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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. Of course this is the season we're pushing it!
  2. Got excited that was a contract extension while it was loading then.
  3. I could have guessed Traore wouldn't be phased in the slightest
  4. I doubt it, Moreno is good at going forward but he's good at doing that from fullback. But you never know.
  5. He is yeah, but I wouldn't say he's Moreno's level. Dougie, Buendia and Moreno linking up on the left hand side was a joy to watch last season.
  6. You reckon? Moreno can do things that Digne just can't. He can play in tight spaces, can beat players without needing a load of space in behind and his cutbacks are just deadly. He gives our attack a whole 'nother dimension. And I agree that Digne's been good, he's a likeable guy as well.
  7. Moreno also works angles very well, and can beat a man in a tight space unlike Cash.
  8. Tom13

    Austin MacPhee

    Need a specialised 'drop ball' coach now.
  9. He does, and he seems genuine as well. Didn't try and hide that he was tempted by the Saudi offer, was just straight up about it.
  10. Tom13

    Austin MacPhee

    Very popular among the players as well apparently.
  11. I mean Grealish could orchestrate attacks all on his own while surrounded by a lot of dross. Not going to get in the debate of who's better though, Diaby is very effective.
  12. He's gonna hit 200 league apps for us this season. Didn't realise he was quite so close.
  13. Tom13

    Austin MacPhee

    He comes out with so much generic crap it's untrue.
  14. Negative - likely to still be in 5th after City Utd. Positive - nice five point gap over 6th place!
  15. Still irritating. Mainly because I have Pau in FPL.
  16. This is the key for me. After we lost to Fulham in the final, he would have moved at any opportunity.
  17. Vision and weight of pass is seriously good. Going to be very useful for us.
  18. Yep, how each individual defines 'legend'. It's not as if its some black and white certainty. Can also depend on how much a player impacted on you emotionally.
  19. He's better than Olsen comfortably though, normally a very reliable keeper.
  20. What an exciting player we have on our hands right now, so dangerous.
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