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Everything posted by AJ

  1. At least their comedy is better than yours.
  2. Shit shooting from Brady. He will fit right in.
  3. If Brady scores against us, which results in us going lower in the table, would we be less attractive to him for us to sign him in January?
  4. Human tree on for comedy factor = knock knock joke.
  5. I dont think it is hilarious, more sad really. There is alot more going on with 21 other players out there than to just mindlessly focus on what Gabby does or doesnt do.
  6. Two teams trying to outdo each other in being piss poor. Its a piss off.
  7. I just hope a play off spot doesnt become a bullshit holy grail for us, something that the football gods use to tease and torment us with. Kind of like hog tying a fat kid with a piece of cake just out of mouth's reach. Its pretty funny to watch, unless you are the fat kid. Get within touching distance, lose to Leeds. Then a run of draws. We win, but everybody else above us wins too. All those scenarios just to annoy us. Just move into the top 6, then keep going onwards and upwards. Dont deny us, o spiteful and malicious playful fates!
  8. Yes, I remember the game. I had to be up at stupid o' clock to watch it live. It was a strange day, that day, my friend. Villa won. The Earth momentarily stopped spinning, birds were flying backwards, and the Care Bears released a rap version of Nine Inch Nails' "Closer".
  9. That was last season's game against Norwich, which we won 2 nil. Gabby scored too!
  10. AJ

    Jordan Ayew

    He was quite a rebel last season. Instead of quietly taking his seat, he tried his hardest to disrupt Villa's express line to Relegationville, but had as much chance of sabotaging that train as a noisy toddler running up and down the carriage. In a Villa team last season that resembled a dead wood forest, it would have been easy to establish himself as the play maker. It is a different sitch this season though. There are plenty of competent players on the pitch now. To get the best out of himself and the team, he really needs to work with the rest of the team. Selling him? I wouldnt be too hasty about that.
  11. AJ

    Pre Match Thread

    Screw that. Reckless optimism all the way! Putting all happiness down on a win. If we dont, I will accept the conequences of becoming emotionally decrepit after a loss.
  12. AJ

    Pre Match Thread

    I ate the bacon. The bunny was too quick on his unicycle.
  13. AJ

    Pre Match Thread

    I followed your instructions with a notebook and pen. It drew a smiling bunny rabbit flying a kite made out of bacon.
  14. AJ

    Pre Match Thread

    If the players play well individually, they might get something. If they play well as a team, they will take everything.
  15. At the beginning of the season, he was disappointing, but he is now improving. He is still a defensive lightweight, but his passing has improved greatly now that he knows he is allowed to pass the ball forward. Despite his improvement, I wouldnt rate him as a good player, but more as average. I would be reluctant to see him sold though. We should get somebody better in January, but he still could be handy as part of squad depth.
  16. Two nuns, Sisters Gladys and Edith, have borrowed the convent's bike, and are on their way back from visiting the sick children in hospital. The bridge was temporarily closed, so they decided to detour back to the convent using the side streets. The road through the town, hadnt been upgraded, and was still paved with cobblestones, which made the bike jump, and gave the two sisters a very bumpy ride. " Goodness!" exclaimed Sister Edith from the back. " I have never come this way before." Me neither" replied Sister Gladys. " It must be the cobblestones."
  17. We were on a good run. No matter how much you love your team, sometimes they lose. As sure as the sun comes up in the morning, every football team loses some time. At least compared to last season, we are doing that less frequently. Is it over? Hell no!! Its just a stumble. We can keep going, and we will be there at the finish.
  18. Unless if it is unanimous that someone has done well. Then it becomes a wankfest. Then it becomes mass debateable.
  19. Had a good game against Brighton too. For some reason, he plays better away. Wonder why?
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