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Everything posted by Enda

  1. He's off to Portsmouth. Best of luck to him.
  2. I've never been passed out on the street but when I got home after the Cup final I'd "forgotten how to use stairs". Hard to blame the lad.
  3. Stop speculating here and use your ITK powers on the kit thread. Good man.
  4. Wages are high. But him on £65k for four years is about the same as paying a £6m fee and £35k a week. Which wouldn't be bad. Hopefully he stays fit.
  5. Jesus some of you are racist pricks.
  6. Sure, everyone keeps their eye open for a better deal. But you remain quiet and respectful about it. I work in a university. Could you imagine if I told a lecture "I'm thinking of moving my career on, the students at other universities are just smarter than you lot." Saying that would make me a moany Dutch prick.
  7. A hopefully much improved Carlos Sanchez could well leave Ron less exposed next season. So if Sanchez improves, expect our centre halves to look much better. That sort of thing can also explain why Ron looked class in the World Cup but poor for Villa.
  8. Keep Vlaar and invest that 8m into a good quality left-back and we'll finish higher up the table.
  9. Senderos, who started the season with Vlaar, clearly spent longer on the bench.
  10. How long until we're linked with Robbie Brady?
  11. Be a great addition if we could get him, but it'd only be for a year: Arsenal Do Not Want to Sell Jenkinson "But Wenger insists he wants to keep [Jenkinson] and will only consider another loan deal for the defender next season. Speaking in his pre-match press conference ahead of Monday's game with Swansea, Wenger said: 'The decision is now whether to bring him back now or give him one more year on loan.'"
  12. This times a million. We're a crap side that's barely avoided relegation four/five years in a row. Senderos and Dawson are very similar quality imo. Experienced, decent centre halves that admittedly are occasionally liabilities. Unless our budget is a lot bigger than any of us expect, we could do a lot worse than getting someone like Dawson or Johnny Evans in. And by a lot worse, imagine players as crap as Sylla, Tonev, Bowery or Luna (different positions I know) next to Nathan Baker. We're not signing Gary Cahill anytime soon.
  13. His name is Ciaran Clark. VillaTalk posters are bloody useless at spelling it. Six letters in his first name. Easy way to remember is to think of "the CIA ran our defence". Ciaran, there you go, done. Five letters in his surname. No e at the end. Easy way to remember is that Clark is a no-nonsense defender who wouldn't go near ecstacy. No E for our Ciaran. Got it? Great stuff.
  14. No. Where we're going, we don't need Rhodes. But he has proven Championship quality.
  15. My girlfriend, bless her, doesn't know the first thing about football. As far as she's concerned I'm only off to the pub today to watch yet another Villa match. She just asked in the most nonchalant way imaginable, "Will we go see a film tonight?" She didn't like my reaction.
  16. Your avatar looks like a Franz Kline painting. I'm shitting it about tomorrow. I think we'll get hammered. Could you imagine if we won? Madness. There wouldn't be a cow milked for two weeks.
  17. You can't ask someone to confirm that "we will continue to invest poorly". Even if that's true, nobody with half a brain will admit that. Phrasing it like "Do you expect the budget to be in line with previous years?" lets him answer honestly.
  18. Posted this in the other thread: With a sale reasonably likely in the near future, are we to expect Randy to not confirm a transfer budget just yet? Will the budget be in line with previous years, or in light of the improved financial conditions of the club will it be increased?
  19. With a sale reasonably likely in the near future, are we to expect Randy to not confirm a transfer budget just yet? Will the budget be in line with previous years, or in light of the improved financial conditions of the club will it be increased?
  20. We live in a world where Marc Albrighton gets paid £35,000 a week.
  21. For me, a lot of it is the fans. You also likely grew up with every little sh*thead supporting Man Utd; as someone once quipped, "He supports United in place of having a personality." Idiot fans who don't know the first thing about football, and would stop supporting them if they ever had a bad patch. Given that most of us are in our 20s/30s/40s, Chelsea and City still have a decent contingent of fans from before the glory days. In my lifetime it's never been like that with United or Liverpool fans, and certainly not Arsenal fans.
  22. Internet points to the first person to name all the players.
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