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Everything posted by Midfielder

  1. Take all that stuff back that you bought today and sign us some players from the non league. Particularly midfielders, they will improve on our squad.
  2. instantly made me think of Niska in Humans. A thousand pounds you say? I'll take two.
  3. Let us know mate, because this has been on my radar for months, this and the next Red Dead Rdemption if that ever comes out. But after the lesson I learned with No Mans Sky (FIFA, F1 and FM aside) i'm not risking 50 hard earned notes on a risky game for a while. You are the guinea pig.
  4. Midfielder

    The Sidemen

    From back in the day, Ray Wilkins was my favourite sideman. Sideman, in that he tended to pass sideways aka the crab. Villa have had a few crabs in recent years but not me, not since an encounter with a Mancunian lass in 1999 in fact. How was i to know? I hope this unwanted detail adds to the knowledge for all of these Sidemen. Banter aside: @Dirk You're clearly a young'un so fair play, you're the VT youth team. I take it these are some talented kids into football and trickshots and skills. Could be worse things to watch on Youtube... edit... worse things like our match highlights from this season, last season.... <insert season here>...
  5. Midfielder

    The Sidemen

    I had to google the Sidemen to see what i was missing. @sharkyvilla Sir, Sarah Jones of New Young Pony Club / Bat for Lashes / Hot Chip...
  6. I know nothing, but, part of me thinks, if they truly wanted Bruce he would be in post by now. Maybe they dont want a "risky" appointment that sees the fans have extra reason to turn on the manager if results dont go their way or are iffy.
  7. Maybe, but what if the man you want doesn't want to come or if he does and further down the line in the process something isn't right with the deal or the objectives... then backups / alternatives are needed. Mate, I want to date Emma Watson but if i went to go and get her, she would probably call security. So i'll be otherwise flexible and consider others.
  8. Given our season being handicapped by how much we are behind already, i think one of the key things in their interview process is to get from a candidate how quickly they can get all of our cylinders firing, minimal adaptation time, instant results, instant improvement. Pretty obvious I know but said up top there, about 'if we had a poor start', i think our right man when found will get us winning almost immediately and VT will be a happier place, and VP of course.
  9. I was addicted to this thread when we felt the axe was due, then when it came for RDM i was posting who i wanted. They've since been ruled out / gone quiet (proving what little i know, Hughton / Rowett). I'm impatient. Then as the days are passing, I realised maybe they're spending that bit longer finding the right man, not just a knee jerk appointment. I read on the Birmingham Mail site yesterday that we are formulating a ten man list and from that whittling it down to three at which point Tony is back from China and will be hands-on in the process. Fair play to Villa then. The international break is passing, quarter of the way through... but they're working on it. We never even used to know what Randy was up to, distant / absent / silent. Here we are in comparison, via whatever informed means, knowing that Tony is in China but he has his men on it in the meantime, progress not stalled in finding a successor. Clubs these days seem to line up their next manager before bringing down the axe. Seems we may not have been as forthright but our plan to bring our replacement is happening as we speak... exciting in a way. Would kill to know who the final three are. I could guess some of the initial ten... Anyone know when TOny is back from China? No manager until late next week maybe. Hopefully sooner.
  10. Well done fella. Here's to processes running their course effortlessly, without the need to chase, with transparency and SPEED.
  11. A couple of lads, in the FIFA thread, have posted some kinda sciencey explanation for how the game inner workings go, that it uses scripting etc to change the behaviour of the AI. Anyway, my point is, does anyone know the answer to my question (about the inner workings of FM)... Before I ask it, I have had nearly all FMs (and its predecessor CMs) I have always wondered something. In watching the 3d highlights, is all the action that you see, completely and utterly original with each generated "clip?" You know so, are they recycled highlights that you see every say thousand rotations, or is it literally the game engine creating motions of all the players from their stats and likelihood of what they would do, where they would stand, run, the pass they would make, the shot they would attempt etcetcetc? I have always wondered that. Does anyone know that sciencey answer? I hope that the highlights are all generated naturally and borderline unique every time, especially as when I play it I cannot go without watching the highlights on mode. I have it just one notch sped up, but always highlights on.
  12. that should go in the 'things that piss me off but shouldn't' thread but enjoy!
  13. So you see what is being discussed up above there, the distinction between chav and the hipsters I had said? come down here to Gloucester and Cheltenham, maybe just maybe its the trend of the college and uni population but its definitely not chavvy, despite how it looks. I used to be a student myself a loooong time ago but I would never have entered a pub with a baseball cap on the wrong way round wearing jeans that squashed my nads like shrink wrap. Baseball cap or not, this hipster crap pisses me off. these skinny jeans I rank worse than the eclipse jeans phase that the cool kids wore back in the day. At least that one died out.
