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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. I think at the moment every team wants it more, we seem to have this "we are Aston Villa, we are bigger then you therefore we are better" attitude, and us as fans have it too, we aren't entitled to beat anyone anymore, our heyday has well gone and we need to readjust our collective mind set and actually realise we aren't that good anymore.
  2. Pretty sure that's what Man City are still doing, it works tho.
  3. Funny thread to read this one, last game he was solid and a good signing, this game he was rubbish and need to get rid.
  4. I'm sure Bruce would've loved to have had a striker in to replace Gestede by now but it's not as simple as that in January. Could be any number of reasons why we haven't, but we are not privy to that information, if all the thousand of Villa fans think, I can assure you a former international player and fairly successful manager will also be thinking it! Cmon guys, use your loafs.
  5. And why on earth do we sign them! Dawkins, Sylla, salifou, crespo, Balaban, llori, Westwood, Bennet, actually there must be a whole teams worth of real rubbish players we have signed over the last 20 years, heck even just the last ten years.
  6. Only as it stands 13 points off them, which can easily turn around in a flash in this division, 3rd place is completely up for grabs still.
  7. Darren Bent in my eyes was an absolute bargain, mainly because of his return on interest, without his goals that season we would've gone down.
  8. How many mistakes has he actually "made"? I swear some of these mistakes have just been bad luck. I liked him, much better then Guzan and Bunn already, look forward to welcoming him back in 18 months.
  9. Definetly got the potential to be a good keeper. I didn't think he was that bad at all tbh, tho that said I've not seen our new keepers performance and he got high praise so if we have improved then that's the good thing out of this
  10. Speaking of Benteke, why on earth would Palace want to sell him, the guy can single handedly keep a team in the premier league!
  11. Why haven't we signed anyone yet!!! I'm getting impatient haha.
  12. Who is this Bree, I've never heard of him?! Obligatory YouTube link?
  13. 6 years of demise, still can't believe Randy Lerner let it get this bad, it's almost heart breaking.
  14. How many mistakes has he actually "made"? I swear some of these mistakes have just been bad luck.
  15. I really liked James, thought he was excellent.
  16. So true, what was the point in those loan signings! Get rid of routeledge, get in Dawkins!
  17. Nillis, such a shame, he would've been a Villa hero for sure.
  18. Speaking of which how did we rate the summer of 2015 transfers? Possibly the biggest let down ever, I was so sure we had finally turned a corner and was going to have a good season, turned into the worst season I can remember.
  19. What?! Delph was phenomenal when he was playing for Leeds at this level, Westwood has never had one phenomenal performance. Delph was well on his way to being a future England international before we came along.
  20. I'd take him back, quality at this level, half a season loan would be perfect, gives him a chance to redeem himself if he gets us up.
  21. No way Dale Stephens would come here anyways, he asked to leave Brighton last summer so he could join Burnley(?!) so he could play in the Premier League, Brighton said no and now looks likely he will get to play in premier league with Brighton next season anyhow.
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