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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. Couldn't agree more. RM doesn't say spiteful, petulant things about referees when he loses a game. MH is not cool, dudes.
  2. Noooooooooooooooooo. Not Hughes, please not Hughes.
  3. How 'bout a game of Predict-what-page-number-the-news-arrives-on. My turn: 305
  4. No, it's someone who's out of work. Michael Jackson's doctor, possibly.
  5. Unfortunately football fans, especially at our club don't have the patience for that and it worries me. We could be 10th 10 games into the season and the fans would already be on his back. Yeah, that's my worry too. I'll just continue to stick by whoever is appointed. But I'll definatly make it known that I'm happy with someone like Martinez, if he is appointed! I'd appoint him just for his flashy suits and his cheeky smile. Sounds like someone's falling in love! :winkold: Ha. LOL'd at that.
  6. Couldn't agree more. Sad how many cretins there are in the world though. :|
  7. What did Moyes achieve before going to Everton?? What did Villas Boas achieve before managing Porto?? What did Mourinho achieve before managing Porto?? What did Wenger achieve before going to Arsenal?? See where im going with this?? Great, so he's going to be as good as these guys. You've allayed any concerns I might have had.
  8. I think Moyes is the most likely appointment, and also my preferred choice. No itk, just using my extraordinary intellect and uncanny intuition, tempered with unsurpassed level-headedness and humility.
  9. Dear Randy, Ignore this. Your REAL best mate Crackpot Foreigner
  10. I propose a new rule for this thread: Genuine, unimpeachable itk's only. So tired of reading posts from people who haven't got a clue what's going on, like me
  11. Have to agree. It all seems a bit Wesley Sneijder all over again. Anyway, as much as I'm in favour, if it doesn't happen, who's to say that's not for the best.
  12. That's the pillow you silly bugger An easy mistake to make. I assume it's a "continental" pillow. I've got one and I wake up feeling jolly every morning.
  13. It seems possible that RL is considering the cost of paying off Everton vs handing Carlo a juicy wage. Seeing as Ancelotti's on a Bosman (if you like), he might not cost all that much more than Moyes to bring in. Really hope it's one of those two, otherwise Jol i guess or maybe Deschamps. Nobody else.
  14. Moyes or that Deschamps chap please. Hughes is a narse. Ancelotti too expensive and risky. The rest are rubbish.
  15. Don't think 25 million for Downing is stupid by any means. A player who can make the difference between winning and losing is worth a lot of money.
  16. Please find (and quote) the people who have used the word winner to describe his Hughes in this thread. Thanks. Do you mean winner or whinger?
  17. Ffs, for a side who've had exactly twelve pounds to spend in the last five years, Everton play like Barcelona. You need to look at the bigger picture a bit I think.
  18. Please not hughes.. Agree. We must be able to find someone who ISN'T a clearing in the woods. It's not even that for me, it's that there are better managers out there and we should be trying to get them. Hughes is a mid table manager, he's not awful, but he isn't what we should be aiming for in my opinion. This is the man who actually bought Steve Sidwell, let's not forget that. I agree we can do better for a manager. Still, Sidwell was probably a good signing for Fulham: Cheap, unfulfilled potential, and no place better for him to try and reach it than just down the road from where he grew up. My objection to MH is based on the man rather than the manager, though.
  19. Please not hughes.. Agree. We must be able to find someone who ISN'T a clearing in the woods.
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