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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. Please let this be revealed as the utter bollocks it must surely, surely be.
  2. No, but there's a lovely, refreshing lack of pretence about it.
  3. Women? Children? Avert thine eyes... So these two undertakers are working late. One undertaker says to the other "Christ, we had this woman come in the other night, had a clit on her like a gherkin." Other undertaker says "Oh come on, couldn't have been THAT big." First undertaker says "That big? No - that SOUR."
  4. ...Call centre workers and shop assistants saying "Have a nice/great day", regardless of the length or nature of their interaction with you. "Well thank you, I was planning to, but now I'm probably going to spend the rest of it mourning the death of friendly banter and sincere customer service."
  5. Kualalalalum... per. Koo-ah-la-lah-lum-pur... Pfft, France. ...But as I say, I was vereh, vereh drunk.
  6. What a depressingly good post. (And see "Location" for my reason)
  7. Thank you for providing me with your Full Name, Date of Birth, Mother's Maiden Name, Postal and Residential Address, Secret Password, Account Number and Wife's First Pet's Name. Now, how can I help you sir? --- I'm sorry, our system is currently down at the moment. Please try later. Have a great day. Actually this might be off topic. It's something that pisses me off and so it bloody well should.
  8. Kindof agree, but I can't help thinking that professional players probably have a tendency to think of training as very much secondary to their natural abilities. So I'm not convinced that the barney was about training, but who knows for sure. What is certain is that we were useless defending set pieces last season, when we'd been solid the season before, for whatever reason. I remember every corner being heart-in-mouth time last season. If Big Eck can sort that out it'll be half his job done.
  9. He is a big bloke, and I do think he's good in the air. I doubt he's really young enough to change his playing style, but if only he could play a bit more like the great Martin Laursen (sigh...). Still, as others have said, he was very good when he first joined, then seemed to go off the boil under GH. Maybe an ex central defender like Alec McLeish will be able to get the best out of him. I do believe that at his best he's an excellent player.
  10. Delph is quality based on what? Largely anonymous and does not offer any penetration. Takes too long on the ball and is totally over rated. How he can start a game over Makoun, Bannan or Gardner is totally beyond me. I think he is poor to say the least and offers very little indeed IMO, he is quality based on what I have seen of him in the last 2 years (most, if not all, of his appearances for us). He has the confidence and ability to take on players, he can shoot, he has an eye for a pass and he doesn't shy away from tackles (even if he does go a bit 'Paul Scholes' at times). He has all the qualities that you want in a top class central midfieler. He just needs to get some gametime and start showing ALL of his qualities, instead of one or two dotted throughout 90 minutes. What makes you think he is 'poor to say the least'? How many times have you seen him in the last 2 seasons? Agree with you, KHV is being harsh, but imo he's right about Delph not offering enough penetration. On the other hand, as you say, he does have qualities that you want in a CM - agile, good passer, comfortable on the ball and reasonably reliable in posession. Thing is you could say the same about most of our midfielders, but now that we've lost AY and SD, penetration is something we're lacking. I admit I haven't watched FD all THAT closely, but that's my impression. Hopefully he can add the penetration and hopefully also some shooting to his game.
  11. Yeah, that Jackie somebody, the woman who plays the matriarch, is brilliant in that. Oscar-worthy.
  12. So, essentially, it's a case of you disagreeing with them rather than them being wind up merchants or more? Of course, if you say, "You are an immature so and so..." then you're talking about the person rather than the repetitive, depressing opinion that you believe they are expressing. I'm sorry but I go back to the idea that if you have an issue with what someone posts then quote them and say so. Give your reasons, too. The more we all do that on this messageboard, the less it becomes (or is) personal and the more it becomes about the opinions we hold. I'm afraid, SC, that MJM is right, and you're living in a dream world where everyone can be reasoned with. IMO
  13. I apologize in advance, Mike, if you take umbrage at this but isn't that, in itself, rather out of order? The point about this whole messageboard (and surely the point about the whole 'post on poster' thingy) is to discuss topics. Now, if one has an issue with something that someone says then 'naming names' isn't a problem (or shouldn't be) because it is about the comments they post on (or perhaps off) a topic. To speak about 'certain posters' and to allude to individuals but not name them is posting about other posters, whether or not one names them. I don't see why we shouldn't be able to shame the people who spout relentless, depressing nonsense. Discussion is one thing, but posting nothing but wu's is another, and there are several people who seem to relish being on the windup.
  14. I think a bit o' cyberbullying is the answer. And National Service, possibly.
  15. Completely agree. Friedel is clearly a great bloke, but he is well past his prime now, and I think overall he cost us points last season. I don't know what the fuss was all about, he looked shakey a lot of the time for me.
  16. At least one of them is a nose as far as I can see, and I'm glad someone has the guts to out him. Edit: Correction, they ARE both noses, or at least such miserable sods as makes no difference.
  17. A team with three strikers and very attacking midfielder? What a stupid post. ... or tongue in cheek No, I'm afraid not. Some people really do think like that. Fortunately only eejits, though, so easy enough to ignore when you know what you're dealing with.
  18. That's what you get for discussing films on a football fans' forum, I suppose
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