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Everything posted by sparrow1988

  1. Is he taking the mars bar out of the batter?
  2. Oh dear. I can't wait for the mag article regarding this!
  3. I was thinking this but went for it anyway. Anyway...... Brexit.....
  4. It is Elphick.... No? Gabby looks as though he is just about to burst into tears!
  5. When was the last time that there were not any question marks at right back?
  6. When I first heard the McCormack links I thought to myself journeyman and would have preferred someone a bit younger with scope to improve so that we could use him in the future. I thought that if McCormack was that good that someone in the PL would have taken a chance on him by now. However, the more I have thought about this I think to hell with that school of thought. Get him or similar in - score the goals to get us promoted. Plan for an upgrade then next summer if the gaffer thinks he's not up to it in the prem (assuming promotion of course) - get the scouts looking for that player as soon as is practicable with the resources available. Players see clubs as stepping stones. Why not turn the tables?
  7. A reference to The Dark Knight possibly? Although I think that was Hong Kong....... The first one I haven't a bloody clue!
  8. For example..... And that's not the worst one
  9. Ah yes... the dreaded floater. But more like one when you're visiting someone's house. Pure desperation to get rid. Frantically pressing the lever or cursing at the modern split button flushers (What the f*#@ are they about?). And then.............. (Insert outcome here).
  10. Elokobi? Now he is a beast (not sure if he is still at Wolves) .The difference between Adama and him is though that Adama is an attacking player and hence needs to twist and turn at pace in order to create chances more than Elokobi (A LB I think). Adama is built like a tank and is very quick which means he posseses higher than normal momentum (velocity x mass) when moving. Therefore, more force is required to change direction / stop which more than likely results in higher than normal strain on all parts of the body - causing more frequent injuries. There is a balance to be struck between mass and strength dependent on the sport. Ronaldo (the Portuguese) is probably the ideal physical specimen for a footballer and hence rarely gets injured. Adama is carrying a bit too much mass = injured more often. That's at least my interpretation of it. Physios / Physical Therapists / Personal Trainers feel free to correct me - I'm an Engineer. Nevertheless, like you have said hopefully the "Sheikh" can weave his magic spell and fix him.
  11. like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson....
  12. IMO those Pantyman rumours are just being regurgitated.
  13. It's a bit like constipation really. It just doesn't feel right to eat any more when you can't get rid of stuff that is just sitting there doing nothing.
  14. At times last season it seemed he had forgotten himself.
  15. Stam (a former team mate) is invloved there so might be better able to convice him...... Although we have Hutton, maybe he could give him a call
  16. Their respectives lady friends must be well impressed. I disagree with the anybody else bit though!
  17. So, saw proper numbers been worn in a friendly mentioned in another thread earlier and thought has the club announced its list for the coming season or not. A quick glance at the OS just shows last season's numbers. Anyone got any info regarding this?
  18. The red card vs. West Ham made a pretty big difference to be fair. We had started to gather a bit of momentum and he was clearly our best player at that point. We were in a lot of trouble anyway and maybe it was a case of even dead dogs kick but after he got that red card we just fell to bits really and the final nail was well and truly put in the coffin.
  19. The word Spanish would suggest that he has 2 or 3 times more ability and potential.
  20. Most, if not all footballers in the world would leave if they got a better offer from a better club. Sometimes, even the better club bit is overlooked.
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