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Everything posted by mattyvilla

  1. He missed nearly 2 years with his ACL i believe , so nothing at all to take lightly
  2. Seems a lot of money if you consider the injury record , can't see it being the reported 15m myself
  3. Certainly not the way i meant for it to come across , the point i was trying to make is it happened before he was at Aston Villa (or thats the way i have read it ) , and Villa sacked him as soon as they got wind , certainly today the police would be involved immediately , back then safeguarding children didnt even exist.
  4. Also from reading it , it seems he was employed by Leicester at the time of the alleged offence. It's written in a way that attempts to put blame on the club.
  5. wonder if the Bjarason deal is an alternative to Hourihan? , seems to be taking an age
  6. no worries just dont understand it especially the (50%->) , 50 percent , minus , greater than? , must be me lol.
  7. cryptic messages that nobody understands , why not just state what is going on.
  8. Am i the only one that finds the whole thing just a little annoying?
  9. Has there been something to say he is depressed? Have i missed something? Bruce wouldn't have said what he did if the lad is suffering with an illness , he is far to long in the tooth to be that silly.
  10. Some mild booing when he and gabby were announced ,pathetic hardly going to help matters. Turns up , trains , gets picked by a succession of managers over several years .Maybe the person who picks the team is the problem not Westwood.
  11. she wouldn't know ... she's never been to birmingham :-)
  12. im pretty sure prospective signings don't care at all what Birmingham is like , they live in Little Aston and are probably completely detached from anything that goes on in the inner city
  13. Thats not purely down to fans though , our authorities call us hooligans if we do anything out of the ordinary , and ban flags banners and drums
  14. If we have to sell to balance the books then so be it , we really need to learn from our past mistakes
  15. Bernie Gallagher and Birch, not sure if there are any others?
  16. Calder already looking like an upgrade on Cissokho , he and Greene the best of the bunch for me
  17. Fair do's you obviously have more info than me if you know he isn't homesick
  18. It said "Pierluigi Gollini has thanked Aston Villa for allowing him to return to Italy."
  19. Quoted in Mail to have thanked Villa for allowing him to go back to Italy , that would suggest he wanted to go home , if true of course
  20. Its not just as simple as blaming goalkeepers , poor teams make the keepers look poor , a team where the ball comes back time and time again are going to put too much pressure on the keeper
  21. Taylor always had a way to engage people , everything he said always made sense , even all these years on its still relevant. I owe my love of football and Aston Villa to this man. Thankyou its been emotional
  22. A medical before a bid has gone in?
  23. I would put David Platt without doubt in the best players we have had here , like you say World class is down to interpretation
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