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Everything posted by VillaJ100

  1. Not really. Omar Cummings, still playing in the mls for San antonio scorpions according to wiki Edit - actually San Antonio aren't even in the MLS. US second division
  2. He'll probably do absolutely brilliant
  3. Off topic slightly but the construction-development-legacy model of FIFA and the awarding of world cups is TAILOR MADE for corruption and why a country with a very developed football infrastructure like England only get say 1 in 6 world cups. If a country has no stadiums or facilities and they need to be build, those construction projects need money.... Money which is easy to skim off the top from. If we have England where all the stadiums are all built and the most that needs doing is a lick of paint here and there, there's no money floating around and no dodgy deals or scams to be struck. It's even coming out now Germany got the nod cos of a huge bung to fifa
  4. I think they are living on legacy a bit now, the world class players they have are probably marcelo and neymar, with silva just behind. The rest of the team is functional but not exactly flair. It is discussed in the Brazilian press that after neymar the production line of mercurial talents seems to have stalled and it's a BIG issue. Does anyone remember the Nike cartoon to advertise the world cup? Starring Ronaldo (both) Rooney neymar and *cough* Howard amongst others? The plot line was some mad scientist created cloned versions of the world's best players which always made mechanically the best choice statistically on the field, which meant that they couldn't be beat. In the end the humans win because those ridiculous, 1 in a 100 skill or pass or shot attempts that we try are the moments that can blow away another team and the fans and what separates a world class player from a great player. The Brazil team now is full of 'great' players, but compared to the 2002 winning team they are incomparable with probably only neymar getting in or the gk. The 2002 team though has about 7 ATG's playing in some positions though!
  5. Well he'll have access to the newest and best treatment so that will speed it up. But still looked bloody nasty. Also, could a knee dislocation leave a permanent risk of recurrence ala luke moore and his continually dislocating shoulder?
  6. Do you think a reason while he switched to RB is his height? He must be around 6ft which is apparently a bit short for a CB, so they tell me. Okore is a similar height/slightly shorter
  7. I've just bwwn realising the miracle we achieved in 2012-13. Green Benteke, and a whole host of lower division signings/academy graduates who in some cases (Lowton and Weimann) can hardly get a game for their championship sides. To be honest though barring some freak results (beating Chelsea, soton away, man city, arsenal away) we would have dropped the next year.
  8. I can't stand that idiot Puts Koscielny in his team of the week every week.
  9. Who has though? He was our best defender for 15 years.
  10. Yeah, got a bad feeling with all the optimism we will get creamed 3-0 at Everton and be back so square one baby steps people!
  11. I agree with the fact he's overrated currently. Doesn't work hard in games and I'm guessing in training and relies on his natural ability instead, which is lazy. Compared to players similar in age eg Barkley, he's light years away. Not to say he can't get there, but he might need to just mature a bit first.
  12. Really odd this. The only other time I've seen such an attempt to tank a game was o Neill playing the u-17s in the uefa cup. Reckon K Mac has rang sherwood for advice and been too dopey to realise he was taking the piss?
  13. I think Brad's cookie has crumbled. He is completely mentally and psychologically shot. He should be in a position of authority now, he's been at Villa nearly a decade and is in his 30's so is kind of an elder statesman, but instead of being an ambassador for the club and it's values and playing style and beliefs, the young foreign newbies coming in are seeing a guy who has zero confidence, fried out to the max and is playing as though a sniper in the stands is dialled in on his hea. Not a good thing AT ALL
  14. I think as well Van Gaal the holy had the same amount of points per game as Moyes last season up until March, it was only because spurs and Everton had weak campaigns man u didn't finish behind them, unluckily They had good seasons when Moyes was in charge and the league table showed. Also I think the amount of player power with complete doughnut brains like Rooney having massive clout is a terrible situation to try and work with.
  15. i think any potential deal would be claused to hell and he'd be free to leave if we went down. If that was the case, he couldn't really lose, go to villa for 5 months, earn a fortune, leave to another club if we go down, or go to villa for 5 months, score 8-12 and help us finish 16th and standard maybe become a Villa legend.
  16. I think if the worst happens, Amavi, Gana, Sanchez, Richards will be gone for dust for bargain prices. I would really hope we can keep our young core with potential like grealish, Gil, Okore Traore and Ayew but I think I reality these players would leave too.
  17. I think it will be a 20mil bid for Austin or Adebayor on crazy wages, or an acceptance from the board of relegation and a complete lack of investment to try and limit the damage. We'll probably try and make a loan bid for caballero or someone as well.
  18. If they somehow come up I seriously think they will be bottom by a big margin. Rowett seems like more and more of a **** every time he speaks to the media.
  19. I feel bad for lambert, but I think he should have walked after the Bradford debacle personally
  20. Interesting to consider, what would our squad look like if we went down? Who would stay?
  21. I don't think any manager worth his salt would take the job under those conditions. Nobody would want to be the guy who relegated villa. The only person who would take it is a complete charlatan like o leary or Howard Wilkinson
  22. It's nowhere near perfect.... But if Amavi can play well at RB and we had kept cissokho, I think we'd have been a lot more solid. cissokho can't do that much but he can defend well enough.
  23. Found out today that the old guy next door's uncle used to play for the villa in the 50's, George Pritty. Think he made about 5 appearances but a nice thing to find out.
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