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Made In Aston

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Everything posted by Made In Aston

  1. I'd much rather have Buendia on the pitch than Zaniolo.
  2. Both out current LB are 30,so we need some sort of succession plan in place. Hopefully lino will step up, rather then get stepped on!
  3. It's a ZaniNOlo from me as well.
  4. Stockport?! I'm surprised you can hear anything over the sound of gunshots!
  5. No one violates Pete Burns without my say so!
  6. Nothing will beat the Ramano 'here we go. Nicolo Zaniolo' announcement last summer.
  7. I didn't realise that 1874 had an onlyfans account as well now.how much is it? Asking for a friend.
  8. Emery indicated we might have to sell players for FFP in the summer. People are just guessing who that might be.
  9. His national team manager is not doing us any favours either.
  10. I don't want to sell Duran, as he has similar attributes to Drogba and could be a world class player eventually. The fact that Chelsea are hoovering up all the promising young talent and are interested just confirms my thoughts. The caveat is that maybe we don't have a choice if Duran has fallen out with Emery and wants to leave.
  11. Mings is out for the season though
  12. 12-15m seems about market value. Archer and Ramsey both went to Premier league clubs for similar fees and didn't have much experience. We paid 12m for Konsa as well (although he had played more games at Championship level). As long as Rogers isn't a total disaster here then we will probably get our money back on the deal at the very least.
  13. Nonsense. Pep is a Barca fan and would likely jump at the chance to go back.
  14. Barcelona could have gone for Emery instead of Xavi or Setien if they really wanted him. Fact is they didn't, which suggests he isn't top of their manager wish list.
  15. I'm actually shocked Martinez hasn't got 100% of the PotM votes. No one else was remotely close to his level yesterday.
  16. Unfortunately it is mandatory for all new signings now.
  17. It's no surprise Watkins isn't scoring as the team is not creating many chances for him. Our overall performances have definitely dipped since the man city game - probably as a result of being taken more seriously. Most of the opponents we have played since have been very compact and made it difficult for us. The games have been tight where we have just about scrapped a win or drawn. If we can work out how to counter this approach Watkins we'll be scoring more.
  18. Very inexperienced bench. We could definitely do with improving squad depth.
  19. Bit of a coincidence with the timing of the'injury'. I suspect he is being a bit of a brat and emery is not having it. Hopefully Duran matures quickly and we can start to realise his potential. Maybe, in the short term, the best option would be to loan him to a club where he will start every week so he can get rid of the frustrations he is currently having. Hopefully he could then come back to villa with a better attitude.
  20. Even though she was ridiculed at the time, it turned out to be true.
  21. Yes it would be much better to find someone who can pay his wages, either on loan or permanently.
  22. He has to remove the 'D' as he needs to use it for rogering purposes.
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