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Everything posted by meme

  1. It's been two months and we're already at each other's throats over Xia... I'm impressed.
  2. Sorry, it's just a purpose-built home for Gabby, stretching 10000 miles long and wide to contain all of his flab. It still doesn't fit...
  3. A fat-man's carehome for Flabby, and the Adraino life for Richards.
  4. PLOT TWIST: Xia is a Twitter genius and is faking a personality to get articles written over the world. Secretly he is a trillionaire with a much more sinister outlook on life.
  5. The question is, would the bet you were going to put on successful or not? Who am I kidding, if it was for Villa to lose you would have easily won...
  6. Many. Most of them don't advance past the first season. It's a troubling issue.
  7. As a TalkTalk user, we'll split the cyanide portions 50-50. On another note, TalkTalk keep asking me to use their 'HomeSafe' security program. I'd rather not use security software made by a company who can't even keep 500k users details safe...
  8. I tried to find a hobby, but even Football Manager gets a bit boring after 2k hours of gametime... And you're forgetting friendlies
  9. Another 7 ft 8 16-year old American, i'm guessing?
  10. Vanilla, obviously. Also, i'm not sure about drinking offices, they're a bit big and solid!
  11. Good old Tony. At least they're better than the depressants Lerner gave us...
  12. That's just the icing on the cake, i'm baking with anger.
  13. And pr0's database on Football Manager say his Business is 8...
  14. meme

    Gigabit Wifi

    Today, I upgraded from my terribad 8Mbps internet from ShitTalk to 35Mbps fibre. Still from ShitTalk.
  15. meme

    Fifa 16

    Honestly, I lost my love of FIFA years ago. In fact, I lost my love of EA before that...
  16. Back down you go, Nintendo share prices...
  17. The value of the penny has gone down a little bit, along with the value of your jokes. I'm sorry, that had to be made. Your jokes are actually very good! please forgive me
  18. Emile Heskey is usually a great defender for me in my saves. Wait a minute...
  19. How many reputation stars do you have? In your situation, I would focus less on the Champions League (be realistic, you probably aren't going to pass the early-knockout stages this year) and more on getting quality backups. If your squad is good enough to win the Europa League, your first 11 is more than ready to get a top-4 place next year as well, and you need to get depth in the squad to make that consistent. If you qualify for the Champos next season as well, your reputation will certainly increase and this time to the point that you can make big-money signings.
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