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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Is there any good reason why we are not linked to Lansbury yet? He should be target numero uno.
  2. Straight after duck season? I'll get my gun.
  3. Do Sunderland really hate themselves that much?
  4. The only club I could imagine wanting him would be Swindon Town.
  5. I hope the mental approach to the game isn't the same as the first half of the Blackburn game, thinking that they have won simply because they turned up.
  6. You convictioneers should appreciate us. Conviction to a cause is in our blood.
  7. This was in his plans all along. Next, he plans to restructure the US election process, bring peace to the Middle East, and convince recording studios that all members of boy bands must play musical instruments before calling themselves a band. He got the hardest one out of the way first.
  8. A good list, and hard to disagree, but I agree with JV on this one. Way too much to ask for, especially wishing for 9 players while trying to wrangle FFP at the same time. I also doubt Santa would have the endurance for your demands. As Mrs Claus says, he only comes once a year.
  9. Had a couple of good games, but mostly average under Random Decision Maker. I am confident he can slot in to Bruce's style, and give us some excellent performances. It is bit hard for him at the moment, with Baker and Chester performing well together. " If it aint broke, don't fix it." Even discussing selling Elphick? Now that is madness.
  10. In reference to your excellent post in the Steve Bruce thread, I believe Tommy can slot in to Bruce's playing style quite easily. He seems quite disciplined, hardworking, and that he would be more used to playing to Bruce's way than to Random De Matteo's.
  11. Dear Santa, I know its after Christmas, but I am happy to wait until January, so can you just leave my presents by the side until the transfer window opens? What I would like is a scheming shit in central midfield. Somebody who is really annoying on the pitch, but nice to everybody off it. Also, can we have a full back? I would prefer someone who is versatile, can play both sides of the pitch, and please, not one of those cheap knock off ones made of glass. We are making a habit of breaking them. If we cant buy one, can we at least borrow one? May I ask, do you have the power of possession? What I mean is, can you inflict another football club with insanity, so that they will buy Richards off us? The truth be told, Santa, I don't want these things for myself, but I want them for Aston Villa, so you can see I am being totally unselfish. You also must admit, it is a nice change from people asking you for ponies, rocket launchers, and boring shit like peace on earth. I am not on facebook or twitter, so I know it makes it harder to check, but I can assure you I have been good. If you at least read my request, thank you. If my request is for some reason denied, then you can go fu..., I mean thank you anyway. Thank you, Santa. You rock. Yours Jovially, AJ P.S. I like your beard. Its cool.
  12. AJ

    Jordan Ayew

    Came here to slag off Ayew, but decided I would rather kick a puppy. For the record I would never kick a puppy.
  13. Honestly I don't know much about our youth, but I highlighted Gollini and RHM, because it would be disappointing to lose either of them. They both have the real potential to be something special. I am saying proven players are fine, but let's hang onto our future potential quality too. Shooting our load into our hands provides a short term thrill, but we should be making beautiful babies too.
  14. I think Steve is doing a wonderful job, I am glad he is our manager, and the praises he receives and positives he has brought to the club are spot on. However, there is one little chink in the armour. I am a little concerned about his attitude towards youth. I don't know how accurate, but I read somewhere that he is planning on bringing in Kieran Westwood, making Gollini the understudy. This, along with the possibility of losing RHM, concerns me. I understand he likes " tried and true", and that's fair enough. If Villa didn't take that approach when looking for a new manager, we would have had Rowett or Wagner instead of Bruce. With players, there should be some balance though. It would be a shame for either Gollini or RHM to leave, and tear it up at some other club. I will let Steve do his job, making the decisions what is best for the club, and the best way of taking this club forward, while I do my job as a supporter. I will kick back, watch the games, and I will support.
  15. Well put, and provides balance and common sense to the situation. Unfortunately, it is wasted on those here that enjoy hating Villa players.
  16. I think its a bit harsh saying he has multiple baby mothers. A woman cant give birth until puberty. Also, you can only have one, unless there is some really messed up surrogacy going on.
  17. He is too far gone. I don't think he can do a job for us anymore. There is about 6 weeks left until January, and we should be using the pitch time to convince RHM to stay.
  18. Its nice for Villa to have a player who is consistent in a good way for a change.
  19. This was exactly my thoughts too. I think the problem with his shooting is he takes that one touch too many before striking. That sort of thing will improve with better instinct, and more especially, confidence. As for his defending, he is just too small. We may as well have a 12 year old boy on the pitch. An average to large sized player with the ball and momentum would go through him every time, and so he does become a card risk when he throws himself in harder than he should. On the plus side, he was quite involved today, to the point he made Gardner look like a ghost. His passing was very good, especially that ball to Adomah. He really made an effort today, and credit where its due, he is not a lazy player. Overall, a good game from him, and I hope it keeps getting better for him.
  20. AJ

    Mile Jedinak

    That's something Yoda would say. Are you trying to instigate Jedi porn? Wrong on so many levels. Disappointed, dude.
  21. AJ

    Mile Jedinak

    Defends like a rock. Passes like he is kicking a rock. Passes it straight to a Brighton player, then takes it straight back off him.
  22. Did you watch the game, or just paid someone to mime it for you?
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