabby on 55k per week. So yeah I think money could be tempting. That and "the villa project". Candidates know we are looking for a hero manager. That is a draw too, for some. 8k a week for Dyche in the prem, wow.... Anyone know what Rdm was on?
  7. Agreed Sid. And in addition what about this... Money. I don't know what Burnley pay him, but what about if we paid I don't know... Double, triple? Though not the biggest factor for some, it's still pretty significant. In addition to all the other factors, to get rewarded with a massive pay rise would definitely make me interested. It's not like stepping to !eyton Orient, someone also mentioned an elevator analogy. Burnley fans couldn't surely call him Judas given the journey he's taken them on. I'd be impressed if we snatched Dyche, and my head says it won't be happening but yeah money could also play a factor. His future living, providing for his family and being able to afford better throat lozenges too, he sounds like he gets through a lot of them.
  8. He signed Heskey twice? please tell me Emile has retired.
  9. is internet dating any good ? i ask because I had my fingers burned by a hipster called Samuel Davide Hains, 24, from Travancore. The long distance impacted but I knew it was over when I bought him some lensless wayfarers and he went nuts. To this day I have no idea why. It was at this point I realised I just wasn't into jazz kittens no more. are there any jazz kittens on Internet dating? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake
  10. No spoilers. It's about Winstone, a cockney crook who's retired out in the med, low key, living life. A fixer (Kingsley) is tasked to recruit him to a team masterminded by their boss (McShane) who have spent months planning an imminent heist back in England. How can Winstone be persuaded, will he take part? You will see. Get ready for some classic sir Ben when he's on the plane and the scene after. 'I think they wanted me for a twos up or something' etc I read somewhere that in the filming of sexy beast, they had to wait for Kingsley to finish up on another film who came straight to the med to begin filming when free. So the cast and production team who had already filmed other scenes there, threw a party for him to welcome him. Kingsley turned up in the attire and totally in character as this Don Logan character and remained so throughout the evening. Nobody knew it would play out that way and I read that Winstone apparently climbed out of a toilet window to get away from him and drove off as "Don" had pissed him off that much. That gives you an idea of how abrasive Kingsley is in this film, he is intense. I don't know anything about acting but Sexy Beast is a masterclass. Great characters brilliant story. Enjoy BOF.
  11. i understand that mate, just joshing. probably will get it. 8/10 is good enough. more than good enough
  12. You never thought this when you bought it, little did you realise that one day on... theres probably two or three people interested in seeing if like an emperor. you give a thumbs up or maybe a :
  13. Absolutely 100% brother - Layer Cake. Real stylish too. Also, not british, but you mention McShane up there.... he was sort of like that as the boss of that hotel / members club The Continental in JOHN WICK. a must for people too.
  14. Well said. Mixologists into room 101. The dude at B and Q who mixes the paint to match, is he a mixologist, no.
  15. visual resemblance aside, identity is a match from the teapot posture just like "Samuels" he is trying his best to contain and limit the teapot due to the public appearance but old habits die hard
  16. I think BOF "punk'd" us. What it captures though is a point I'd said a couple of pages back. I happen to know a hipster and he goes on about his rejection of conformity, how he is into this because if that and that because of this... buys X because he's environmentally aware and drives car Y because he's not trapped by masculine conforms on car choices. You name it. My point is, like this article, he has a reason for every single thing, that thought has gone into every purchase ranging from his hat to his tofu. My gripe is the hypocrisy. That article captures it. These people are TRY HARDS , in their own way brand-led, entirely aesthetic yet claim the opposite, that they're non conformists almost like a modern hippie. Yet the opposite it is true. Go into any Starbucks or Costa in a city centre and you'll see these g1mps in an abundance. All with their brands and their reason for choosing their brands, whilst claiming not to be in brands and drinking some poncey-named brand coffee from the biggest Coffee branded place in the world. Brand brand brands. In fact, this 8.20 am rant (not at you, with you) that replies to you brings me to another thing that pisses me off. Ok so I know they have products and their products have names. I get it. But, if I get a COFFEE from one of these gaffs my order is to the point and whatever it says on the menu, like most other people. What pisses me off, is this trendy bull ---- lingo that these tw--- speak when ordering theirs. I can't even give you an example as its all alien to me, they just slip into it and I look up st the menu and think what the f are you saying I can't see that. Throw "baristas" in too, seems you have to be a hipster to be a barista. Probably in order to understand the sh-- these hipsters speak. Well that's a great start to the morning.
