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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Sorry I gave the impression I was disagreeing with you, Chris.
  2. A large bomb going off in the centre of an English city on a busy Saturday afternoon is going to make people notice the consequences of no deal Brexit. I'm not wishing it (obviously) but I am predicting it. Northern Ireland voted Remain. Crash out, and the car bombs that are currently restricted to Derry will start spreading. And of course the English media will blame Ireland.
  3. I am sick of you telling Irish people what to do. Know your plaice, Tony.
  4. He's lying to you. You can have a zero tariff trade deal with the EU and still need a hard border. Deviate from our food standards and we will turn your hormone-injected beef right back around.
  5. Bit harsh there. Jack, Tammy, McGinn, Chester, Kodjia, Adomah would all start in most of those teams imho. Then you have the likes of Scott Hogan who isn't near our best player who would probably be good enough for those sides, e.g. weren't Derby interested in signing McCormack at one stage?
  6. I'd forgotten Joe Cole used to play for us. When Micah Richard's contract ends, can we all organise a VT Beers or something?
  7. Yesterday a car bomb exploded outside the courthouse in Derry. It made the front page of every major Irish newspaper, but none of England's. Today, two controlled explosions after men with guns hijack more vehicles in Derry. From RTE: This was so bloody predictable. Not necessarily the posters of VT but people in Britain generally don't understand Northern Ireland enough. And now the DUP, the only party not to back the Good Friday Agreement, and are in your government. The bombs will only get worse. This is all so reckless.
  8. Good to get a point, but the fact of the matter is we are the sort of side that "Villa are 2-0 down at home to Hull" is a normal statement. So much work to do.
  9. Eric Lichaj, glad to see he's doing well. Always put a shift in. What a save!
  10. Two-footed, no? Looked to me it was an awful challenge that worked out alright, but hope I'm wrong.
  11. It looked like Taylor just slid in two-footed in a challenge there. Hope I'm wrong.
  12. Lads you really should revoke at this stage, call a General Election, have a proper national discussion (maybe even a new referendum) about your relationship with the EU and, if necessary, invoke A50 again in a year or two. "This has been a shambles, and we are not as ready as we want to be" is an embarrassing admission, but collectively deciding what you as a nation want long-term is far more important than rushing out immediately.
  13. The DUP only got 36% of vote in Northern Ireland. And Northern Ireland voted to Remain. Here's a map of who the people of NI sent to Westminster. An anti-Brexit republican was elected in every single border constituency. Madness. Just give us back the North and be done with it, will ye? We'll even look after the DUP.
  14. I love Tammy, but I stopped reading here. We're a Championship club. Nuts to say we could possibly spend 50 million on one player.
  15. Hi Tony. All fair and reasonable points you make, even if I think some of them are wrong. A lot of discussion around Brexit (and Trump and everything else in the world) has been stupidly divisive, so just a small note to say you're obviously a Brexit madman but at least you're a sensible one
  16. We all remember the howlers, but he's also played some good football for us. Good to have him back.
  17. We're not gonna win the league, but it's mad to suggest we couldn't get promoted. Season's only halfway done, and we're there or thereabouts in terms of points and quality. I say we'll finish about 5th.
  18. Three points off playoffs with 100 matches to go.
  19. Well done to Preston. Deserved their point against a "bigger" team. We've so much work to do. So much that a tiny part of me doesn't want us promoted this year, to give Dean Smith a better chance at surviving in the top league. To stay up we'd need three defenders, two midfielders, and buy someone like Tammy up front. Huge job. On the plus side, a win on Tuesday could well see us in the playoff spots.
  20. Andy Smith, who also works with the club as a masseuse.
  21. "I'll say one thing for Margaret Thatcher: she has had some fantastic songs written about her."
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