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Everything posted by Enda

  1. Good question. I’d go for most of their attack/midfield (Vardy, Perez, Maddison, Tielemans) but most of our defensive players (Luiz, Mings, Cash).
  2. People talk about Jan 1 because it might start a big bang. While true, I’ve always suggested that the main economic effects of Brexit will be slow, quiet, and cumulative rather than visible as a big shock.
  3. Agreed, but just about every side gets injuries. Last year we missed Heaton, Mings, McGinn, and Wesley for months. The bookies are still putting the odds of us going down at about 10%. I think that’s fair. Need to make sure we land comfortable (eg 13th) before we start setting sights on top half IMHO.
  4. Untrustworthy. Collins is from my part of Ireland, went to the school my sister teaches at. You just can’t trust those people.
  5. Enda

    login problems

    The most logical conclusion is the server was overloaded and decided to refuse me entry because I’m Irish and the server is a racist.
  6. Enda

    login problems

    FWIW just successfully logged with precise settings (phone, browser, wifi) as previous error on Safari. So I don’t think it’s this network.
  7. Enda

    login problems

    For laptop, mixture of work and home (Comcast). For phone, mixture of work and network (T-Mobile). Desktop does not have a wireless card.
  8. Enda

    login problems

    It’s the login page, villatalk.com/login so wherever script behind that is encountering a server error. Not the same network (as my Ethernet connection to a university IP.) I’m just drawing your attention to it, I can post from a browser that had logged in earlier so this isn’t a troubleshooting issue for me.
  9. Enda

    login problems

    Second device, different network, third browser: Safari browser on iPhone, 2 mins ago.
  10. Enda

    login problems

    Yes, just checked on Firefox. Problem (web content mentions “504” and “Invision Community” and “please wait a few minutes and try again”, page title is “Temporary Server Problem”) persists on two browsers. Cant screenshot because I’m on my phone and the errors are on desktop, unless you want a dodgy phone camera photo It’s not the end of the world for people like me already logged in on another device. In fact it’s not the end of the world for anyone. But if people are logged out they might not be able to report the problem, that’s why I’m posting.
  11. Enda

    login problems

    The login process failed, but I was already logged in on my phone. A server error was reported on my browser window. You’re the expert but I’m not sure what you said is accurate.
  12. Enda

    login problems

    Substantial login problems today. Happened earlier. “Temporary server problem” on villatalk.com/login right now on computer; I am posting from phone. Cache already cleared, etc.
  13. I remember the 7-1 against Wimbledon about twenty-five years ago. This feels like that. We'll talk about this match in twenty years. Drink it up and enjoy it lads.
  14. Absolutely gutted for Trez, everyone except for him has scored today.
  15. We'll almost certainly come away with nothing from this one, but I hope Smith uses it to drill us to defend well and keep our disciplined shape. We'll still 100 miles away from the top 4, but a well-drilled side that's hard to beat will nick a few points against the top 7. I expect Barkley to start, and Trez to keep his place on the wing. The rest of the team picks itself.
  16. Enda

    Kortney Hause

    What’s he do for a living then?
  17. Enda

    Kortney Hause

    https://twitter.com/seidodge/status/1311744683543007240?s=20 This video isn't relevant, but made me feel better about having Hause as backup.
  18. The Stoke centre-half, 21 year-old Harry Souttar, has scored four international goals in two international appearances. Get him in.
  19. Jon Obi Mikel and Steven Fletcher on the field. All we need now is a long throw from Rory Delap.
  20. Against lower-league opposition tonight, Anwar had a great chance to play well and force himself into the first-team. Had. He's been shite. Neither quality nor much desire so far (65 mins). Expect him to be hauled off before the end.
  21. Enda

    Kortney Hause

    It's half-time in the league cup match against Stoke, and Kortney isn't exactly covering himself in glory.
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