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Everything posted by CrackpotForeigner

  1. He'll never be as fast as AY, and he possibly lacks a bit of AY's arrogant confidence, but IMO his crossing and shooting are better than Young's. So even if he's never a better player all round, he can be at least as valuable to us.
  2. I can live with that. That's clear. But can you live with being wrong, wrong, wrong?
  3. Briny, you may be right that Makoun hasn't really proved anything. But I think the majority of us have been pretty impressed by his passing, and mostly we're excited to see how he gets on this season. Not sure why you don't rate him, but I'm fairly sure you're in the minority on this. Making accurate, one touch passes from midfield is something we've been pretty crap at. Makoun can give us this. Maybe you think his tackling is dodgy. Well, IMO, if you watch his bookings from last season you can see that he won the ball nearly every time. He was wronged by refs who were trying to teach the new kid a lesson.
  4. Agree. I think when Man City started spending and we fell short of fourth again, RL started to have a look at what it was costing vs chances of success. Can't blame him, with crowds of 36k it's not possible to challenge for 4th without serious money to burn. Hope he keeps spending enough to give us hope, at least - or finds a REALLY wealthy buyer to take over.
  5. Hang on, what's so wrong about hashtags anyway? At least it makes it clear that it's just a tweet. Leave 'em in I say.
  6. This. And also what he said about Wigan and NZogbia an' stuff.
  7. Truth is we absolutely need to sign the Zog and should pay the required asking price, whatever that may be. Who else are we going to get, even for 14 million?
  8. lol were we watching the same game? No attacks came down his side. Everytime Mexico tried to attack down his side, nothing came from it. All 4 goals came from the other side. Lichaj wore his heart on his sleeve today and gave it his all. He has such determination today. I thought he was the Man of the match.. I like the look of Lichaj. Wears his heart on his sleeve as you say. He's had one bad game for us: against Man City. It would be a risk to have him as one of our full backs this season, but I'd take that risk if we could spend the money to get a Laursen-like CB (not easy to find, but do your stuff Big Eck). I'd also like to see us using Lichaj's long throw to good effect for a change. Anyone else have feedback from Leeds fans? My impression was that he was very well liked there, judging partly from his scores on the Skysports player rater fwiw.
  9. Yet despite OG's long career, there are still a few players who've scored more. Too bad they're all a bit too dead to play for us now.
  10. A frightening but logical conclusion - I can't help but agree. Maybe. So be nice to Randy. He doesn't HAVE to sell to someone with lots of spare money. Piss him off enough and we might find ourselves with the dream team of Alec McLeish and Carson Yeung, for example.
  11. You're right. If Randy so much as lines up an interview with him we should all hold a protest, and also write loads of rude stuff about RL and PF on this thread.
  12. Could you bring yourself to sing his name? Ive thought hard and long about this, and i really dont think i could. If he wins games I'll be singing his name to my television set.
  13. Still hoping it isn't AM, purely because of two relegations. Oh, and i'd make some money :oops: If it is going to be AM, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I hope the Villa fans also give RL the benefit of the doubt on this. Hey, he's actually MET the guy after all.
  14. This is how I feel fwiw. The trouble is that AM would be starting with a popularity level about the same as GH's after the Wolves game. I'd be surprised if RL is prepared to take the risk. Win our first three games and everything's sweet. One or two less-than-perfect games early on and we'd be in a perfect storm of fan anger/ingratitude, manager stress and board unpopularity. Even if RL thinks the world of AM, he'll know that even the very best managers can get off to a bad start. I firmly believe RL will not appoint AM because: - He does, in fact, still have ambition for the club - He isn't a big gambler - He will not fancy finding and paying for another manager if AM doesn't work out.
  15. Just because a lot of the rumours are bullshit doesn't mean we're not trying to get Moyes. RL would have to be mad not to have DM as a serious candidate, and I don't think there's been a convincing denial by either club or Moyes himself.
  16. I think you can leave your yoghurt where it is. My guess is if Moyes is our man there will most likely be some sort of agreement to leave their players alone for a couple of transfer windows.
  17. consequences of an evening of binge drinking. Here's hoping that's the one and only reason.
  18. A lot of overnight money going on Alec McLeish!
  19. Good investment I'd say, seen as he has managed to finish above us most of the time, while spending a small franction of the ammount of money we ahve. I don't think Moyes is £7m better than Hughes. £7m is too much to pay for a manager when you could get Hughes for free. You can then use that £7m to spend on a player or player wages. I'd say he is miles above Hughes in management and as a person. Moyes is a loyal guy, he has been at Everton for 9 years. Hughes struggles to last more than a season at a club, no thanks! This. 7 million well spent and cheap at twice the price.
  20. Moyes now 5:2 on some sites, from around 10:1 a day ago.
  21. was the issue more of Moyes not wanting to leave EFC on verge of season and Randy not wanting to pay £10m for him. I think now he would leave as Everton have time to replace him effectively and there is no prospect of outside investment in everton anytime soon. On the second one, i think Randy is aware to get his man he needs to pay whatever it costs. If Randy wants him and Moyes is keen (which is where im not confident) then i think we'll get him. Let it be Moyes. Please let it be Moyes. Hopefully the bottom line is that RL has money and Kenwright doesn't. There will be a point where our cash offer becomes too good to refuse, surely. And at that point Moyes's loyalty becomes irrelevant, assuming he's at least half interested in managing the mighty Villa.
  22. I hate to say it, but I think you are right!! Yes. And I've got a feeling betting is about to be: SUSPENDED!!!!!!!
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