  17. "I HOPE THIS CRASHES. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu_xTC5Gc2U edit, it wont embed automatically. If you're bothered, this is a 3 min scene from the film that sums Ben Kinglsey's character, Don Loagan, up to a tee. You'll have to access it the old fashioned way! (ps... NSFW or kids)
  18. The Film Thread delivers again. to partly answer your question, because it's a zero bull s--- low key British film that wasn't hyped up in any way. Considering that is essential viewing and a few on here hadn't seen it, can I please just check you have seen the next must-see British offering from a few years ago. I expect you have but it will eat away at me to not throw out SEXY BEAST , just to make sure you've all seen that. It's a 9/10 with unbelievable performance as Don by "sir Ben". Ray Winstone too at his best, probably his best. I know this is an obvious recommendation but in case that one flew under anyone's radar that is the next Midfielder essential viewing. I won't make many but I insist anyone reading this who is thinking w t f is Sexy Beast, you are hereby tasked this weekend to buy or hire that.
  19. Thanks Designer. It's worth a gamble I think. But not yet ... Enjoying Fifa, still play 7 days to die even though the novelty has faded, f1 , gta latest biker DLC. Still have Nuka World to finish on Fallout 4 . I'm probably gonna cave in and get sky rim again this month. A few months ago I was that bored with PS I hardly played PS but there's a lot of choice. I say the above and we all do weekly shop or whatever, and the game did blu Ray aisle will be hard to stay away from 40/42 in tesco right... I watched some YouTube videos earlier and it does look good. Thanks for posting the detail. Thanks Hogso as well I do like sandbox style. I like the look of the territory controlling too
  20. and body. Bonus is that she has an off switch too. Perfect woman then.
  21. She was mesmerising, the whole series. Do you remember when Channel 4 were sponsoring the adverts on the sides of buses, billboards, she was everywhere.
  22. I have never had any of the previous ones. I have seen bits and pieces, but cant fully work out if it is more LA Noire style than sandboxy. I don't know. I like something that after the main quest is completed, I keep playing it. @Ginko like Ginko says, I will be waiting too. We have @Designer1 on the case QA'ing it for us. No pressure mate.
  23. In that case, i entirely compliment the prankster behind that as it is entirely believable. These people do exist. The thing is though, spoof it may be... but despite its exaggeration, those are some of the typical sorta things you hear them say. I'm surprised there wasn't mention of TOFU in that article or something like that.
  24. I have never seen such an offensively pretentious arrangement of words in all my life. My blood pressure is at maximum. If it wasn't for the comical teapot posture with the arm redeeming some comedy then i would owe my employer a monitor screen. I'm a little teapot short and stout, here's my hannnndle here'ssss my spout etc edit. i just noticed it has his name there. Samuel Davide Hains, of Travancore... if you ever google yourself, and find this post, let me tell you this. You have brought great shame upon yourself and your family. You have angered people across the Atlantic without even meaning to. You still have time to turn your life around. If you are religious, get praying because you will need all the help you can get. Agghghh, just aggggh!
  25. This was posted on the BBC a few hours ago about Lee Johnson declaring his hat isn't in the ring, i have picked out this paragraph below. So, the list narrows, but that aside... This bit i have highlighted is interesting. Sure that gets done every time but even more important at the moment for employing clubs what with the Telegraph / police / HMRC stuff to come. Taking that extra time to screen the candidates... worth it. "Aston Villa have interviewed no-one yet for the vacant manager's job, with none planned until next week. "Background checks and due diligence are still being done on the favoured candidates and Villa have to consider if an approach should be made to clubs employing any of those. (link was the same as posted by someone earlier but http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37573635 )
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