  14. I take it back, my gripe is the games they play not them themselves. They're earning, doing a job like the rest of us. So i'm giving myself a warning. Was stressed and on a break but never mind. What Pieface had posted though touched a nerve as here's this guy saying about his dealings and that was me, different agency but same game. As I said, they have to get the best deal for their client and of course their cut from the fees, but for any sort of fixed price arrangement, I should think that they would be interested in doing the deal (finding buyer, agreeing price) as quickly as possible for the least effort involved to do so. As a result, some of their games and behaviour might originate from the wishes of the selling client. In saying that, that's not the case all of the time and they can be dishonest gits but they are not the C word as said up a few posts, I take it back. anyway...
  15. I love it when someone sees this film and enjoys it. like you, I wasn't even looking for a twist, I was just "into it" and then, when it comes, it's sheer w t f. it didn't seem like a film where one was coming as you just get into it and engrossed. for me, my discovery of it wasn't even recommended. I was at a mates, and he had borrowed it. we stuck it on, knowing nothing at all about it, we hadn't even read the back of the box, and was hooked pretty much straight away. I could be wrong but I mentioned a few up or pages ago, that I read that the actors were pretty much given pointers on where to be, as in an outcome of the conversation and the sort of tone, and in a lot of scenes they're just having a crack, I think that is visible in some of the scenes where I don't know.... they're themselves but in character. if you follow. but the amount of times I have seen that, women never like it. oh it looks scary etcetc. never mind. glad you enjoyed it. great british film that one, someone mentioned A Room For Romeo Brass too, and I will second that. I wouldn't call myself a film buff but Dead Mans Shoes especially floated my boat. I had no expectations , heard no hype and in the most natural unexpected way had a great film experience. I'll get t o this Swiss Army Man in time too. Happy to read other recommendations.
  16. thanks by the way. I will note that. I am backed up with films to watch. I often buy them when I see them cheap and still have dozens in cellaphane. in private downtime, I just end up playing fifa or something on playstation lately. long hours etc. but I will get to it. thanks
  17. Pieface. I share that. I'm waiting on all the processes to go through on mine. No grand property, small cottage in the sticks. EWhat you have typed out there is consistent with my experience. At work at the mo, but saw this and i hope you come through that. They are shifty gits. I could write a page on this and their tactics. I dont know you, but fingers crossed for you pal, because i have been messed around plenty and echo your concerns. My bid was eventually accepted two weeks ago, but the hassles to get to that point, jesus christ. I know their job is to get a place and sell it as quick as they can for as much as they can, but the games they play... it p-sses me off. I'd just stick estate agents in this room 101. No offence to any estate agents on here, as you're clearly less of a c--- than your industry counterparts purely for who you support, i'll let you off.
  18. this is one i am not familiar with but will be noting that. thanks for the tip
  19. they always sell it cheap through non league club shops too i saw it for 16 last year and itll be on the top banner on hot uk deals too soon enough.
  20. Whoever we get, we could be hours away from an announcement. Could be close. I've watched this site for years, joined this summer. But considering how many managers we have had, and the time I have spent reading posts of our managers and especially transfer windows too, that I hope this coming era brings success. I know we all hope that but I'll go to sleep soon... I'll probably wake up, check refreshed BBC gossip page, check the mail, come here and throughout the day. After appointing the manager I'll have a scan, see the reaction... See the Welcome new manager posts. The new era begins. I have so much hope for us to progress, Phoenix from the flames all that stuff, especially after the last few weeks and well, the last few years that I hope we get someone who turns out to be a long termed, our own Eddie Howe. I personally think we can do better than Bruce, whether that's Wagner or maybe someone who hasn't been linked yet, a surprise candidate that gets us all excited. If it is Bruce or someone similar so be it. I'll back them and I hope they get a good crack of the whip. Thanks Tony for the money spent and no doubt what you'll give to the new guy in January. My pride in the club has been severely tested in the last few years but this brand inelasticity is the beauty of football. Our family. Our loyalty. I'll always love the Villa, sometimes the last thought on my mind before I sleep, the first when I wake up. Like a kid waiting for Christmas this is. Come on Santa Xia, let's get it right this time. Make us proud. Night all.
  21. hang on . it's got worse Bruce 6/5 Wagner 9/4 Smith 7/1 Sherwood 11/1 Clarke 11/1 Cotterill 12/1 Carver 12/1 Giggs 16/1 Who on earth is betting on Sherwood, Cotterill and Carver? This either proves that this is all BS and i should completely stop looking at odds list (and rely on Villa Talk) or.... that there are some real dumbasses out there backing these candidates
  22. Actually, yes it's updated now to those odds you mentioned ............
  23. work pc internet filtering thingiemabob blocks out skybet, however it allows me access to www.thesackrace.com its quoting skybet at those figures. wagner is 9/4? i'm not gonna place a bet. just keen on seeing who's linked as i think we will move quickly on this. sometimes these lists are complete BS or very knowledgeable
  24. On Sky Bet the list now shows Bruce 11/8 Smith 6/1 Steve Cotterrill 10/1 Wagner 10/1 Clarke 11/1 John Carver 12/1 Sam Allardyce 16/1 I've been sort of scanning the forum while at work, but as the day has gone on, Cotterill and Carver have moved up / on out of nowhere. The Birmingham Mail is saying we are to interview Cotterill? Is this BS interest possibly by bookies trying to earn a few bob? I mean, John Carver ???? Who would put money on him to the point the bookies have to shorten their odds? I dont fully understand how they determine the odds list but it looks like BS from afar. Hands up who has been betting on John Carver.
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