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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. I notice Raheem Sterling still hasn't signed a contract. It would be funny if he left for someone else, but I can't see it happening. What a position the kid is in though, he could demand 60k a week and they'd probably give it him. Why the **** didn't they sort this out before playing him in the PL? They knew they would start playing him so they should have sorted this out in advance.
  2. I just turned FIFA on and noticed I had won 10 Div1 titles and all my UT players had gone, then realised I was playing FIFA 12
  3. Ribery is 500k+ I think My Bundesliga team have nearly reached the ceiling, the only affordable upgrades I have left are Hummels & Neuer. Robben and Ribery would complete the team but I haven't got a spare 650k
  4. UT is way too easy, especially when you've made the swap from seasons, where the quality is much, much higher. I pissed Div 1 at the first attempt and I'm currently 5-0-0 in my second season there. Don't think this is enough of a challenge for me The hardest thing I've ever done FIFA related is win the Div 1 title on clubs with VT United, now THAT was a challenge.
  5. Graeme Le Saux is definitely not a gay, he and his wife and kids were rock climbing in the same class as me at center parcs a few years ago Not that anyone genuinely thought he was gay in the first place
  6. How pissed off would you be if you were this guy? I scored from the kickoff, then straight after both his kickoffs. Of course he quit, after just 5.17
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY_h9XnLk1Q&feature=watch_response
  8. I need to get into this game but can't find the right team to play with.. Looking for a club that are underachieving but with potential and decent finances, who is there?
  9. Jose Enrique (the left back) plays at left wing with Downing (the left winger) covering at left back because he's so bad at left wing
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Topg4cFCw&feature=youtu.be
  11. Probably getting some Mario Kart 64 practice in ;-)
  12. If there's one silver lining for the guy who got stabbed, at least he's now bald instead of a ginger.
  13. If you like lego and LOTR then you'll love it. It's like the old lego games but with more things to do and you hear the real voice overs for all the cut scenes
  14. I'm that excited for this I had to change my avatar
  15. I enjoyed the first one but it wasn't as good as Mario.. Might have to get this, didn't even realise there was a new one
  16. Breaking news: Rafa Benitez sacked as Chelsea manager
  17. Guardiola will be a massive fail in my opinion, he is not a good manager tactically and will certainly not sort out their defensive problems.. He was incredibly lucky to inherite the team he did at Barca
  18. Wow, the atmosphere at the new Juve stadium is 10000 times better than at the Del Alpi Best I've heard from an Italian club in years
  19. Finally VT United won the Div 1 title in season 29 Well done to troon_villain for scoring the winner in the last match, what a brutal division that is We're also ranked 780 in the world out of over 178,000 clubs
  20. Adebayor is going to get a bollocking for this
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