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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. This, although I think we've got one more year with Downing and we should use it to bloody well get to the Champion's League. **** 'em.
  2. Ok, but I'd like to see a list of equally-capable, willing replacements before agreeing with you.
  3. This. My impression is that he is self-serving, petulant, rude, and almost completely unlikeable, in a blissfully unaware sort of way that raises questions about his intelligence. As others have said, replacing GH isn't so important that we need to go and bring in Mark bloody Hughes.
  4. I think that's the first use of the term world-beater with regard to Makoun or any other members of our squad. For me, Makoun has weaknesses (size, tackling, shooting), but also some major strengths (reading of the game, astonishingly quick, accurate and well-weighted one-touch passing, quick through-balls). Sure it's possible that his weaknesses will limit his impact, but if we can get him making the passes that he's capable of, he will be one of our most important players.
  5. He's shown it to me. Maybe he just doesn't like you Briny. And who can blame him - having a go at him for those yellow cards, tut tut. Every one of them was a miscarriage of justice. In each case he actually won the ball, then came up against a ref determined to show the newcomer how we do things in the Premier League.
  6. I said the same about Djemba Djemba and Harewood and was shown to be right. Considering your record of sticking the knife into our previous manager, and our stunning performances since he left, it's wonderful to see that you're still the self-titled football genius. Most people would have gone into hiding, but you've stuck around and are still sharing the benefits of your wisdom. Well done. If the ungrateful fans don't drive him away, Makoun has every chance of being a star for us next season. He has real talent. Quick ball.
  7. Makoun is an excellent player IMO, and he's been pretty good for us all things considered. He was wronged by the ref for every one of his bookings. I hope he has a long and prosperous Villa career.
  8. i think so yes Rooney has 3 more goals in 14 less games in last 5 years to be exact.... where you got that from? a few games ago, bent was on 83 premier league goals over the past 4 years or so and i think rooney was on 84 along with drogba. Since then, bent has scored 2 against arsenal and 1 against stoke but rooney has scored only scored a pen against blackburn since then could be wrong, just wiki stats of Prem goals. (season 06-07/07-08/08-09/09-10/10-11) Hardly "Research" that.
  9. Kenny Dalglish? He's next Villa manager but two, after Rafa and Woy. Samuel L voice: That shit's not funny.
  10. Erm Oaks, what's going on with your avvy? How long have you been "out"?
  11. Or was it 4-5-1? It was 4-2-3-1 imo. How? There was no one in the 'hole'. Agreed. It was a 4-3-3, Delph was working on roughly the same axis as Petrov but running from deep to link. I've written about it over on my blog in much more length though, so I won't bore anyone who doesn't care here! What a fantastic match. Voted Friedel MoM because he was superb, though Bent ran him close in my eyes. Collins was immense, too, best defending I've seen from the backline all season (though the competition isn't all that great, admittedly). I also thought Collins was excellent. He's not flavour of the month obviously, but great to see he still has a good game in him.
  12. Fantastic. Hope his optimism is based on some itk info, not just the well-deserved dollar signs.
  13. I've played British Bulldog with a certain amount of style and panache. Take a bow.
  14. Perhaps to teach us fans a lesson for daring to have a universally agreed wish for someone else to come on instead.
  15. I just cannot. ****. Believe Pires is on before Delph or Albrighton.
  16. Pires on the bench instead of Makoun. FFS, the poor bloke will be wondering what he's got himself into. A player who could be fantastic for us with some PL game experience, and this match would have been perfect for him If Pires comes on instead of Albrighton, I swear...
  17. You simply cannot have been watching us recently as Petrov has been excellent since his return to the squad and NRC has been very poor. You're about 70% right (been limited to dodgy streams for the past 3 games), although Makoun for Petrov is more like-for-like than Makoun for NRC.
  18. Makoun to start please. For NRC or Petrov, don't care which.
  19. I'd have MON back. As many have said, he's not likely to manage a bigger club than us after quitting like he did. So the best he can do is make amends. I really think GH showed everyone how to deal in the transfer window, and he showed MON the kind of thing RL was asking for in the first place. On the other hand, MON got results. If he can swallow a bit of pride and accept that he can't just be allowed to piss about with contracts and transfers, maybe RL would have him back. All very unlikely, but I think it could work, especially if we keep GH to do the tranfers. (Puts on tin hat...says **** it...throws away tin hat...Runs.)
  20. if he wins us trophies i couldnt give a damn! He won't though, unless there is an all manager fancy dress competition and he goes as a fat Spanish waiter. This. Assuming there IS a trophy for winning that competition. We could put it on the shelf below the Intertoto cup.
  21. Surely can't have long left on his contract. He's about 78. Oh, and Darren Bent: Good player.
  22. As I thought. I think Hughes/Moyes could both build a dynasty at this club. Moyes yes, Hughes no. Hughes is a nasty piece of work imo. Typical of him is the current quote on the bbc website "Game was too much for ref - Hughes". He might be an okay manager, but for me he acts like a spoilt, petulant little shit, and I wouldn't like to see him managing the club I support. If Huges comes in I'll be to him what markavfc40 and franvilla are to GH.
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